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Tuesday November 23, 2021
National NewsNational News Judge orders attorneys who brought frivolous election fraud case to pay more than $180,000 to defendants they suedNational News U.S. senators urge funds to help election workers amid 'unacceptable' threatsNational News Lawyers call on members of the profession to defend voting rightsNational News Voting rights of minorities denied in parts of US: UN expert
CACalifornia Election fraud claims pose dilemma for Orange County GOP
COColorado US Senate candidate suing Colorado secretary of state over voting machinesColorado Bipartisan board votes to certify Boulder County’s 2021 election results
FLFlorida Activists call on Duval elections supervisor to expand access to early voting sitesFlorida Teenage UCF student spearheads a sweeping ballot proposal to change how Floridians vote
HIHawaii Kauaʻi County deploys ballot drop boxes for prosecuting attorney special election
ILIllinois Winnebago County looks to spend $1 million on new voting machines
INIndiana Indy’s Election Board Says New Equipment Will Make Ballot Count Faster, More Secure
IAIowa Iowa Poll: Nearly a third of Iowans are doubtful that 2022 midterm votes will be counted as voters intended
MEMaine Voter turnout on higher side for off-year electionsMaine Portland’s review of missing ballots confirms Rodriguez as winner of at-large council seat
MAMassachusetts Poll shows public support for election reforms
MNMinnesota Challenged ballots will determine the winner of Minneapolis' Ward 2 seat
MSMississippi Preparations made for Tuesday special election runoff
MOMissouri Jay Ashcroft touts integrity of Missouri’s 2020 election, but supports an audit
NJNew Jersey Coin toss picks Newark school board election winner; three recounts scheduled
NYNew York New York Moves to Allow 800,000 Noncitizens to Vote in Local ElectionsNew York Dem elections commissioner accused of breaking the law
NCNorth Carolina NC Elections Board to review results of new election audit tests
OHOhio Election tie means coin flip decides Sugar Creek Township trusteeOhio Security measure, now a statewide requirement, helped foil elections network breach in Lake County
PAPennsylvania Eight apply for Luzerne County election director positionPennsylvania Westmoreland commissioners approve final certification of municipal, Commonwealth Court racesPennsylvania Allegheny County certifies November election resultsPennsylvania Lehigh County’s vote count remains in limbo as judge considers legal challenge to mail-in ballotsPennsylvania The mail is so late in this Lehigh Valley neighborhood, a woman didn’t get her ballot until after Election DayPennsylvania Montgomery County certifies nearly all of 2021 general election resultsPennsylvania Delco DA Investigating 2020 Election Impropriety Allegations
TXTexas Texas counties to face vote audit potential
UTUtah It’s over — Sandy accepts election results, ends recount bid, elects first female mayor
WAWashington Steve Hobbs sworn in as Washington’s 16th secretary of stateWashington Yakima County elections office gears up for recount with certification set TuesdayWashington First Dem to serve as Washington Sec. of State in decades swears in as ‘radical moderate’
WVWest Virginia West Virginia publishes complete Voter's Guide in brailleWest Virginia Commission sets timeline for changes in voting precincts affected by redistrictingWest Virginia Changes planned for some Wood County precincts
WIWisconsin Legislative auditors review Madison's election records after dispute over who can handle documentsWisconsin 50 eligible Wisconsin voters cast a ballot from jail, a report says. Some are pushing for better jail policies to enable more voting.
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