Creative Campus Voting Project A2 City Clerk’s Office @ UMMA

By University of Michigan Stamps School of Art and Design

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Our most successful project of 2020 Election season was the design and facilitation of a satellite office on campus for the Ann Arbor City Clerk. Grounded in behavioral science research, the project sought to increase civic engagement on the University of Michigan campus by providing education about and access to voting. We designed the City Clerk’s office experience to be welcoming and reassuring for new college-age voters. Throughout the process, students could ask questions of peer volunteers, read explanatory materials and interact directly with city clerk staff. The office, visible in the center of campus life, made it possible for students to register, request and receive an absentee ballot, vote and return their ballot all in one visit. Over six weeks, the satellite office registered 5,412 voters and collected 8,501 ballots!

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