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Thursday August 22, 2024
ALAlabama Legislator wants probate judges to audit results for county and state electionsAlabama Bill would expand voting access in Alabama, create oversight commissionAlabama Felons affected by new Alabama law disqualifying them from voting can cast ballots this year, judge orders
AKAlaska Resolution would set up investigation of mail-in votingAlaska America’s farthest-north state House race is now tied, as more votes are counted in Alaska primaryAlaska Few rural Alaska polling locations face voter access issues
AZArizona Arizona secretary of state corrects errors in primary results for Green Party candidates
ARArkansas Paper ballot petition rejected by county clerk, cites Arkansas law
CACalifornia Inland Empire election workers have faced harassment and threats, documents showCalifornia How do I vote if I am experiencing homelessness?
DCDistrict of Columbia Anita Bonds Targets D.C.’s Elections Board to Try to Keep Initiative 83 Off the Ballot
FLFlorida Elections offices pivoted to Plan B when voting systems crashed Tuesday nightFlorida Recount needed for St. Lucie County Supervisor of Elections Office Republican primaryFlorida Supervisor of Elections office answers questions about wrong ballot given to voterFlorida GOP supervisor of election incumbents speak out after defeating ‘election integrity’ candidatesFlorida Florida voters reject election denial candidates in 2024 primaryFlorida Day after election, officials press website vendor for answers on results page outageFlorida 'Traffic jam': Lake, Osceola election websites overwhelmed by too many usersFlorida Julie Marcus on her way to a second term as supervisor of elections in Pinellas CountyFlorida Supervisor of Elections websites back up after Florida primary outagesFlorida Questions remain as tech company takes blame for glitch in Florida county election websites
GAGeorgia Georgia 2024: All about the State Election Board and the new rules it has passedGeorgia Rich. Co. BOE Director calls on Georgia State Elections Board to halt rule changes ahead of November ElectionGeorgia Georgia counties urge state elections board to stop changing rules ahead of NovemberGeorgia Georgia officials conduct mock election security exercise in Glynn CountyGeorgia Georgia Secretary of State conducts 'health check' of Hall County voting systemGeorgia Augusta elections director leads state group in questioning late changes to voting rules
ILIllinois Bid to block Illinois from counting late mailed ballots tossed
INIndiana Madison County gets $188,000 for election improvement efforts
LALouisiana Louisiana voters risk being placed on state's inactive voters list. Here's why
MAMassachusetts Secretary Galvin will visit Springfield to promote early voting
MIMichigan Primary election recounts in Argentine, Mt. Morris townships set for Aug. 27Michigan Delta County clerk wins state-wide awardMichigan In small towns, even GOP clerks are targets of election conspiraciesMichigan Republican official seeks to build trust in election process with fellow GOP votersMichigan Ottawa Impact commissioner requests recount after losing his GOP primary by 16 points
MOMissouri Two Union polling places moving to auditorium for November
NVNevada Thousands of poll workers still needed for presidential election in Las VegasNevada Lawmakers to consider changes to Nevada’s election processes
NMNew Mexico Meet the Faces of Democracy: Maggie Toulouse Oliver
NYNew York Attorney General James defends vote-by-mail rights.
NCNorth Carolina Board of Elections swears in new member; no news on Hooper
OHOhio Man who became US citizen raises concerns after receiving letter threatening jail time for voter registrationOhio Countdown to Election Day
OKOklahoma Early voting begins across Oklahoma for Aug. 27 elections
OROregon Counting ranked-choice votes in Portland could take weeks this November, officials say
PAPennsylvania Luzerne County won’t have a fifth ballot drop box in DuryeaPennsylvania Highlighting provisional ballot envelopes could prevent voting errors in Luzerne County
RIRhode Island Early voting period begins for Rhode Island primary
SDSouth Dakota Election integrity group presents to sheriff in another attempt to prove voter fraud
TXTexas Remember hand-marked paper ballots? Collin County could bring them back for electionsTexas Tarrant County illegal voting case is back in court following appeal by district attorneyTexas Search warrants executed in Bexar County voter fraud investigationTexas Texas AG Ken Paxton announces warrants looking for voter fraud in Bexar, Atascosa and Frio counties
VTVermont Vermont's primary election in August had the lowest turnout in years
VAVirginia Harrisonburg, Rockingham County Officials Discuss Voting Rules, IntegrityVirginia Loudoun election board eliminates one Saturday of early voting
WAWashington Walla Walla County certifies primary election, prepares for statewide hand recountWashington Ranked choice voting in spotlight after vote splitting in WA primary
WVWest Virginia Area officials preparing for Nov. 5 electionWest Virginia Harrison County (West Virginia) to receive share of Help America Vote Act funds
WYWyoming Wyoming primary yields lowest voter turnout since 2016Wyoming New party affiliation law frustrates Teton Co. voters
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