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Friday September 13, 2024
National NewsNational News Smartmatic’s suit against Newsmax over 2020 election reporting appears headed for trialNational News GOP targets ‘noncitizen voting.’ Experts agree it’s not a problemNational News Map shows which states offer early voting and mail-in ballots for the 2024 election
ALAlabama Prefiled bill would allow Alabamians with disabilities to receive absentee ballot helpAlabama Election officials warn issues with US mail system could disrupt voting as Alabama sends out absentee ballots
AKAlaska Alaska Supreme Court rules that incarcerated candidate can appear on U.S. House ballotAlaska Local election ballots headed to Juneau voters’ mailboxes
AZArizona Why thousands of transgender voters in Arizona could be impacted by strict voter ID lawsArizona Pinal County launches audit of voting systems after supervisor denies outcome in primaryArizona Maricopa County: We’re ready for ‘the Super Bowl of elections’ and its 2-page ballotArizona Outgoing Maricopa County Supervisor Bill Gates is helping train new election workersArizona Arizona officials defend election guidelines after conservative challenge
CACalifornia Check out SLO County's Student-Designed "I Voted" Stickers for 2024California Election Commission controversy in Shasta CountyCalifornia Voter registration competition kicking off in SLO County high schoolsCalifornia Shasta County Registrar of Voters says election commission recommendations are not legalCalifornia Ranked choice voting continues to ruffle feathers across Bay AreaCalifornia Oakland at epicenter of continuing controversy over ranked-choice votingCalifornia County partners with Cal Poly to host Spanish-language voter information eventsCalifornia Meet the students who won SLO County’s ‘I Voted’ sticker contest: 'Surprising and exciting'
COColorado Mesa County Clerk and Recorder’s Office receives grant to improve Election Division
CTConnecticut Connecticut unveils new, high-speed vote tabulatorsConnecticut Efforts to establish polling stations on some CT college campuses stallConnecticut Meet the people behind the curtain on Election Day in CTConnecticut CT poll workers have had to scrounge on eBay for spare parts, so new voting machines are a welcome relief, official saysConnecticut Some CT voters to use new ballot machines in November’s electionConnecticut Groups launch campaign to support 'yes' vote on Connecticut referendum for no-excuse absentee voting
FLFlorida Call him Dan: Elections supervisor candidate prevails in lawsuit over his nameFlorida Elections officials making it easier for locals to become registered voters
GAGeorgia Cobb elections board may call for 'quiet period' ahead of electionsGeorgia Republicans join legal challenge of State Election BoardGeorgia Civil and voting rights groups weigh in on a lawsuit challenging State Election BoardGeorgia Fulton judge overturns Georgia secretary of state decision in favor of third-party ballot presenceGeorgia Georgia Republican election activists urge judge to let state remove voters days before election
KSKansas USPS failures 'disenfranchised' Kansas voters. Election officials raise concerns
MEMaine Maine Sec. of State concerned about mail-in ballots being counted in time
MIMichigan A contentious race to be a tiny Michigan county’s top election officialMichigan Former Michigan Govs. Engler, Blanchard launch group to defend state's election systemMichigan Michigan leaders join national bipartisan effort to push back against attacks on the election systemMichigan RNC Sues Michigan Secretary of State Over Guidelines for Processing Absentee BallotsMichigan Republicans ask Michigan court to toss absentee ballots lacking clerks' written approval
MNMinnesota Minnesota intensifies review process for new automatic voter registration system
MOMissouri Local election officials warn voters about mail delays
NVNevada Trump campaign sues Nevada over alleged noncitizen votingNevada Trump, Republicans claim noncitizens are voting in Nevada, though many appear to be naturalizedNevada Las Vegas valley elections chief hopes voters educate themselves ahead of Election DayNevada Nevada ACLU files lawsuit against Nye County for restricting election observation
NHNew Hampshire Winchester's ballot-counting machine passes state auditNew Hampshire NH Supreme Court says hand-counting ballots isn't constitutionally requiredNew Hampshire Sununu signs strict voter ID bill; law will take effect after November electionNew Hampshire Loudon randomly selected to participate in newly mandated voting machine audit
NJNew Jersey Two settlements approved in the historic dismantling of New Jersey’s ‘county line’ ballot method
NYNew York Rensselaer County workers testify they felt coerced to sign ballots
NCNorth Carolina Republicans sue to stop use of UNC digital ID for votingNorth Carolina NC county election official reprimanded for spreading false information, advocating for GOPNorth Carolina Ballots in NC: Why your county can't mail absentee ballots until all 100 counties are readyNorth Carolina Panel seeks to lay election security concerns to rest at Raleigh town hallNorth Carolina NC Republicans have little confidence in election accuracy. Election officials say they should.North Carolina PBS documentary examines changes in North Carolina voting laws
OHOhio Voter registration form written in language of Haitian migrants prompts LaRose warningOhio Prosecutors fire back after LaRose says voter fraud cases aren’t adequately investigated
PAPennsylvania Pennsylvania’s polling place lookup tool has errors that could frustrate votersPennsylvania City Council approves plan to help seniors at nursing homes with mail-in voting processPennsylvania Local election officials confident mail-in ballots will be delivered on time despite national concernsPennsylvania Local News Philadelphia teacher encourages students to work at polling places ahead of November electionPennsylvania Election Officials Coalition Says Patience Is Virtue For Election Night TabulationPennsylvania Dauphin County will allow voters to correct mail-in ballot errors. Advocates hope more will follow.Pennsylvania Washington County elections board retroactively approves ballot-curing appeal
TNTennessee Tennessee governor offers some support for simpler voter rights restorationTennessee National mail issues not expected to impact Hamilton County ballots
TXTexas Tarrant County commissioners reverse course, rejecting voter registration in county buildingsTexas GOP bid to remove polling sites from Tarrant County college campuses failsTexas Tarrant County commissioners vote to keep all college early voting sitesTexas El Paso County Elections administrator discusses voter roll maintenance, staffing the polls, and voter fatigueTexas Bexar County expects massive voter turnout for Nov. 5Texas Countywide voting coming to Cameron CountyTexas County Clerk office to allocate additional services to reduce voting waiting times at Texas Union site
VAVirginia New voter registration portal encourages Hokie voices on Election Day
WIWisconsin Former Wisconsin officials discuss restoring faith in electionsWisconsin Dodge County clerks nixed plans to use ballot drop boxes after Republican sheriff raised concerns
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