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Thursday April 11, 2024
National NewsNational News Voter ID and absentee-ballot limits: South tightens key voting laws ahead of electionNational News Election Workers Are Drowning in Records Requests. AI Chatbots Could Make It Worse
AZArizona Arizona Court of Appeals rules Hamadeh can't have a new trial for failed election lawsuit
ARArkansas Washington County group seeks to increase voting rights for released felons
CACalifornia Embattled Shasta County Elections Commission Receives More ResignationsCalifornia California elections bill would give poll workers ability to sue over intimidationCalifornia Shasta County set to appoint new County Clerk next month, Supervisor Jones says
GAGeorgia Federal trial to determine if state ID requirement to vote violates the voting rights of immigrants
KYKentucky Secretary of State Adams discusses election bills as final days of session approach
MDMaryland Stiffer penalties for threatening election workers will be in effect for Maryland primary
MIMichigan Federal court rejects GOP challenge to Michigan election lawsMichigan Pushing election fraud theories, nonprofit spent $1.2M in Michigan in 2022Michigan Security exercise conducted in Traverse City by the Committee for Safe and Secure Elections
MSMississippi Voter ID and absentee-ballot limits: South tightens key voting laws ahead of election
MOMissouri Ethics investigations, burned books: Inside the GOP race to be MO's top election officialMissouri WashU Votes hosts on-campus polling for municipal election for the first time
NVNevada Washoe County Seeking Election WorkersNevada Nevada judge dismisses lawsuit challenging Election Worker Protection Act
NMNew Mexico Albuquerque students design ‘I Voted’ stickers for 2024 election
NCNorth Carolina Voter fraud case before NC Supreme Court may determine how much power state election officials haveNorth Carolina North Carolina Supreme Court hears case involving false claims of voter fraud from 201North Carolina The Columbus County elections board "met" by email. Does that violate public meetings law?North Carolina North Carolina elections officials navigate a changing landscape
OHOhio Cuyahoga election board wants to move. Council members worry about Nov. election
OROregon Oregon secretary of state candidates focus on need to restore trust in office during first debate
PAPennsylvania After defeat in undated-ballots case, voting rights plaintiffs seek new ruling in federal appeals courtPennsylvania Voting rights groups ask appeals court to reconsider ruling on undated mail-in ballotsPennsylvania Redesigned mail-in, absentee ballot materials arriving in Pa. voters’ mailboxes soonPennsylvania Luzerne County Election Board reviews April 23 primary election plansPennsylvania Montgomery Co. residents inducted in the voter hall of fame
SDSouth Dakota What can Sioux Falls do to raise voter turnout?
TNTennessee Tennessee bill to untangle gun and voting rights restoration is killed for the yearTennessee Election Commission Seeks More Funding from County
TXTexas Most 18-year-old Texans aren’t signed up to vote despite a law requiring voter registration in high schools
WIWisconsin Republicans scrutinize voting rolls and ramp up for mass challenges ahead of electionWisconsin GOP files complaints against Milwaukee, Madison claiming too few Republican election workersWisconsin Elections staff confirms Vos recall attempt falls shortWisconsin Recount request deadline nearing in Green Bay city council race
WYWyoming Secretary of State urges approval of new voter registration rules
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