February 18, 2016
I. In Focus This Week
And then there were 10: Field Guides to Ensuring Voter Intent
By Whitney Quesenbery and Dana Chisnell
Center for Civic Design
We’ve always believed that democracy is a design problem — that design can help solve the biggest problems in elections.
The trouble is that even though there is a lot of good research evidence for the power of good design principles applied to an election challenge, it’s hard to make the leap from the research to its practical application.
And so, the Field Guides for Ensuring Voter Intent were born.
The Field Guides tackle critical topics in election design from ballot design to signage in polling places. Instead of pages and pages of reports, each one has 10 tips and a checklist, with examples pulled from the real world of elections.
They are designed to fit into the busy world of election administration: Short enough to use in a meeting. Small enough to fit in your pocket.
Last year, we put them online, so they are available any time and anywhere, in a responsive, accessible website. Always at your finger tips, on your mobile phone.
The real test was whether election officials could use the Field Guide to improve election materials. You can see a before-and-after example in the redesign of the provisional ballot form in Ohio or a non-elections example of a tax bill in Grand County, Utah.
This year, we rounded out the series with two new guides:
Volume 9 – Creating accessible online information
Volume 10 – Creating forms that help voters take action
With these new Field Guides, we follow our goal of keeping up with the hot issues in elections with useful tools to help meet those challenges.
Accessibility was an obvious choice. With the expansion of election systems into online voter registration, electronic poll books, and many more ways to communicate with voters electronically, the options for accessible elections expand. But only if we take the time up front to build accessibility in from the start.
Most election offices don’t build software applications, but these days, they are on the web and social media, so this Field Guide focuses on the basics to make the voter experience accessible.
When we reviewed our tips with accessibility experts, one of the pointed out that although each tip may seem small, they add up to something big. Just like the tips for ballot design, writing instructions, and creating election websites.
A Field Guide on election forms was the next logical step. Elections are full of forms, starting with voter registration and going right through to signing a vote-by-mail return envelope.
One of our favorite tips is also one of the easiest:
Make the signature fields stand out.
Using an X to mark the location of a signature helps people get it right
We’ve seen the power of that X in our usability testing. As Tammy Patrick, from the PCEA and Bipartisan Policy Committee says, it’s important on almost every election form because without a valid signature, the form just doesn’t count. That’s bad for voters and makes extra work for election officials.
We hope the Field Guides can help every election official make all of their election materials easy for voters and good for election administration.
The Field Guides are available online: civicdesign.org/fieldguides/
Subscribe to our (infrequent) mailing list for more practical tips: tinyletter.com/civicdesigning
The Field Guides are free to election officials thanks to the generous support of the MacArthur Foundation. Look for them at your favorite elections conference or write to hello@civicdesign.org
II. Our Say
Our Say is an occasional section giving elections officials, academics, policymakers or elections geeks a chance to have their say on election administration. If you’ve got an opinion about some element of election administration and would like to write about it, please email electionline.
A new approach to reversing the downward spiral of low turnout
By David Becker
The Pew Charitable Trusts
Thanks to technological advances, it’s never been easier for the majority of US voters to get election information and cast their ballots. Most Americans can now go online to register to vote, choose to vote early, and vote by mail—millions have ballots automatically mailed to their homes for each election—and, thanks to the Voting Information Project, Google, and other partners, receive polling place and ballot information with a simple swipe on their smartphones.
Although critical work remains to be done to extend the reach of these advances, they represent dramatic steps toward modernizing the field of election administration. But we cannot stop here. In spite of this progress, voter turnout across the United States declined last year to levels not seen since World War II.
Data from the United States Election Project indicate that national turnout in November 2014 was less than 37 percent. That means that nearly 2 in 3 eligible voters, or approximately 144 million American citizens—more than the population of Russia—chose to sit out that election. Put another way, more than 47 million Americans who navigated the system and cared enough to cast ballots in November 2012 decided not to vote two years later. The nation hasn’t recorded turnout this low in a federal general election since 1942.
To read the complete piece, please visit the Stanford Social Innovation Review.
III. Election News This Week
Richard Dorbin sits down in protest after he is denied the opportunity to vote without a photo ID. Rick Wood, The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.
