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Wednesday October 20, 2021
National NewsNational News Senate Democrats are pushing a voting rights bill Republicans have vowed to blockNational News Who gets to vote? USA TODAY event looks at history of racism and voting rightsNational News Biden and Harris hit the phones to bolster support on voting bill as Democrats face another GOP roadblock
CACalifornia San Jose could get larger council, ranked choice votingCalifornia Vote centers will replace local polling places in San Diego County
COColorado Polis activates National Guard cybersecurity unit ahead of November’s electionColorado Peters' attorney files appeal to high court
CTConnecticut New Milford absentee ballot applications cause stir. Here's what state officials had to say.Connecticut Temporarily, for now, Connecticut eases access to absentee voting
GAGeorgia Georgia legislator, clergy arrested at D.C. voting rights rally
IDIdaho Group helps get the vote out via web
ILIllinois Morgan County Gets New, State-of-the-Art Voting Machines
LALouisiana Hurricane Ida's Damage Forces Louisiana Voting Site ChangesLouisiana Registrar of Voters announces emergency temporary polling places
MEMaine Portland charter commissioners warned of pitfalls of voting rights for noncitizensMaine Maine Secretary of State Shenna Bellows answers questions about voting changesMaine Committee wants more time to study changes to primary elections
MDMaryland Commissioners 'disappointed' in selection of library as second early voting center site
MAMassachusetts Springfield city clerk sees excitement on municipal election ballotMassachusetts Attleboro area senator says pandemic-era election reforms one step closer to being instituted
MTMontana Missoula elections office to host 'Vote Early Day' on Saturday
NENebraska Douglas County election staff anticipating increase in precincts with congressional redistricting
NJNew Jersey Ciattarelli on New Jersey’s election: ‘It’s not rigged here’
NMNew Mexico Voting options expand in Albuquerque, Santa Fe electionsNew Mexico Secure ballot drop boxes pose a problem for some counties
NYNew York Two constitutional amendments headed for ballot can change voting lawsNew York New York’s election-related ballot questions are stirring up some debate
NCNorth Carolina Rowan Board of Elections criticized for debating replacement of poll supervisorNorth Carolina ‘It’s kind of dispiriting’: Durham’s municipal primary elections see low voter turnout levels
OHOhio Secretary of State says Ohio is ready for the general electionOhio The Belmont County Board of Elections ready for Election DayOhio Ohioans answer call for help at the polls on Election Day in 2 weeks but more needed
PAPennsylvania Lancaster County mail ballots require only one stamp, county election official assuresPennsylvania Centre County unveils new elections websitePennsylvania New process established for flagged ballotsPennsylvania Pittsburgh Public Schools To Move To Remote Learning On Election Day
TNTennessee County Commissioner arrested in protest at White House
TXTexas Partnership Will Offer Free Rides to Voting Polls in Tarrant CountyTexas After Texas and other states passed new voting restrictions, federal bills could expand ballot access. Here’s what you need to know.Texas Woodlands poll location draws bulk of early votersTexas Bills on election audits, illegal voting penalties expected to die in Texas legislature
WAWashington Some Puyallup Voters Received Two Ballot Packets
WIWisconsin Vos says requests for public documents are an effort to 'torpedo' election investigationWisconsin Vos says 2020 election may have been 'tainted,' but Biden wonWisconsin City polling place plans OK'd amid concerns over fewer voting venues; mayor says new sites to be added
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