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Wednesday December 29, 2021
National NewsNational News Voting Rights and the Battle Over Elections: What to Know
AKAlaska Lt. Gov. Kevin Meyer says he won’t run for re-election next yearAlaska Anchorage Assembly updates city election rules after prolonged process
CACalifornia Council to Again Consider Question on Treasurer, Clerk Positions
GAGeorgia Hall County won’t be required to provide bilingual ballots for at least 5 more years
IDIdaho Electioneering investigation continues
ILIllinois Spring elections bring several changes
INIndiana Indiana secretary of state eliminates 12 Lake County voting precincts
IAIowa Spring Creek to combine with La Porte City for elections going forward
KYKentucky Fiscal Court to seek bids on new voting machines
MIMichigan Whitmer signs bill addressing voting equipment maintenance
MNMinnesota Crow Wing County attorney says board has no authority to perform election audit
NHNew Hampshire Push to modify N.H. primary to prevent spoiler votes
NJNew Jersey What is ranked choice voting? Hoboken first in NJ to approve it
NYNew York Susan B. Anthony Museum & House eyes expansion including interpretive centerNew York Early voting, absentee ballot changes coming next year
OHOhio 'It's been a privilege:' Elections director Ruth Leuthold retires after 30-plus years
TXTexas Texas election workers ask federal court to block rule against soliciting mail ballotsTexas Election officials ask federal court to block mail-in voting provisions of new Texas lawTexas Judge dismisses Ken Paxton's case accusing Medina Co. official of election frau
WIWisconsin 'We don't need sweeping changes': Gov. Evers won't budge on reforming election lawsWisconsin GOP signs up more poll workersWisconsin Greendale Plans For Two Polling Places After 2020 Census
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