Voters headed to the polls in Wisconsin this week for state and local primaries. This was the first statewide election with voter ID in place as well as new voting machines. There were very few problems reported with the roll out of the state’s voter ID law, although needless to say, not everyone was happy about the law. And there was a report from Milwaukee that one veteran was turned away from the polls because his ID card issued by the Department of Veterans Affairs was not a valid ID. Statewide turnout was fairly low for a non-presidential primary, but there were ballot shortages in Brown County and Waukesha County where the voter turnout was higher than expected. Polls had to stay open till 9 p.m. at two polling places in Madison after the polling sites were locked down earlier in the day due reports of a suspicious person in the area. Officials in Marathon County extoled the virtues of the county’s new ballot counting system. The town of Somers experienced some issues when two wards were left out of the poll books.
- The Bipartisan Policy Center has launched an effort to organize large companies and nonprofits to mobilize their employees to register, vote and possibly even volunteer at polling places. Two charter members of the effort are Marriott and Starbucks with at least 200,000 U.S.-based employees. “Businesses and business people can do more. We can do more,” said Howard Schultz, Starbucks CEO. “We should be voting, we should be discussing this in our sphere of influence — family, friends — and make sure we are participating. Because the entire country for 200-plus years has been built on participation.”
- The Anson County, South Carolina board of elections had a lengthy discussion last week about bathrooms. Some board members worried that voters may not have access to bathrooms during long waits to cast a ballot. Board chair Rochelle Williams said that polling places have run into problems in the past when the restrooms were open to the voting public. According to the Anson Record, after some discussion, the board compromised and agreed to designate one of the restrooms for voters who need it, though it will not technically be a public restroom, as only those who vote will be able to use it. Others, whether joggers going by the office or campaigners out front, will not be allowed in since the restroom is in the voting enclosure and only voters will be admitted.
- With early voting under way in the Lone Star State, Lubbock County Elections Administrator Dorothy Kennedy took the time this week to remind Texas voters that guns are not permitted inside voting locations. “So if you can imagine any of our buildings, whether they be our retail outlets or any of our county buildings, our elections office, when voting is going on, during hours of voting, a bubble kind of goes over the entire building. And no guns are allowed, or weapons, concealed or open carry on the guns, unless you are a licensed peace officers,” Kennedy told KLBK.
- The Davidson County, Tennessee election commission recently registered 2,865 teens to vote in the city of Nashville. That bests last year’s number by almost 1,300. In-school registrations were conducted over a four-day period at 34 individual schools. They included speaking engagements from several Metro officeholders to energize voting among young people.
- Personnel News: Mary Lynn Pinkerman is the new general registrar for the City of Chesapeake, Virginia. Kathy Meyer will replace Ken Terry as the new director of the Allen County, Ohio board of elections. Trumbull County, Ohio board of elections member Ken Kubala has stepped down citing conflicts of interest because his boss is running for office. Jim DeLanis is the new Davidson County, Tennessee election commission chairman. Karen Krauss will not seek a fifth term as Sumter County, Florida supervisor of elections and as of the filing deadline, no one else had pulled papers to run either. Tim Tsujii is the new Forsyth County, North Carolina board of elections director pending state approval.
- In Memoriam: Patricia M. Baker, former Ridgefield, Connecticut Democratic registrar of voters died on February 14. She was 77.
IV. Research and Report Summaries
electionline provides brief summaries of recent research and reports in the field of election administration. The summaries are courtesy of the research staff of The Pew Charitable Trusts Elections Initiatives. Please email links to research to Sean Greene at Pew.
An Analysis of Factors That Result In Vote Denial for American Indian Voters Living On Reservations in Montana – Moana J. Vercoe, Turn Network, Prepared For Indian People’s Action and Four Directions, February 2016: This paper analyzes the details of the legal challenge Wandering Medicine v McCulloch which was brought under Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act. It describes why satellite election offices need to be established in Reservations in Montana and the challenges faced by American Indians living on Reservations with election offices – where people can register to vote and cast in-person absentee ballots – that are currently great distances away.
Voter Identification Laws and the Suppression of Minority Votes – Zoltan Hajnal, University of California, San Diego Nazita Lajevardi, University of California San Diego, February 2016: The researchers, using validated voting data from the Cooperative Congressional Election Study, find strict voter ID requirements have a differentially negative impact on the turnout of minority voters.
