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Wednesday March 12, 2025
National NewsNational News U.S. agency has stopped supporting states on election security, official confirmsNational News Cybersecurity executive tapped to lead agency that protects voting systemsNational News An effort to block non-citizens from voting could impact married women, tooNational News A Republican-backed bill would upend voter registration. Here are 8 things to know
AKAlaska Ballots are in the mail for Anchorage’s 2025 city election. Here’s how to make sure your vote is counted.
AZArizona Adrian Fontes implores feds to spare cybersecurity programs that help protect elections
CACalifornia California group pushes for ID requirements when casting a ballotCalifornia Shasta County Supervisors waive proposed amendments to elections commission code, elections meetings still on hold
COColorado Colorado calls DOJ interest in Tina Peters’ case a ‘grotesque attempt to weaponize the rule of law’
FLFlorida Triple oops: Okaloosa County elections office addresses three missteps on Election Day
GAGeorgia Court upholds Georgia’s deadline for absentee ballot requestsGeorgia Senate panel to consider bill that hands Georgia lawmakers more say over State Election Board
ILIllinois Illinois proposal could expand automatic voter registration systemIllinois Champaign Co. fixes election sample ballots, early voting delayedIllinois 2 former clerks, 1 newcomer seek election to DeKalb’s long-suffering City Clerk’s Office
MAMassachusetts Ashfield opts out of mail-in voting for May 3 town election
MIMichigan Michigan House committee advances proof-of-citizenship requirement for votersMichigan Michigan lawmakers clash over push to change voter ID requirementsMichigan Defense attorney seeking 50 witnesses gains delay in election fraud caseMichigan Democrats condemn proof of citizenship voting resolution advancing in Michigan House as ‘poll tax’
MSMississippi Election Commission looks to educate voters in complicated election season
NVNevada A bipartisan mail ballot bill in Nevada? It’s not as crazy as it sounds.
NHNew Hampshire Meredith debuts electronic voter check-in during town election
NCNorth Carolina Griffin says colleague who contributed to his legal fund should not be barred from hearing his case
OHOhio Smith named as Greene County Board of Elections director after tiebreaking vote by Secretary of State
PAPennsylvania Poll workers prefer an increase in pay as an incentive to stay
TXTexas How Guadalupe County’s Citizens Elections Academy is strengthening trust in votingTexas Stephens County abolishes Elections Administrator position following McLane’s resignationTexas Harker Heights City Council OKs ordinance governing electioneering at polling site
UTUtah How the group that wrote Project 2025 got Utah to end universal vote by mailUtah Gov & Politics Public Safety Eleven people charged with forging signatures to help candidates qualify for 2024 primary election
WIWisconsin Voter ID in Wisconsin: What to know about Wisconsin’s April 1 referendumWisconsin We debunk 13 Wisconsin voting myths
WYWyoming Gray recommends Weston County clerk’s removal, says filing false post-election audit a felony
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