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March 8-10, 2025
National NewsNational News ‘Bloody Sunday’ 60th anniversary marked in Selma with remembrances and concerns about the futureNational News CISA completed its election security review. It won’t make the results publicNational News With Outcome of CISA Election Security Review Looming, Agency Must Protect Critical Infrastructure
ALAlabama 60 years after Bloody Sunday in Alabama, elusive racial progress in SelmaAlabama Newly restored photos show the ruin of 'Bloody Sunday' in Selma on its 60th anniversaryAlabama Tens of thousands commemorate 60th anniversary of Bloody Sunday in Selma
AKAlaska Borough contract for Dominion voting machine fails in split vote
AZArizona Arizona appeals court ruling puts instructions for this year’s elections in doubtArizona Fontes didn't allow enough public comment time for Elections Procedures Manual, court rules
COColorado As DOJ looks into Tina Peters’ prosecution, Colorado officials field pleas from her supporters
FLFlorida Palm Beach County prepares for local elections next weekFlorida Bill would give election supervisors, clerks of court budget appeal authorityFlorida Here comes another bill that would change the citizen-led petition process in FloridaFlorida Bill changing Florida ballot initiative petition process passes first committeeFlorida Sarasota County Elections Office Recognized with National Award
IDIdaho Election integrity has been a big issue in past Idaho legislative sessions. Then Trump won
IAIowa Dubuque voter cards sent with errors
KSKansas Kansas Republicans may have veto-proof majorities to end mail ballot grace period
MDMaryland Federal judge rules election activists can access Maryland voter rolls
MIMichigan Michigan is short of clerks to oversee elections, but harassment and workload turn people awayMichigan Q&A with candidates for Stevens Point City Clerk
MOMissouri MO House panel takes up key election bills
NENebraska Douglas County Election Commission to inform voters about polling place changesNebraska Nebraska bill seeks to remove barriers to voting in jails, hospitals and care centers
NHNew Hampshire Election day registration remains, but the rules have changed
NYNew York Orange County grand jury issues report critical of Tuxedo village election
NCNorth Carolina Board of elections weighing options for new voting machinesNorth Carolina In legal filings, former elections directors and military leaders oppose Griffin's ballot protests
OHOhio Elections board, vet services movingOhio Board of Elections picks new leadersOhio Richland County Board of Elections reappoints key leaders
OROregon Oregon House Republicans urge president for voter ID executive order
PAPennsylvania Helping to run an election in Pennsylvania often starts with running for election
UTUtah Utah governor mulls measure eliminating universal mail-in votingUtah Ranked choice conundrum hits Heber CityUtah Utah governor likely to sign legislation phasing out universal mail ballots
VAVirginia Ranked-choice voting not likely in Falls Church until at least 2027
WVWest Virginia Delegates vote to ban rank choice voting, which isn’t happening in West VirginiaWest Virginia Bill Prohibiting Ranked Choice Voting Passes Both Chambers
WIWisconsin Flabbergasted Wisconsin elections officials to depose Madison workers over uncounted ballotsWisconsin State election commission will require Madison employees to answer questions about uncounted ballotsWisconsin St. Clair Shores judge tosses all double-voting charges against two defendants
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