V. Legislative Updates
Alabama: The Alabama Association of County Commissions has proposed legislation that would change the way county boards of registrars are chosen. Under current law, which is more than 100 years old, the governor, state auditor and commissioner of agriculture and industries appoint the registrars. The proposed legislation would make registrars county employees and supervised at the local level.
Arizona: Lawmakers are debating legislation that would, if approved, make Arizona the first Republican-leaning state to be a part of the National Popular Vote Compact. The bill has been approved by the House and is now up for debate in the Senate.
Colorado: The Senate has given preliminary approval to legislation that would reduce the number of voting sites available during the first week of early voting. Under current law, clerks must provide a vote center for every 30,000 voters, but under the proposed legislation, that number would be 75,000.
Connecticut: Under legislation proposed by Secretary of State Denise Merrill, Connecticut would move to an automatic voter registration system. During a press conference to announce the legislation, Merrill said if approved, as many as 400,000 people could be added to the Nutmeg State’s voter rolls.
Florida: Sen. Audrey Gibson (D-Jacksonville) has introduced legislation that would give voters who cast provisional ballots and forget to sign them time to get them signed and be counted.
New Mexico: Legislation allowing 17-year-olds to vote in the primary if they will be 18 by the time of the general election is on the way to Gov. Susana Martinez’s desk. Senators approved the bill 24-16 and the House approved it 41-26.
Virginia: Following a 25-minute hearing, bills that would have eased absentee voting restrictions died in the House of Delegates elections subcommittee. Senate Bill SB106 calling for no excuse absentee voting was tabled and another bill that would have allowed those 65 and older to cast an absentee ballot without an excuse was also tabled.
Washington: On a 55-42 vote Monday, the chamber passed House Bill 2682, which would automatically register people who aren’t on the voter rolls but already have or apply for an enhanced driver’s license or commercial driver’s licenses, both of which require citizenship verification. Those who receive social services that verify citizenship or get health insurance through the state health exchange also would be automatically registered.
Wisconsin: This week, the Assembly gave final approval to legislation that would provide for online voter registration in the Badger State. However, unlike OVR legislation in other states, this legislation also eliminated popular Special Registration Deputies program. SRDs worked with civic groups to conduct voter registration drives.
Final approval was also given to legislation that would limit the types of ID accepted in order to cast a ballot. No longer would voters be allowed to show ID cards issued by local governments. The Senate approved the bill 19-13 and the Assembly 62-35. Gov. Scott Walker is expected to sign the bill.
VI. Legal Updates
U.S. Supreme Court: Politico has an article about what impacts the death of Justice Antonin A. Scalia may have on several elections-related cases before the U.S. Supreme Court currently as well as what impact any replacement may have once that replacement is nominated and confirmed.
Federal Litigation: A coalition of voting rights groups has sued U.S. Election Assistance Commission Executive Director Brian Newby who required residents of Kansas, Alabama and Georgia to show proof-of-citizenship in order to register to vote. The suit also names the entire Commission as a defendant. The complaint, filed by the League of Women Voters, Project Vote, and the Georgia State Conference of the NAACP contends that Newby’s decision will hurt voter registration drives and deprive eligible voters of the right to vote.
District of Columbia: A D.C. Superior Court judge has ruled that D.C. Attorney General Karl Racine may intervene in a case that will determine whether the D.C. Board of Elections was properly constituted when it approved a ballot initiative. “The residents of our city have a clear interest in ensuring not only that they are allowed to vote on this ballot measure, but also that other actions of the Board of Elections are not called into question,” Racine said in a statement according to The Washington Times.
Georgia: The NAACP and Common Cause have filed a lawsuit against Secretary of State Brian Kemp arguing that his office is violating the National Voter Registration Act and improperly removing voters from the state’s voting rolls.
Illinois: The federal government is asking an Illinois federal judge to throw out a case challenging how voter rights are extended to the territories, saying the plaintiffs’ issue should be with the state, not the feds. In their filing, the feds said it’s not the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act that prevents the plaintiffs from voting, but specifically Illinois’ law.
Kentucky: The Kentucky Supreme Court has agreed to review a lower-court decision in which a challenger alleged voter fraud after the incumbent received more absentee votes, but the challenger received more in-person votes.
