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August 10-12, 2024
National NewsNational News Co-founder of Smartmatic voting machine company charged with paying bribes for Philippine contractsNational News Can online voting be secure? Experts in Las Vegas try to hack new platform
AKAlaska Pilot Station city officials charged with felony election interference
AZArizona RNC, Arizona GOP turn to US Supreme Court in voter registration caseArizona Pinal County supervisor asks attorney general to investigate primary election resultsArizona Arizona Legislature defends ‘misleading’ ballot initiative analysisArizona Arizona Republicans ask U.S. Supreme Court to enforce proof of citizenship voting law
ARArkansas Finalists chosen in Washington County’s “I Voted” sticker contest, online voting will help choose winnerArkansas Six finalists chosen for Washington County ‘I Voted’ sticker contestArkansas Officials question accuracy of paper ballot voting
CACalifornia SLO County Clerk-Recorder's Office seeking more poll workers for November election
COColorado Prosecutors call for shorter leash on Tina Peters’ defense team
CTConnecticut Hamden poll workers say CT's early voting hours are long, but delight at democracy in actionConnecticut What will Connecticut primary voter turnout look like? Some towns seeing low early voting showings
DEDelaware As Delaware's primary election approaches, poll workers vital part of process
FLFlorida In Florida, candidates who question integrity of elections campaign to oversee themFlorida 'Election integrity' candidate pushes one-day voting, hand-counting of votesFlorida At Broward's new Supervisor of Elections facility, transparency is keyFlorida Palm Beach County supervisor of elections warns against scams, expects higher in-person votingFlorida 2020 election deniers vie for control of Florida’s ballot boxFlorida Elections supervisor talks importance of state primary as early voting beginsFlorida Duval County elections office warns of fake vote guides, urges voters to do their own research on candidatesFlorida Escambia Elections Boss Warns Of Misleading Information
GAGeorgia NAACP urging DOJ to open investigation into GA voter registration cancellation portalGeorgia What to know about the Georgia election rules the Trump-backed Republican majority approvedGeorgia Georgia Election Board finalizes ambiguous certification ruleGeorgia Added delays in store in 2020 election interference case
HIHawaii Primary elections: Hawaii Elections Chief says voter turnout lower this year than previous yearsHawaii Election officials report low voter turnout for 2024 primary election
IAIowa Wanted: More Iowa poll workers, scrutiny of voting info
MIMichigan Firewall issues delayed Detroit's primary election resultsMichigan Candidates who advanced false election claims win Republican primaries in Michigan
MNMinnesota Minnesota polling places conduct accuracy tests ahead of primary electionMinnesota GOP’s Protect the Vote tour stops in Minnesota to recruit election judges, challengersMinnesota Minnesota's secretary of state issues warning about election disinformation
MOMissouri Winner of Missouri secretary of state primary wants to hand-count all ballots
MTMontana County won't split elections from clerk and recorder
NENebraska ACLU brings lawsuit after pause on restoration of voting rights to Nebraska felons
NVNevada Question three, ranked choice voting to appear on November ballotNevada Nevada rolls out new voter database in an effort to boost voter trust ahead of election
NHNew Hampshire Monadnock Region clerks seek volunteer poll workers
NJNew Jersey Confused by touch screen voting machines? Bergen County is offering training sessionsNew Jersey How to use Bergen County's new touchscreen voting machines: A step-by-step guide
NYNew York Legal loopholes, ballot errors and more tackled in latest New York voter laws
OHOhio Licking County Elections Board clarifies relationship with Ohio Election Integrity Network
OROregon Multnomah County Elections completes nation’s first test hand count for multi-winner ranked choice voting contests
PAPennsylvania Montco man charged with voting in three counties in rare voter fraud casePennsylvania A top Philly election official quit with four months until Election Day. Then the mayor got involved
SCSouth Carolina Changes are continuing in Aiken County Registration and Elections Office's management
TXTexas Bexar County outsources outreach to boost voter registrationTexas Tarrant County launches new website that allows people to examine election results at homeTexas Tarrant County’s new tech lets you see ballots, verify election results ‘from the couch’Texas Guadalupe County elections office increases voting opportunities
UTUtah Utah Supreme Court to decide mail-in ballot postmark deadline issueUtah Utah Supreme Court skeptical of a losing GOP candidate’s plea to count late ballots
VAVirginia Virginia Gov. Youngkin codifies election security measures that were already in placeVirginia Virginia enlists college students to defend against election cyberattacksVirginia New director of elections ready in Roanoke
WIWisconsin Last day for absentee voting drive-thruWisconsin Wausau gets rid of absentee ballot drop box for the August Primary Election even after Supreme Court rulingWisconsin Ballot drop boxes unlocked across Madison ahead of Tuesday electionWisconsin County clerk targeted by anonymous email; local elections see national tacticsWisconsin In Focus: WEC administrator details redistricting, Tuesday's primary
WYWyoming GOP lawsuit 'seeks to disrupt': County clerk says there were 'no errors' in voting test
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