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Wednesday December 8, 2021
National NewsNational News US voting rights in spotlight ahead of Biden’s ‘Democracy Summit’National News 'An existential threat': Violent harassment over the 2020 election haunts election workers, but few perpetrators have been held accountableNational News Federal Funding Sought to Protect Threatened Election Officials
GAGeorgia DeKalb Elections Board talks budget, new hires for 2022
IAIowa Iowa City Council narrows options for new voting precincts to two maps ahead of January deadlineIowa Supervisors move to reduce number of voting precincts
KSKansas Ex-Johnson County commissioner forces primary for KS secretary of state
MAMassachusetts Springfield City Council candidate Jynai McDonald asks court to ‘void’ her election loss to Malo Brown in Ward 4Massachusetts Judge Orders New Election for Framingham District 3 City Councilor
MTMontana Montana Election Critics Press Their Case for Special Legislative Committee
NJNew Jersey Bergen Assemblyman Introduces Bill Allowing Vote-by-Mail Ballot Counting Before Election DayNew Jersey Thirteen months after 2020 election, judges order special election in South Toms River
NYNew York Board of Elections replaces top official amid pledge for reformNew York Queens Republicans Push Back Against Noncitizen Voting Bill Ahead of Council Vote
NCNorth Carolina Rowan Board of Elections unanimously approves early voting plan for 2022 primary election
OHOhio 2 added to panel to choose elections board deputy directorOhio Parking problems thwart plans to move Early Vote Center
PAPennsylvania Write-in vote joke lands Lower Paxton Township man seat as an elected official
TXTexas Elections in Bexar County still on track as redistricting lawsuits pile upTexas Harrison County applying for countywide voting system after precinct boundary changesTexas Frisco to spend more than $220K on special Jan. 29 election to fill vacant seatTexas Election deadline looming, new voting maps still not available for public view
UTUtah Proposed ballot initiative would return Utah to in-person paper balloting on Election DayUtah Group pushes for in-person voting, county clerks call it a bad ideaUtah Utah legislators call for election integrity audit
VAVirginia Surry to consider moving Bacon’s Castle polling site
WAWashington Washington Republicans set sights on reclaiming secretary of state seat in 2022
WIWisconsin Conservative group finds no signs of widespread voter fraud in Wisconsin but urges changes to election processes
WYWyoming Runoff election bill fails to clear legislative committee
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