VII. Tech Thursday
California: Imperial County is the latest California county to complete the transition to California’s new statewide voter registration database.
Florida: U.S. Rep. Ted Deutch (D-West Boca) has written a letter to Secretary of State Ken Detzner urging Detzner to sign the Sunshine State up to participate in ERIC. “We have a record when it comes to our elections that is obviously not one we are terribly proud of,” Deutch told the Sun-Sentinel. “I can’t understand why we wouldn’t join an effort with a nationwide database that can combat problems of people being registered to vote in two states.”
Maine: Maine is preparing to launch a new ballot-marking system for voters with disabilities during the state primaries in June. Officials say the new system is a single unit with a video screen and a built-in ballot printer with a controller attached. It will offer voters an audio and a visual ballot. That will allow voters to make their choices by touching the screen or using the controller, which has shaped and colored buttons with Braille labels.
Pennsylvania: Six months after launching online voter registration Pennsylvania is getting ready to hit the 100,000 mark. Late last week the online system had seen 91,000 users and officials in the Department of State expected to hit the 100K milestone some time this week.
South Carolina: The South Carolina Election Commission is seeking $41.5 million to replace the state’s 12-year-old voting system. “We’re still confident in our current voting system,” Election Commission spokesman Chris Whitmire told The State.
But, Whitmire added, the voting machines are kind of like a family car — it’s not a good idea to wait until it breaks down to start the search for a replacement.
South Dakota: The Capital Journal has an article about a Pierre couple who founded BPro, a company that produces TotalVote a software that takes raw elections results and reports them on websites and to the media. The software is at work in South Dakota, Montana, North Dakota, Nebraska, Hawaii, New Mexico and Oregon as well as Sacramento County, California and 11 Minnesota counties.
Texas: Smith County has launched the Interactive ExpressPass Sample Ballots program on its website that allows voters to input their information and pull up the exact sample ballot they will see at the voting booth. This is the second time the county has used the program. “We thought it would be important to use this feature for the primary,” Karen Nelson, Smith County elections administrator told the Tyler Morning Telegraph. “So many voters are using online forums more and more, and it’s a good way for the voter to be a part of the ballot before they cast their vote.”
VIII. Opinions This Week
National Opinions: Election reform | Voting system; Voter ID, II | Automatic voter registration
Alabama: Voter information cards
California: Fresno County
Colorado: Voting system
Connecticut: Automatic voter registration, II, III, IV
Florida: Primary 101 | Early voting | Lake County
Illinois: Chicago elections
Iowa: Primary
Kansas: Voting chaos | Audits
Louisiana: Vote buying
Maryland: Voting rights
Montana: Satellite voting
Nebraska: Voter ID
New Hampshire: Voter ID | Poll traffic
New York: Election reform | Election consolidation
North Carolina: Complexities of voting; Voter ID, II, III | Voting rights | Voting law changes | Young voters
Pennsylvania: Online voter registration
Tennessee: Early voting, II
U.S. Virgin Islands: Primaries
Virginia: Cost of elections
West Virginia: Voter ID
Wisconsin: Online voter registration, II, III, IV | Voter ID
IX. Available Funding/Partnerships
Call for Proposals for Guest Posts on Youth & Political Engagement
The Monkey Cage, a blog of The Washington Post that uses social science theory and evidence to “make some sense of the circus that is politics” is partnering with CIRCLE to publish 10 articles on youth voting and political engagement. The partnership is funded by a grant from the Democracy Fund.
We are looking for articles on youth and political engagement accessible to a broad audience. We seek contributions from political scientists and scholars in other relevant fields at all stages in their careers. The majority of selected articles will be posted before the end of the 2016 calendar year; however, we are open to proposals that use data collected in 2016 for posting in the first half of 2017.
A proposal should be a short explanation of the topic, the argument, the main evidence, and the audience for the proposed article. In keeping with the mission of The Monkey Cage, the article should focus on the research and evidence and not engage in policy or partisan advocacy — as one might in a traditional op-ed.
