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Friday February 18, 2022
National NewsNational News Explainer: New state laws are fueling a U.S. debate over voting access; here's howNational News State judges across the U.S. face growing GOP pushback against rulings in election cases
AZArizona Voting machines have been used in Arizona since 1881, but a GOP bill would bar themArizona Arizona Senate pushes an election bill to create a permanent audit team that could be fielded by Cyber Ninja auditorsArizona Arizona ‘audit’ contractor slams ‘grifters,’ airs grievances with Cyber Ninjas in new report
ARArkansas Arkansas court won't dismiss challenge to new voting laws
CACalifornia San Francisco officials say 2022 is not an ordinary election yearCalifornia Lawmakers look to reform California recall process
COColorado Griswold sues Elbert Co. clerk seeking more information on voting system hard drive copiesColorado Audit confirms Mesa County's November 2021 election results are accurate
CTConnecticut Two voting proposals show partisan divide on election reform
FLFlorida Ensuring that you can vote early but not often: Q+A with Supervisor of Elections Kaiti LenhartFlorida Vote-by-mail changes would add envelopes and ID numbersFlorida Floridians take to Tallahassee to protest controversial proposed mail ballot requirements
GAGeorgia Georgia legislators exploring ranked-choice voting
IDIdaho ASUI opposes voting restrictions proposed in Idaho LegislatureIdaho Rules for Idaho voters in fluxIdaho 'Replay bill' would allow for officials to appeal close elections in Idaho
IAIowa Bills to change recount process and absentee voting advance in both chambers
KSKansas County makes election equipment purchaseKansas Vote anywhere? Not anytime soon. Kansas rules frustrate Sedgwick County commissioners
KYKentucky Election Board decides absentee voting times for May primary
MDMaryland Republican Lawmakers Again Introduce Voter ID, Signature Verification BillsMaryland Joint Republican Caucus present election integrity packageMaryland Redistricting case places Maryland in ‘uncharted territory’ on primary election date, state lawyer says
MIMichigan Voter ID petition is misleading minority populations in Saginaw, critics sayMichigan Michigan Republicans approve bills increasing penalties for absentee voter fraud
NVNevada GOP Washoe commissioner proposes all paper ballots, National Guard at drop boxesNevada Clark County to buy new machines to count mail-in ballots
NHNew Hampshire Rochester mayor stands by accuracy of elections amid call to hand count votes
NMNew Mexico Voting rights bill fails in RoundhouseNew Mexico New Mexico Secretary Of State Responds To Partisan Filibuster That Blocked Critical Voting Rights LegislationNew Mexico Legislative session ends with nearly three-hour filibusterNew Mexico City clerk resigns as municipal election approaches
NYNew York High schoolers signed up to vote, years in advance
NCNorth Carolina Early voting sites could be cut in SurryNorth Carolina Restrictive voting regulations keep many in NC from voting
OHOhio Drive-up drop box for ballots ready
OKOklahoma Lawmakers scrutinize state’s election system
PAPennsylvania Washington County officials review physicist’s claims of election irregularitiesPennsylvania Berks election officials approve wages for poll workers, ballot questionsPennsylvania Search for new Westmoreland elections director stalls
SCSouth Carolina Early voting could become permanent in SC following record absentee turnout in 2020
SDSouth Dakota SD House passes election audit bill amid false fraud claims
TNTennessee Is it racism or justice? The legal tangle behind a Black woman's six-year sentence for voter fraud.Tennessee Neutrality, fairness, no controversy: Maury County election administrator retires after 28 years
TXTexas Partisan tactic by Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick’s campaign delays thousands of requests for mail-in ballots from Texas votersTexas Elections Administrator: Incomplete Ballot by Mail Applications Are Being RejectedTexas Federal appeals court stays judge’s ruling in Harris County mail-in ballots caseTexas Harris County asks DOJ to intervene over Texas mail-in ballot rejectionsTexas Ahead of Texas primary, Republicans and Democrats agree on impact of votingTexas County to install election equipment for 24/7 surveillance
VTVermont Deputy Secretary Chris Winters to run for Secretary of StateVermont Senate advances criminal threatening bill in response to ‘ugly’ and ‘profane’ threats to state employees
WAWashington Dane Co. Board proposes creation of committee to review election security measures
WVWest Virginia Kanawha County Commission approves West Side voting site despite GOP oppositionWest Virginia Alternative voting approved for Marion County
WIWisconsin Republican elections commissioner says 2020 election was both legal and riggedWisconsin Kleefisch: ‘No concern’ that elimination of Elections Commission would create biased processWisconsin Republican review of the presidential election in Wisconsin may not try to validate election result
WYWyoming Biteman introduces bills to alter party affiliation change requirements, bar group submission of absentee ballots
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