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October 16-18, 2021
National NewsNational News How insights from 2020's election officials could help safeguard future electionsNational News Senate to vote on sweeping voting rights bill Republicans promise to filibusterNational News Former president's allies eye election law push should he be reelectedNational News Election and Cyber Experts Warn Lawmakers Against Online Voting for Overseas Troops, Citing Security RisksNational News On 60th anniversary, SNCC veterans reflect on the struggle to register Black voters in the South
AZArizona Former president now claims voter fraud in Pima County; officials say he's wrong
COColorado Polis calls up National Guard unit to provide cybersecurity election supportColorado Former president's allies argue repeating unverified election fraud claims doesn’t amount to defamation in first hearing
CTConnecticut After complaint, state deems Guilford absentee ballot applications 'valid'
FLFlorida Former president won Florida, but online and at your door, his supporters are trying to force an auditFlorida Brevard Supervisor of Elections Lori Scott: 'Politics has very short memories'Florida Marion County Supervisor of Elections cautions voters of misinformation
GAGeorgia Locals concerned as Glynn County elections line up with upcoming Ahmaud Arbery murder trialGeorgia Slow start to early voting lets counties ease into new election law rules
IDIdaho Group of Idaho legislators sign letter calling for 50-state audit, scrubbing voter rolls
KSKansas No 'forensic audit' in Kansas as officials discuss 'safer elections'Kansas Local voters take advantage of early off-site voting opportunity Saturday on Lyon County FairgroundsKansas JoCo polling place to stay at police training center despite disenfranchisement concerns
KYKentucky Clerk's office acquires technology and services ahead of May election
LALouisiana Iberia Parish Council votes not to approve additional polling place signage
MAMassachusetts Worcester, minority residents settle voting rights lawsuitMassachusetts Easthampton to hold ranked-choice voting info session
MIMichigan Genesee County, state officials stress importance of voting access for unsentenced jail inmatesMichigan Whitmer vetoes election bills, saying they 'fail to advance' safe and secure electionsMichigan East Lansing city clerk's satellite office open in Brody HallMichigan Challenger's 'fresh ideas' take on Winfrey's controversial record in Detroit clerk raceMichigan Whitmer vetoes 2 more election-related billsMichigan Bollin Says Tougher Voting Rules Strengthen Election IntegrityMichigan Republican to replace Monica Palmer on Wayne County Board of Canvassers selectedMichigan 'Chasing lies': Michigan SOS speaks out against GOP's voting bills
MOMissouri Greene County Clerk is elected to national committee created as part of the Help America Vote Act
MTMontana Only the Montana Senate can create special election panel, legislative attorney finds
NHNew Hampshire Rapid audits considered as way to verify New Hampshire elections
NJNew Jersey Early voting could cost N.J. $80M. But some election experts don’t think it will make a difference.New Jersey Vote by mail participation in N.J. nearly doubles since pre-pandemic. Some counties better than others.New Jersey New Technology in the Voting Process. Here’s What Wayne Needs to Know
NMNew Mexico Several N.M. counties flout ballot drop box requirement
NYNew York CNY Voters To Weigh In On Voting, Election Proposals This NovemberNew York Oneida County Board of Elections Commissioners discuss votingNew York New York officials split on special ballot proposals
NCNorth Carolina Early voting creeps along as county holds first municipal voting on Sunday
OHOhio Red flags raised over voter registration rejections in Ohio
PAPennsylvania Absentee ballots, voting machines and updated Wayne County polling locationsPennsylvania AG Shapiro moves to block GOP effort to subpoena election recordsPennsylvania A ‘dancing drop box’ costume was mistaken for a real mail-in ballot box in Bucks County Six people cast votes in a "dancing drPennsylvania County rules for postage could delay some Pa. mail-in ballotsPennsylvania ‘Outraged, frustrated, and scared’: Pa. residents ask authorities to protect their data from GOP election review
TXTexas Paper ballots to debut as early voting begins MondayTexas Commissioners court removes early voting locations for upcoming election
USVIUS Virgin Islands Elections Board Votes to Keep Supervisor Fawkes By Judi Shimel October 17, 2021
VAVirginia '100 percent'—Culpeper Electoral Board conducts voter machine accuracy testingVirginia Two Rappahannock voters were incorrectly moved from Stonewall-Hawthorne in what officials called a mistakeVirginia Virginia's early voting trend continues following law changes, pandemic effectsVirginia Souls to the Polls: Virginia holds first-ever Sunday votingVirginia Visually impaired Virginia voters can now vote electronically, privatelyVirginia ‘Souls to Polls’ voters cast their ballots for the first time on a Sunday in Virginia
WVWest Virginia Fairmont, West Virginia rally voices support for Freedom to Vote Act
WIWisconsin Election experts criticize Wisconsin’s ‘bizarre’ 2020 reviewWisconsin 2020 census data could alter where you vote, and who you vote for, in Muskego, New Berlin and Waukesha
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