We will invite some people who submitted proposals to draft full articles. The Monkey Cage and CIRCLE will make a final decision about publication based on the full drafts, considering these criteria:
Focus on young people under 30 years of age in the U.S. (required);
- Addresses research question related to elections, public policy, or governance at any level;
- Clear explanation of the quantitative or qualitative data used;
- Evidence of rigorous research/analysis;
- Accessibility, i.e. potential for the content to be effective as journalism;
- Timeliness, i.e. at least some relevance to current public conversations about politics;
- Discussion of possible implications for practice and/or policy; and
- Diversity among the proposals selected to contribute
Proposals are due by midnight ET on March 2, 2016. To propose an article, use this form.
Innovation in American Government Awards
Applications are now being accepted for the $100,000 Innovations in American Government Awards.Offered by Harvard Kennedy School’s Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation, the Innovations Award is the nation’s premier award for the public sector. It recognizes programs that demonstrate creative and effective government at its best.
All units of government — federal, state, local, tribal, and territorial — from all policy areas are eligible to apply for recognition.
This year, the Ash Center is also once again offering the Roy and Lila Ash Innovations Award for Public Engagement in Government, a special Innovations Award that will recognize government-led programs that demonstrate novel and effective approaches to increasing public engagement and participation in the governance of towns, cities, states, and the nation.
The winners of the Innovations in American Government Award and the Roy and Lila Ash Award will each receive a $100,000 grant to support replication and dissemination activities in 2017. Top finalists will also receive monetary grants.
Applications and additional information is available here. Applications are due April 15.
ERIC Grants
The Pew Charitable Trusts is inviting new members and states considering joining ERIC to apply for grants to help defray the costs of their initial outreach, which includes bulk mail service, provider charges and postage. States interested in applying for mailing grants can do so here. Applications must be received by 5 p.m. EST on Feb. 29, 2016. Instructions for submitting an application and information on the timeline and selection process are included on the application form. States that are awarded grants must join ERIC by May 31, 2016, to receive the funds.
For more information, please contact Keara Castaldo at kcastaldo@pewtrusts.org.
X. Upcoming Events
Please email upcoming events — conferences, symposiums, seminars, webinars, etc. to mmoretti@electionline.org.
NACo Legislative Conference: The NACo Legislative Conference is held on an annual basis in Washington, DC. This meeting brings over 2,000 elected and appointed county officials from across the country to focus on legislative issues facing county government. Attendees hear from key Administration officials and members of Congress and are offered a myriad of additional educational opportunities addressing current and hot topic issues. A day of lobbying on Capitol Hill the last day rounds out an information-packed conference. Where: Washington, D.C. When: Feb. 20-24, 2016. For more information and to register, click here.
NACRC Winter Education Conference: National Association of County Recorders, Election Officials, and Clerks (NACRC) has its winter education conference in February in Savannah, GA. Among the topics will be a presentation by the Brennan Center for Justice report on the aging electronic voting machines across the country, and what elections officials can do about it. We’ll also discuss the movement to lower the voting age to 16, how to maintain clean voter registration databases, and a nationwide elections-only roundtable discussion. Hear from veterans and newcomers in the field about their innovations to tackle issues faced across the country. All this networking and learning will earn you credits towards the NACRC Certified Public Official Program. Where: Savannah, Georgia. When: Feb. 22-23. For more information and to register, click here.
XI. Job Postings This Week
electionlineWeekly publishes election administration job postings each week as a free service to our readers. To have your job listed in the newsletter, please send a copy of the job description, including a web link to mmoretti@electionline.org. Job postings must be received by 5pm on Wednesday in order to appear in the Thursday newsletter. Listings will run for three weeks or till the deadline listed in the posting.
