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Thursday January 23, 2025
National NewsNational News The Case for Letting Noncitizens VoteNational News In times of crisis, states have few tools to fight misinformationNational News Fourteen bills that could make the initiative process more difficult were passed in 2024, tying with 2021 for the highest total since 2018
AZArizona Arizona Republicans move to replace vote center with precinct-based polling places
ARArkansas Post-election audits scheduled for Hot Spring, White, Benton and Faulkner counties
CACalifornia Meet the Faces of Democracy: Tommy Gong
FLFlorida Early voting polling sites closed Thursday in Escambia CountyFlorida DeSantis' proposals for Florida’s ballot initiative process could effectively end it
GAGeorgia Georgia's redistricting maps return to court, challenging voting rights protectionsGeorgia Votes for Mr. Potato Head and fictional characters given to a real candidate in South Georgia raceGeorgia Gordon Co. recognizes Fuller for BOE service
KSKansas Kansas House bill would use driver’s license records to look for voters who are not citizensKansas Kansas lawmakers renew push to end advance ballot grace period
MAMassachusetts Town Clerk Michael Palmer Calls Off May Retirement
MIMichigan Whitmer appoints new members of key state election boardMichigan Democratic Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson launches bid for governor
MNMinnesota Sherburne County spent over $7,000 on election recounts
MSMississippi Bill introduced to establish deadline for polling precinct relocation in Mississippi
NENebraska Nebraska lawmaker seeks to limit mail-in voting, end online voter reg
NCNorth Carolina State Board of Elections won’t remove local officials who counted deceased voters’ ballotsNorth Carolina NC elections board dismisses Wake County complaint for counting 3 dead voters' ballotsNorth Carolina Race for North Carolina Supreme Court seat is last uncertified statewide contest in the nationNorth Carolina North Carolina Supreme Court sends election challenge for associate justice seat downwards
OHOhio 'A great honor.' Stark County Board of Elections chooses new directorOhio Security, absentee ballots among reasons for Summit County election delays
OKOklahoma State Election Board announces routine voter list maintenanceOklahoma Senate panel blocks GOP voting limits, advances ballot reformsOklahoma Lawmakers want to change some election processes in Oklahoma. Here are the bills they proposed
PAPennsylvania In Cost-Saving Move, Delaware County Looks to Close Voting Precincts
SDSouth Dakota House panel passes bill aimed at residency, voter registration
TXTexas Electronic pollbooks glitched during the election. Now Dallas County needs a new vendor ASAP
UTUtah Lawmakers are about to vote on how you can vote. Here’s what to expectUtah Utah lawmakers advance bill to ban clerks from looking up voting records for political reasonsUtah After ballot tracking controversy, bill advances on Utah's Capitol Hill
VTVermont Vermont Secretary of State holds first meeting of 2025 Town Clerk Advisory Committee
VAVirginia State moves to remove Waynesboro election official who refused to certify voteVirginia Senate panel blocks GOP voting limits, advances ballot reformsVirginia Ranking even more candidates might soon be possible in Arlington electionsVirginia Virginia Senate committee hears bills that would change elections, how people vote
WAWashington WA bill would expand automatic voter registration
WYWyoming The costs of counting ballots could skyrocket, but will there be enough money?Wyoming Election integrity bill banning drop boxes advancesWyoming Gray, County Clerks Accuse Each Other Of “Gaslighting” Over Ballot Drop Boxes
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