May 26, 2016
I. In Focus This Week
2016 Summer Reading List
The Summer of 2016 officially kicks off this weekend.
There will be backyard barbeques, days at the pool and beach, political conventions, mosquito bites, fireworks, sunburns, summer loves and the inevitable song of the summer (we’re already calling this one).
The summer also presents many people with an opportunity to slow down (albeit just a little bit in this hectic election year) and pick up a good book or two to read.
And there are plenty of options from the likes James Patterson, David Baldacci, Danielle Steel, Louis Erdrich, Curtis Sittenfeld and so many more to choose from, we thought our readership might be interested in a few books that are a bit closer to their hearts.
What follows are reviews of four election-related books that we thought you may enjoy this summer. And unlike assigned reading in school, we will not expect a book report in September! Happy Reading!
II. Primary Updates
Voters in The Peach State went to the polls this week for state and local primaries and while Georgia may have had record-breaking turnout for the March 1 presidential preference primary, the same could not be said this week. That being said, early voting numbers were up from this time two years ago.
Despite the relatively low turnout, there were some issues. Voters were encouraged to report problems to the secretary of state’s office via social media.
In DeKalb County, a couple visiting a voting site drove their car through a playground fence at the polling place church and had to be rescued from their car when it dangled over a ledge at a 45 degree angle. Neither person in the car suffered serious injuries.
A voter in Atlanta said that a poll worker yelled at her when she brought notes into the polling place. Voter Jennifer Summer told 11Alive that she always does research on the candidates before an election and brings those notes with her. The secretary of state’s office is investigating.
Although the lights blinked, voting was not affected at a Forsyth County polling place when a transformer outside the site caught fire early Tuesday morning.
In Gwinnett County, one polling place in Norcross was ordered to stay open late because it opened late Tuesday. Superior Judge Tom Davis ordered the polls to remain open until 7:42 p.m. because the site opened late after a poll manager locked herself out.
The results in Douglas County were delayed till late Wednesday because the county was forced to do a manual count after a candidate dropped out of the race. Absentee and early ballots featured the candidate, election day ballots did not so they had to be counted separately.
And in Fulton County, at least 100 voters voted in the wrong Congressional race after a data glitch provided them with an incorrect ballot. According to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, the secretary of state’s office and Democratic party knew of the data glitch, but failed to notify elections officials in Fulton who produce the ballots.
Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders has asked for a recanvass of the Kentucky primary vote. Currently Hillary Clinton leads Sanders by about two thousand votes in Kentucky. According to The Washington Post, the Sanders campaign has offered no examples of questionable vote-counting or electioneering and went with a recanvass instead of recount because the state covers the costs of the recanvass.
The Maryland State Board of Elections has determined that about 1,650 ballots cast in Baltimore were handled improperly. Of those 1, 188 provisional ballots were improperly scanned in primary day vote totals and 465 other provisional ballots were not considered.
According to The Baltimore Sun, there were problems at precincts throughout the city, the review found. At only 75 of the city’s 296 precincts did the number of voters who checked into the polls and the number of ballots cast match. At 11 precincts, there were at least 30 more ballots cast than voters who checked in.
“It is what it is,” Armstead B.C. Jones Sr., Baltimore’s election director told The Sun. “It shouldn’t have happened, but Baltimore City is not the only place where it happened.”
Voters in Washington mailed it in this week and there were no reports of any problems. Turnout was mixed.
The primary cost the state $11.5 million to conduct and once again ignited discussions about changing the process.
III. Election News This Week
- Fifty members of Congress have joined together to form the Voting Rights Caucus. According to Roll Call, the caucus will work to educate the public about voting restrictions enacted since the U.S. Supreme Court struck down a key section of the Voting Rights Act in 2013. “It is a shame that in 2016 we still need a caucus,” said Alabama Rep. Terri A. Sewell, who will co-chair the new caucus.
- This week, the South Dakota State Board of Elections adopted 45 pages of rules changes. According to the Rapid City Journal, some of the proposals covered establishing governments for new cities, adopting armed sentinel programs in school districts, filling vacancies and how ballot petitions are reviewed. Nearly all of the proposals were unanimously approved by the board.