Assistant Registrar, City of Manassas, Virginia — this is a part-time, “as needed” position involving registering voters; answering concerns of citizens; assisting with administration of absentee voting; and preparing, updating, and maintaining voter registration records. requirements include avalid State driver’s license, high school diploma or GED, and proficiency with general office practices, including basic computer skills. Knowledge of laws, ordinances, practices, and procedures related to elections and voter registration is a plus. Applicant must be a registered voter. Work schedule will vary throughout the year and intensify in the weeks preceding elections, and may include some weekend hours. Applicant must be available from 5:00 a.m. until 9:00 p.m. or later on all election days. Salary: $15.26 per hour Deadline: Open until filled. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Clerk-Recorder Services Manager, Contra Costa County, California — this management position reports to the assistant clerk-recorder and acts in the place of the assistant clerk-recorder in his/her absence. Position is responsible for assisting the assistant clerk-recorder in planning, organizing, directing and managing the day-to-day activities of the clerk-recorder division; the development, establishment, implementation and evaluation of the county clerk and county recorder policies and procedures according to California Codes, applicable laws, rules, procedures, court cases, regulations and ordinances that affect the county clerk and county recorder. The ideal candidate will possess knowledge and understanding of the entire clerk and recorder processes, appropriate laws, codes and regulations as well as working knowledge and understanding of the interrelationships of each of the sections of the division. Strong management and administrative skills re required. Salary: $6,459-$7,851 monthly. Deadline: March 4. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Customer Relations Manager, Dominion Voting Systems, San Leandro, California — Dominion Voting Systems is seeking a highly motivated and enthusiastic, Customer Relations Manager, to be based in our San Leandro, California office! This position will be responsible for supporting customers by partnering with the sales and operations teams to exceed customer needs and requirements; addressing and resolving customer concerns; and, identifying ways to implement preventive measures for continuous process improvement. Salary: Negotiable base + bonus target & benefits. Deadline: Open until filled. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Democracy Fellowship, IFES, Washington, D.C. — The International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES) annually awards two to four Democracy Studies Fellowships to bring outstanding graduate students to Washington, D.C. to engage in democracy development research. Based at IFES’ Center for Applied Research and Learning, fellows have access to IFES experts and conduct independent research with IFES mentors for six to eight weeks. At the end of the program, fellows must complete a paper for presentation to the public or IFES colleagues. The William and Kathy Hybl Fellowship, funded by William Hybl, a former Chair and current member of IFES’ Board of Directors, and wife Kathy awards one grant to bring an outstanding U.S. or international graduate student from a university in the Rocky Mountain region to Washington to conduct research in democracy-building. The Charles and Kathleen Manatt Fellowship, funded by the late U.S. Ambassador to the Dominican Republic and former Chair of IFES’ Board of Directors, Charles Manatt, and his wife Kathleen awards a student from the American Midwest the opportunity to work with IFES experts and conduct research on democracy and governance. IFES’ Election Administration Residency is a professional enrichment program for Humphrey Fellows. This program brings one outstanding Humphrey Fellow to Washington, D.C. each year to learn more about democracy development, election administration and civic participation in the political process. Deadline: March 15. Application: For the complete listing and to apply, click here.
Deputy Registrar, City of Manassas, Virginia — Conducts local, state and federal elections and performs the duties of the General Registrar in his or her absence. Executes and supervises the recruitment, appointment, oaths, official policies, training and payroll of election officials who work the polls. Processes voter registration applications and administers absentee voting both in person and by mail, email, and fax. Creates Voter Photo IDs; programs electronic poll books for precinct use and trains election officials on their operation. Produces reports and statistics as assigned; creates official advertisements for upcoming elections and registration deadlines; prepares City election results for news media and the public. Assists the General Registrar and Electoral Board in ascertaining election results. Salary: $44,574.40-$59,072. Deadline: Open until filled. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Director of Elections, Montgomery County, Alabama — Director of Elections manages and oversees all operations involved in the election process of Montgomery County. This includes Montgomery County primary, primary-run off, general and other required elections such as municipal, county, state, federal and special elections. The essential functions include supervising two or more full-time employees; supervising the financial management of the Elections Center; managing the overall elections process for the county; preparing for elections; monitoring activities prior to, in preparation for and during Election Day; coordinating post-elections activities; serving as liaison with county, state, federal, and private sector groups; serving as the Absentee Elections Manager, preparing and providing voter education, and performing various activities and projects as directed by the Probate Judge. Qualified applicants will possess a master’s of public administration and four years of experience administering and conducting public elections or related political/legal activities. A doctorate of jurisprudence can substitute for two years of the experience administering and conducting public elections or the related political/legal activities experience. Salary: $62,126. Deadline: Open until filled. