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Friday October 1, 2021
National NewsNational News King says voting rights bill could be brought to Senate floor next weekNational News The Push For Internet Voting Continues, Mostly Thanks To One GuyNational News There’s a Bipartisan Voting Rights Bill. Yes, Really.
AZArizona Push to reverse Arizona election reform laws fails to make ballot
CACalifornia State law on mail-in ballots will overrule SLO County policy
CTConnecticut Waterford and Montville clerks echo the integrity of absentee ballots
FLFlorida Flurry of voter registration forms confuse Florida residents
GAGeorgia High-stakes election tests Fulton amid state takeover threat
IDIdaho Idaho Election Officials Reject Fraud Claims After Hand RecountsIdaho 'Big Lie' supporters claimed fraud in Idaho's results. Election officials investigated and found nothing
INIndiana Steuben to launch vote centers next year
MAMassachusetts Mass. Senate press to make vote-by-mail permanent, institute same day regMassachusetts Rowe Continues Preparations for November 2 Final ElectionMassachusetts Pandemic-era voting reforms permanent In Senate bill
MIMichigan First set of elections bills to head to Whitmer's desk following Thursday voteMichigan Clerks register students on National Voter Registration DayMichigan Split Michigan Legislature approves election-related billsMichigan Public a no-show for election equipment testMichigan Michigan Senate approves Republican-led bills to tighten election security
NENebraska Group wants audit of Nebraska election, state senator backs it
NJNew Jersey Hudson County facing shortage of poll workers for Nov. 2 election, early voting
NMNew Mexico Secured Ballot Boxes Coming To Las Cruces And The Region
NCNorth Carolina Barb Queer gives final farewell after more than 40 years in Ashland public serviceNorth Carolina Ashe County Board of Elections announces new Director of Elections
OHOhio Ohio’s top elections official rejects fraud claims
PAPennsylvania Election Machines Highlight County Commissioner Meeting DiscussionPennsylvania Berks focusing on fair, efficient election amid director resignationPennsylvania Bucks County Community College forum looks to quell election misinformationPennsylvania Berks County elections director is resigning
TNTennessee Chancellor Rules Against EC in Round One of Voting-Machine Dispute
TXTexas Gov. Greg Abbott calls for stiffer penalty for illegal voting — weeks after he signed a bill lowering itTexas Webb County Names New Elections AdministratorTexas Federal judge strikes Texas laws that prohibited political attire at polls for violating First Amendment
WVWest Virginia West Virginians push for passage of modified voting rights bill
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