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Friday December 3, 2021
National NewsNational News New details shed light on ways Mark Meadows pushed federal agencies to pursue dubious election claimsNational News Voting rights advocates frustrated by ‘same-old, same-old’ meeting with White HouseNational News Judge orders election lawyers to pay $175,000 in sanctions
AZArizona Chandler sees results from mobile voting mock election
DCDistrict of Columbia There’s A New Push To Let D.C. Voters Cast Ballots From Their Phones
GAGeorgia Fulton election workers file defamation suit over continued push of debunked conspiracy theory
ILIllinois McLean County considering purchasing 162 new voting machines for 2022 elections
IAIowa Osceola mayor files for contested election after losing by luck of the drawIowa Clinton County plan would reduce voting precincts by one
KYKentucky Secretary Adams talks voting at chamber breakfast
MAMassachusetts GOP push to require voter ID fizzles out
MNMinnesota Rochester non-profit pushes for voting rights for incarcerated individuals
MOMissouri Bell opposes Fitch’s plan for nonpartisan elections in St. Louis CountyMissouri Missouri bill may require voter ID and change election judge requirementsMissouri Cape County's 'I Voted' sticker contest opens for voting
NJNew Jersey Bill to raise poll-worker pay passes Assembly, goes to governor
NMNew Mexico Doña Ana County clerk declines invitation to talk to conservative group about elections
NYNew York Dueling sides lay out case for and against NYC bill that would extend voting rights to 900K non-citizens
NCNorth Carolina Gov. Cooper vetoes bill that changed deadline for mail-in ballotsNorth Carolina Cooper vetoes election bill that would end grace period for NC’s mail-in ballots
OHOhio No change in results following Belmont County recounts
TXTexas Texas’ controversial voting law goes into effectTexas After 8,000 votes were tossed in 2020, new law will allow Texans to fix mail-ballot errors
UTUtah Voting rights debate reignites in San Juan CountyUtah County Commission looks at separating Clerk/Auditor’s office
VAVirginia Election officials preparing in case need to re-do legislative races arisesVirginia Recount underway in Virginia Beach House of Delegates race
WVWest Virginia West Virginia voting rights activists press for action on Capitol Hill
WIWisconsin Gableman threatens jail time for Madison, Green Bay mayors if they don't sit for interview
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