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Elections Assistant Administrator, Travis County, Texas — assists the Division Manager in strategic planning that establishes goals and objectives for the division. Oversees the daily operational activities of a divisional area. Overseas the day-to-day functions of the division, including personnel, information systems, facilities, resources planning, strategic planning and records management. Assists the Division Manager with planning, coordinating, administering and evaluating operations, staff and functions of the division. Salary: $77,956.53-$101,343.63. Deadline: February 29. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Junior Product Support Specialist, Toronto, Ontario— Dominion Voting Systems is seeking an out-going, technology savvy, Junior Product Support Specialist, to be based in our downtown Toronto office. This position is responsible for supporting installation, operation, repair, and maintenance of all Dominion Voting Systems products; as well as developing and executing training sessions; and assisting with warehousing and logistics. Salary: Negotiable base + bonus target & benefits. Deadline: Open until filled. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here
Network & Systems Specialist, Denver, Colorado — Dominion Voting Systems is seeking a tech-savvy and detail oriented, Network & Systems Specialist, to be based in our downtown Denver, Colorado office. This role is responsible for assisting with the deployment and troubleshooting of advanced elections hardware and software system configurations; providing support to the logistics associated with procuring elections systems and equipment; performing tests and evaluations of various voting solutions; and providing election support to customers both remotely and/or on-site. Salary: Negotiable base + bonus target & benefits. Deadline: Open until filled. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Product Specialist, Dominion Voting Systems, Chicago area — Dominion Voting Systems is seeking a tech-savvy and out-going person to join us as a, Product Specialist, in the Chicago, Illinois area. This position is responsible for the installation, operation, repair, and maintenance of all Dominion Voting Systems products; developing and delivering of product training curriculum and materials to customers and internal employees; and interfacing directly with customers, co-workers, and election officials. Salary: Negotiable base + bonus target & benefits. Deadline: Open until filled. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Product Support Specialist, Toronto, Ontario — Dominion Voting Systems is seeking an experienced and motivated, Product Support Specialist, to be based in our downtown Toronto office. This position is responsible for supporting installation, operation, repair, and maintenance of all Dominion Voting Systems products; as well as developing and executing training sessions; and working closely with the Operations and Development Teams on a number of critical projects. Salary: Negotiable base + bonus target & benefits. Deadline: Open until filled. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Program Associate, Governance Program, Democracy Fund — The Democracy Fund seeks to hire a Program Associate to support our Governance Initiative, which is focused on how we can help major governing institutions to work more effectively in the face of increasing polarization. We are looking for candidates who are passionate about making our political system work better and have a strong understanding about how Congress and other governing institutions work. Strong candidates will be excellent writers, have strong research skills, work well with others, have an ability to think systemically, and have a proven track record of being able to get things done in a complex professional environment. As a bipartisan organization, we welcome applications from Republicans, Democrats, and Independents – a willingness to work across the aisle is essential. A major area of responsibility for the Program Associate will be to work with the Program Director of our Governance Initiative in sourcing and evaluating grant opportunities, as well as working with our portfolio of grantee organizations to help them succeed. Among our existing grantees within this initiative are the Bipartisan Policy Center, the Congressional Institute, the No Labels Foundation, the Aspen Institute’s Congressional Program, and the Faith & Politics Institute. Beyond grant making, Program Associates will work with the Democracy Fund team to design and implement strategies to more directly advance our goals through research, convening, and advocacy. Deadline: Open until filled. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Programming Specialist, Toronto, Ontario — Dominion Voting Systems is seeking a highly-driven and detail-oriented, Programming Specialist, to be based in our downtown Toronto office. This position is responsible for elections design and programming; ensuring elections systems meet all performance criteria, standards and requirements; developing and executing trainings; implementing Dominion Voting System products; and providing technical support to customers, co-workers and election officials. Salary: Negotiable base + bonus target & benefits. Deadline: Open until filled. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Regional Sales Manager, North Carolina / South Carolina — Dominion Voting Systems is seeking a highly-motivated and experienced, Regional Sales Manager, in the North Carolina / South Carolina region. This position will be responsible for long term sales (3-5 years) of the company’s election products and services in a specified geographic region to governmental agencies. This position uses technical, organizational and customer knowledge to influence customers and assist them in applying the products and services to their needs, resulting in revenue generation. In addition, the position provides input and participates in the marketing, market planning and technical development of products and services. Salary: Negotiable base + commission & benefits. Deadline: Open until filled. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
XII. Marketplace
electionline provides no guarantees as to the quality of the items being sold and the accuracy of the information provided about the sale items in the Marketplace. Ads are provided directly by sellers and are not verified by electionline. If you have an ad for Marketplace, please email it to mmoretti@electionline.org