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Wednesday November 3, 2021
National NewsNational News Few snags for Election Day voting amid scrutiny on processNational News Manchin, Murkowski back revised John Lewis voting rights billNational News Expert fears partisan actors may replace election workers who quit over threatsNational News Election Day poses first security test for Biden officials, overhauled voting laws
COColorado Election misinformation reaches Arapahoe County clerk's officeColorado Colorado Secretary of State, Denver County Clerk discuss 2021 election day numbersColorado Mesa Co. Clerk and Recorder Tina Peters (R) responds to Sec. of State Jena Griswold’s (D) allegationsColorado Returns show Broomfield voters in favor of ranked choice voting
CTConnecticut Mismatched ballot counts delay Monroe election resultsConnecticut Poll Worker Removed from NCHS Following Reports of Instructing Voters [UPDATED]
FLFlorida Lake Elections Supervisor Alan Hays to GOP election-fraud claims: ‘PUT UP OR SHUT UP!!’Florida Nearly 7,000 Bay County residents need to update their voter registrationFlorida University of Florida professors vow to resist school’s order in voting rights caseFlorida Q&A with St. Johns County Supervisor of Elections Vicky OakesFlorida How poll workers prepare for election day
GAGeorgia Election Day in Georgia brings minor glitches and short waitsGeorgia Election injunction request dismissed, voting machine testing logs turned over for reviewGeorgia Henry County voters left without a voice as voting machines go down in StockbridgeGeorgia Fulton election director says things running smooth; some metro Atlanta precincts will remain open lateGeorgia Georgia secretary of state: Former president 'had no idea how elections work'Georgia Officials: Minor issues reported during Albany elections
IDIdaho Dorothy Moon announces for secretary of state
ILIllinois Bloomington election commission gets new director
INIndiana Secretary Sullivan surprises Elkhart County poll worker with ‘Election Hero’ Award
IAIowa Iowa governor voting in Madison County shows she has movedIowa Early voting is up in Linn and Johnson despite new law
KYKentucky Clerk's office gets new election equipment for next voting cycle
MEMaine City clerk resigns, citing burnoutMaine Westbrook residents approve local ranked-choice votingMaine Polls close in Maine with no reported problems
MAMassachusetts City workers, volunteers get to work counting and processing ballots at City Hall
MIMichigan Ann Arbor voters say yes to significantly reforming city electionsMichigan Janice Winfrey wins fifth term as Detroit city clerkMichigan Local election officials detail process to stop misinformation while boosting faith
MNMinnesota ‘Able to Vote’ organization aims to bridge the voter turnout gap for Minnesotans with disabilities
MSMississippi Mississippi’s Secretary of State visits polling places in MeridianMississippi Terry Road polling location gets off to rocky startMississippi Hinds county election officials report few voting issues
MOMissouri With Waller stepping down, longtime deputy Goff eyes county clerk’s post
MTMontana Election judges play key role in making sure vote count goes smoothly
NJNew Jersey Amid Machine Malfunctions in Cumberland County, Testa Urges VigilanceNew Jersey Problems with voting machines reported throughout Middlesex CountyNew Jersey Ocean County Using New Poll Books, Old Voting MachinesNew Jersey Small percentage of voters used early voting, but officials expect it to growNew Jersey Jersey City voters plagued with poll locations opening late, voting machines down this morningNew Jersey A light turnout to start and some problems with machines, as N.J. returns to in-person votingNew Jersey N.J. voters faced a new way to sign in. It didn’t always go smoothly for poll workers or those casting ballots.New Jersey Sussex County elections: Incorrect voting information sent to three districtsNew Jersey NJ polling places plagued by internet problems, long lines on Election DayNew Jersey Voting machine breaks down at Buzz Aldrin polling siteNew Jersey Vote count nearly delayed by request to extend votingNew Jersey Judge Denies ACLU and LWV Suit to Keep Polls Open Past 8 PMNew Jersey Voting-rights groups sue to keep polls open in New Jersey for 90 extra minutes.New Jersey Bergen County clerk race between Hogan, Bridget Kelly, too close to callNew Jersey Poll workers in New Jersey struggle to connect to the internet, causing delays.
