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Wednesday August 21, 2024
National NewsNational News Schumer: Voting rights will be first priority in 2025 if Democrats control Congress
ALAlabama Alabama lawmakers, voting advocates introduce ballot box equal access billAlabama Henry County Commission Chairman talks poll workers ahead of election
AKAlaska Unalaska’s city clerk discusses elections in UnalaskaAlaska 2 rural Alaska precincts fail to open for primary voting after workers don’t respond to stateAlaska Voting in statewide primary off to slow startAlaska Kaktovik and Wales precincts failed to open for Alaska primary, Division of Elections says
AZArizona Judge's order came too late on polling place rules, Arizona official argues
CACalifornia San Joaquin County hosts open house for voter transparencyCalifornia Integrity or privacy? No live cameras at mail in ballot boxesCalifornia Election Security: Kern County could ditch current cameras at ballot drop boxes
CTConnecticut Sweet named winner of Hamden primary after missing envelope found during recountConnecticut East Haven officials said the decision to close primary polling sites is partisan
FLFlorida Smooth elections but low voter turnout in Broward, Palm Beach countiesFlorida Pasco County Supervisor of Elections “disappointed” at voter turnout so farFlorida Kicking off Election Day at the Bay County Supervisor of Elections OfficeFlorida State-wide website outage for multiple Supervisor of Elections officesFlorida Race for Pinellas County Supervisor of Elections heats up in the 2024 Florida Primary ElectionFlorida Farrington defeats DeSantis appointee Satcher in Manatee Supervisor of Elections raceFlorida Widespread issues impacting St. Lucie, Indian River counties election result websitesFlorida Mail voting craters in Florida, early in-person voting rises and turnout low for primaryFlorida Voting goes smoothly, but issuing results hampered by website outage at elections officeFlorida Poll worker rescued after car plunges into pond in North NaplesFlorida Poll place problems, reports of wrong ballots given out in NaplesFlorida How some Florida cities are helping to turn election campaign signs into fuelFlorida Santa Rosa Supervisor of Elections Tappie Villane secures another four years in officeFlorida Miami-Dade voters cast ballots in first-ever supervisor of elections primary race. Who won?Florida Recount needed after St. Lucie County Supervisor of Elections Republican primary race ends in 2-vote marginFlorida Farrington defeats Satcher in Manatee County Supervisor of Elections primary raceFlorida Incumbent Tommy Doyle wins Lee County Supervisor of ElectionsFlorida Melissa Blazier wins Collier County Supervisor of Elections primary raceFlorida Vendor issue causes several supervisor of elections’ websites to crash in FloridaFlorida One county may have brought down nearly all of Florida's local elections websitesFlorida Citrus County Elections Supervisor ‘Mo’ Baird wins re-electionFlorida Seminole elections chief Chris Anderson bounced in primary after legal battleFlorida Lake voting chief Alan Hayes defeats Trump election denierFlorida Limited interruption to statewide elections website service affecting Duval CountyFlorida 'Vendor issue': Florida election result websites face technical difficulties across state
GAGeorgia Georgia board rejects widespread use of paper ballots for November electionGeorgia Georgia election directors call for a pause in creating new rulesGeorgia Election Preparations Intensify as November Approaches
ILIllinois Waggener Announces Resignation As Morgan County Clerk
KSKansas Coin Flip Decides Winner of Russell County Commission Primary Election Race
KYKentucky Price said he misspoke by using the term 'armed' security at election stations
MAMassachusetts New director says city’s elections are ‘fair, accurate and secure’
MIMichigan How Michigan’s election safeguards prevent double voting
MNMinnesota Minnesota Secretary of State launches new voter participation campaign
MSMississippi Mississippi counties among first in the nation to use more ‘transparent’ voting machines, software
MTMontana Lincoln County's Election Department will stay within the Clerk and Recorder's Office
NVNevada Nevada Supreme Court declines to wade into flap over certification of election results, for nowNevada Yes, those signature verification postcards around Las Vegas are legit
NHNew Hampshire Former New Hampshire Secretary of State Bill Gardner speaks on the loss of confidence in elections
NJNew Jersey Bergen County voters get training on new machines ahead of election
NYNew York New York Court of Appeals rules state law allowing early voting by mail is constitutionalNew York Republicans lose fight against mail-in voting in New York high court
NCNorth Carolina NC elections officials approve digital voter ID option for UNC studentsNorth Carolina Catawba Co. to offer paper ballots at early votingNorth Carolina A divided NC Board of Elections allows use of UNC-Chapel Hill digital IDs for voting
OHOhio Nearly 3,800 inactive Richland County voters purged from rolls ahead of presidential electionOhio Voting rights groups worry Ohio’s July voter registration removals may violate federal law
OROregon Deschutes County Clerk Tests Voting System
PAPennsylvania Butler County case appealed after judge ruled against residents whose ballots were rejectedPennsylvania Bipartisan Luzerne County Election Board team completes drop-box video footage reviewPennsylvania DeMarco introduces legislation requiring county elections office to check citizenship status of voters
SCSouth Carolina Bennett County to open second voter registration centerSouth Carolina SLED says no investigation underway into Atlantic Beach voter fraudSouth Carolina Oconee County Council discusses equipment purchases
SDSouth Dakota Supreme Court won't involve itself in Minnehaha County's absentee ballot squabbleSouth Dakota South Dakota Supreme Court denies bid to exclude ballots initially rejected from June election
TXTexas After Tarrant changes building rules, voter registration volunteer is pushed out in the heatTexas Texas election officials face multiple challenges to voter registrationsTexas Gregg County will have plenty of election workers in November, administrator says
UTUtah Former Cache County election worker takes reduced plea dealUtah State auditor to review Davis County Clerk’s Office signature validation process
VTVermont Software glitch leads Secretary of State’s Office to postpone certifying primary elections results
VAVirginia Charlottesville council takes first step toward ranked choice votingVirginia Charlottesville’s about to become the second Virginia city to adopt ranked choice votingVirginia Skeptics welcome: More than 300 voters take first-ever tours of county’s elections officeVirginia Students’ artwork to grace voting stickers in Stafford
WAWashington With 51-vote margin, Washington lands commissioner primary heads to recount
WVWest Virginia Secretary of State’s office will focus on training after irregularities in Mingo primary votingWest Virginia Morgantown Council will discuss eliminating standalone election
WIWisconsin Brookfield rejects ballot drop box for November election
WYWyoming Voting machines retested 'to alleviate any concerns'Wyoming Election judge absences may delay courthouse workWyoming Voting starts slow on Primary DayWyoming Voting 'delightfully chill' in Teton CountyWyoming Wyoming voters ‘boiling mad’ over misleading mailers
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