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Friday August 9, 2024
National NewsNational News State lawmakers eye promise, pitfalls of AI ahead of November elections
AZArizona Here’s what we know about Democratic primary recount in Arizona’s 3rd Congressional DistrictArizona Judge rules Maricopa County election worker names will remain secret
ARArkansas Sebastian County still without an election coordinator, voting machine support contractArkansas Software error blamed for voter-registration issue affecting some Arkansans who changed addressesArkansas Arkansas DFA to notify over 60K people about voter registration issues
CACalifornia Don’t Trust Texts Saying You’re Not Registered to Vote. Here’s What to Do InsteadCalifornia Teenagers in Berkeley and Oakland school districts may now vote for board membersCalifornia Get a suspicious text in the Sacramento area? Voting scam is targeting localsCalifornia All systems go for Oakland, Berkeley teens to vote in November
COColorado Tina Peters Trial Day 7 — Defense starts with Sherronna Bishop on the standColorado Tina Peters trial stretches beyond Colorado, into the land of Dominion Voting conspiraciesColorado Colorado election officials train on how to combat AI misinformationColorado Judge denies acquittal to Tina Peters in charges related to voting machine data leakColorado Help wanted: Colorado clerks seek election workers for November
FLFlorida Open primary: New Palm Beach County Supervisor of Elections Office in West Palm BeachFlorida Some St. Cloud residents receive ballots missing city races, supervisor of elections saysFlorida Hundreds of thousands of voters have already cast their ballots in Florida
GAGeorgia Georgia secretary of state receives cease-and-desist for voter un-registration web formGeorgia Trump’s focus on Georgia election board raises fears for November voteGeorgia Georgia Election Board wants ‘US Citizens Only’ signs posted at pollsGeorgia Macon-Bibb County Board of Elections work to ease voters’ concerns amid new cancellation website
HIHawaii As ballots come in, here's how the Office of Elections processes the votesHawaii Here’s how to cast your ballot in Hawaii’s primary election
ILIllinois LaSalle Co. may have to move location of early voting due to building concernsIllinois Central Illinois election leaders fight misinformation
INIndiana Lake County political leaders differ on permanent vote-by-mail ballots; ‘There’s tremendous concern for fraud’Indiana Recounts finalized in races that were never in doubt
KSKansas Ellis County primary election voter turnover lowest in more than a decade
KYKentucky Warren County Fiscal Court approves $25 pay increase for Election Day poll officers
LALouisiana Many Ouachita Parish voters have inactive voter status
MEMaine Sanford City Council Limits Voting Sites Ahead of Presidential Election
MDMaryland Elections board asks federal appeals court to uphold lower court ruling
MIMichigan Secretary of state reports safe, secure primary election with 1.2M absentee and early ballots castMichigan Absentee voting continues to surpass Election Day voting in Kent County’s Aug. 6 primaryMichigan Washtenaw County Clerk Kestenbaum presents favorable August election reportMichigan Delay in reporting election results in Detroit, Wayne and Macomb counties raises concerns
MNMinnesota Ballot counting machines pass the test
NVNevada Nevada county won’t hand-count in 2024, but some officials support doing so in the futureNevada Washoe County cites efforts to clean voter rolls as active registrations drop by 6,800Nevada More than 100K Las Vegas-area voters moved to ‘inactive’ status
NHNew Hampshire As the state primary approaches, a guide to absentee voting in New Hampshire
OHOhio ‘Picking on the wrong people:’ Ohio noncitizen voter registration audit sweeps in naturalized citizensOhio Local county election boards already preparing for Nov. 5 election
OROregon Deschutes County clerk, others across Oregon concerned about ranked-choice voting proposal on the fall ballot
PAPennsylvania Cumberland Co. to seek state grant to cover purchase of new voting machinesPennsylvania State says Washington County’s handling of provisional ballots ‘inconsistent’ with guidelines
RIRhode Island HOW ELECTIONS WORK: RI ELection Officials are Focus of ‘No Time to Fail’
TXTexas East Texas elections administrator debunks ballot rumor
UTUtah Utah Supreme Court to hear Jenkins’ election contest; state asks court to dismiss
VAVirginia Court rejects suit over Youngkin denying voting rights to former inmate
WAWashington WA GOP chairman calls for return to in-person voting post-primaryWashington New WA law streamlines online voter registration
WIWisconsin Wausau clerk offers Saturday hours to help people vote with ballot drop box being repaired
WYWyoming Sheridan County voters hit the polls earlyWyoming Wyoming GOP sues Laramie Co. clerk over flawed voting machine test
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