NMNew Mexico Even when it was slow going, people trekked to the polls in Santa FeNew Mexico What is ranked-choice voting? Here's how it works in New Mexico
NYNew York Curtis Sliwa tried to bring his cat to vote. It got weirder from there.New York Election Day like 'Super Bowl' for Madison County election commissioners, inspectorsNew York The Board of Elections has a spotty track record. Officials say today is going more smoothly.New York Election workers report staff shortages, challenges at Brighton Beach polling siteNew York NY ballot proposals: Voters appear to reject voting reforms backed by Democrats
NCNorth Carolina Wake County election official removed from voting site after refusing to wear a mask
OHOhio New Dominion Voting Machines in Place Across StarkOhio Police investigate possible threat at polling place after woman says person pointed gun at herOhio Fake polling location reported in Guernsey County
PAPennsylvania Voting Machines Delivered To Wrong Place In Bristol Twp.Pennsylvania Erie County canvassers begin counting mail-in ballotsPennsylvania York County polling place gets a visit from a mini therapy horsePennsylvania Few polling place problems reported in Luzerne CountyPennsylvania Equipment Issue At Montco Polling Places Causes DelaysPennsylvania Pa. voting official sues former president, others over 2020 allegationsPennsylvania No widespread voting problems reported in York, Lebanon countiesPennsylvania Unlike the primary, Tuesday's general election was described as quietPennsylvania Pennsylvania election went smoothly, Wolf administration says; minor issues in Lehigh, Montgomery countiesPennsylvania No Deputies Assigned To Mail-In Ballot Boxes This ElectionPennsylvania The 'new normal' - counting mail-in ballots in Lackawanna CountyPennsylvania Republican lawsuit over mail-in ballots in Delaware County dismissed by judgePennsylvania Lancaster County banking on smoother election night after significant issues in May primariesPennsylvania Effort in Berks to count mailed ballots goes smoothlyPennsylvania Midstate county election departments expect long counting process for some races
SCSouth Carolina Paper ballots temporarily used at some Richland County precincts as voting opensSouth Carolina Some Greenville County voters endure lines to cast ballots in municipal elections
TXTexas The Harris County Jail was used as a polling place for eligible incarcerated voters on TuesdayTexas Federal grant money helps upgrade Nacogdoches County voting equipmentTexas Local voting experiences late surge; No big changes expected with new state rulesTexas El Paso County elections results delayed, blame given to Secretary of State's systemTexas Gregg County elections administrator stresses importance of voting on constitutional amendments
UTUtah Ranked choice voting. Passing fad, or here to stay?Utah Election 2021 isn't over, but plans are in the works to expand ranked choice voting in UtahUtah Utah County elections calm and sedate — mostlyUtah How Utah is keeping its elections secureUtah Unified Police Department hired to secure SLCo drop box ballots
VAVirginia Ballot machine jam briefly stalls operations at Loudoun County polling siteVirginia Smooth start to Election Day in VirginiaVirginia Trouble with registration machines at Madison Heights polling place causes voting delayVirginia Registrar: Smithfield election move should save moneyVirginia Woman Finds Love At Arlington Central Library Polling PlaceVirginia Long line forms as Midlothian polling place runs out of ballotsVirginia Most voters report ease at the polls on Election DayVirginia Fairfax County recounts ballots after issues with thumb drives from early voting machine in VirginiaVirginia Long lines at one Chesterfield precinct after running out of ballotsVirginia Heavy voter turnout leads to ballot shortages in several counties in VirginiaVirginia Albemarle Co. runs out of ballots in some precinctsVirginia Virginia Department of Elections says voting was mostly smooth processVirginia A look at the new laws that helped shape Virginia's 2021 elections
WAWashington Clark County Elections staff tally the voteWashington ‘A bittersweet night’ as Sec. of State Wyman reflects on her last Washington election
WVWest Virginia West Virginia Secretary of State launches election violation reporting campaign
WIWisconsin UW-Madison student voter turnout rose in 2020 election despite COVID-19 obstaclesWisconsin Could the state Elections Commission be eliminated? Some conservatives want it to beWisconsin Evers: Prosecute if election laws were broken as alleged
WYWyoming First election with new Voter ID law goes smoothly
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