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Tuesday October 26, 2021
National NewsNational News Biden administration expected to name GOP official to key election security roleNational News U.S. Senate confirms voting rights advocate Perez to 2nd CircuitNational News How to Fight False Election Information and Other Problems
AKAlaska Alaska Supreme Court will decide legality of new ranked-choice voting system ahead of 2022 election
AZArizona 3rd Pima County resident faces illegal voting chargesArizona Arizona Sec. Katie Hobbs to testify at US Senate hearing on election threats
COColorado Broomfield voters to decide on ranked choice voting for mayor, city council seatsColorado Early voting lagging behind prior years in Larimer CountyColorado Peters heckles commissioners, nearly asked to leave meetingColorado Mesa County polling centers now open to votersColorado Mesa County Elections Office provides overview of procedures, security measures
CTConnecticut Emails released to News 8 show a flurry of confusion over mass absentee ballots mailed to Guilford voters
FLFlorida After success in Florida, civil rights leader says support for voting rights for felons is growingFlorida Southwest Florida election supervisors reassuring voters that there is no fraudFlorida Florida’s 67 election supervisors urge voters to reject election falsehoods, audits
GAGeorgia Rotary Club builds a ramp for the Madison County Board of Elections
INIndiana Delaware County explores vote centers as most Hoosier counties go to their use
IAIowa Dozens denied absentee ballots in Linn County due to shorter request periodIowa Record number of absentee ballots, but several dozen missed deadline in Black Hawk Co.
KSKansas Thanks for the memories: Jones to retire after four decades with Dk County
LALouisiana La. Secretary of State Kyle Ardoin announces early voting site
MEMaine Answers to every question you may have about your right to vote and poll access in Maine
MIMichigan Michigan clerk banned from running Nov. 2 election over tabulator concernsMichigan Adams Township clerk removed from election responsibilitiesMichigan Oakland County clerk running tests to ensure accuracy for Election DayMichigan Michigan Association of County Clerks supports Antrim County clerk after 2020 electionMichigan Chesterfield Township Clerk Cindy Berry joins race for Michigan secretary of stateMichigan Kristina Karamo leads fundraising among Republican SOS candidates, but trails Benson
MNMinnesota Ranked Choice Voting In Minneapolis: How Ballots Are Counted
MTMontana Study: In Missoula County, confidence in elections is highMontana Pulling back the curtain on Missoula County’s election processesMontana Cascade County Elections Office explains who receives ballots
NJNew Jersey 500+ vote early on first weekend in Cape, 1K+ in Atlantic
NYNew York Polling site video skirmish highlights battle for every Buffalo mayoral ballotNew York Power to the polls: UR set to become an official polling place
OHOhio LaRose says Ohio's poll workers shortage is easing
PAPennsylvania More issues in Luzerne County ahead of November general electionPennsylvania LWVPA seeks independent probe of Berks ballot mistakePennsylvania How is PA election audit affecting this year's election?
TXTexas Houston quilt show exhibit tackles Black women and voting rights
UTUtah Clerk details voter safety measures protecting your mail-in ballot from fraud
VAVirginia Voting officials in Roanoke gearing up for Election DayVirginia Jewell Ridge polling place being relocated
WAWashington Report: Washington Secretary of State Kim Wyman will be named to Biden AdministrationWashington Republican Washington Secretary of State Kim Wyman up for job with Biden administration
WIWisconsin Senate Republicans to investigate election audit findings, Madison's refusal to hand over ballotsWisconsin Wisconsin Senate Republicans want further review of just-completed election audit
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