- Since their voting rights were restored in April, almost 5,000 ex-felons have registered to vote in Virginia. Elections Commissioner Edgardo Cortés said that 4,935 ex-offenders had registered since McAuliffe signed the restoration order on April 22. The total represents an increase of about 1,000 voters registered since last week. The deadline to apply for June’s primary was Monday but those who applied and still have to be verified will be included in the rolls for June 14.
- By a 2 to 1, the Vigo County Board of Elections once again voted down including a voting center on the campus of Indiana State University. Although the state had approved the location, the county board had to unanimously agree. Republican Kara Anderson voted against it. Democrats Michael Slagle and Dave Crockett voted in favor. At a packed meeting Anderson said it would be unfair to take voting machines from other locations, but the University and county said they would pay for additional machines. This is the second time in 2016 the board had denied a voting center at ISU.
- That sound you hear is this Gen-X writer grumbling while writing that apparently a new analysis of Census data shows that Millennials are now tied with Baby Boomers for the largest percentage share of eligible voters. Each age group comprises about 31 percent of the electorate. That being said, the Boomers turn out in a higher percentage — 69 percent — than the Millennials do — 46 percent.
- Speaking of Millennials, while voter registration numbers for Millennials are up in California, whether or not they cast a ballot remains to be seen. In Sacramento County, where 65 percent of the new voter registrations were voters under 35, so far only 9 percent of the returned mail-in ballots are from voters under 35. “A lot of younger voters, they might not even know where they keep their stamps,” Paul Mitchell, vice president of Political Data who is tracking registration and voting numbers told KCRA.
- In other young voter news, Wyoming Secretary of State Ed Murray said this week that he was “appalled and shocked” that only about 10 percent of the people aged 18-24 bothered to vote in the Cowboy State. According to KGAB Murray is calling for a return to civics courses at state schools. He also plans to hold a statewide summit later this year to discuss the problem.
- Oof…The New York City Board of Elections recently sent letters to some voters whose ballots were not counted during the April primary. The letters read, in part: “Dear Voter: We have received your Absentee Ballot for the Primary Election held September 13, 2016. We could not count your vote because it was not in compliance with Election Laws,” the notices read.
- Personnel News: Members of the U.S. Election Assistance Commission’s Standards Board and Board of Advisors recently selected officers for new terms at their annual meetings. Grand Blanc Township, Michigan Deputy Clerk Sue DeVernay has been fired.
In Memoriam: Longtime Laramie County, Wyoming Clerk Debbye Balcaen Lathrop died on May 18. She was 64. Lathrop was first elected to office in 1994 and was serving her sixth term as county clerk.
“There was nobody, as far as I’m concerned, in the state of Wyoming or the nation who was a better county clerk than she was,” County Commission Chairman Buck Holmes told the Wyoming Tribune Eagle. “She knew the statutes, how to get ready for the audits we go through. She was just so knowledgeable.”
According to the Tribune Eagle, Lathrop was a vocal proponent of the county’s current vote center election model.
“She was always looking forward. While we would get kind of comfortable with one kind of voting machine, something better would come along,” former Commissioner Diane Humphrey told the paper. “And thanks to her, we were always ahead of the curve. Laramie County was where we would try all the new stuff out, and Debbye had a lot to do with that.”
Lathrop’s husband of 31 years, Steve, passed away in April. She is survived by several children and grandchildren.
IV. Legislative Updates
Illinois: By a 42-16 vote, the Senate has approved legislation that could make Illinois the sixth state to adopt automatic voter registration. The bill now goes to the House for consideration.
Minnesota: Gov. Mark Dayton has signed legislation into law that will move Minnesota to a presidential primary system beginning in 2020.
New Jersey: Bill A-3591 that would allow 17-year-olds who turn 18 by the general election vote in the primary has been approved by the Assembly Judiciary Committee.
Ohio: By a 90-2 vote, the Ohio House has finally approved online voter registration. The vote capped years of back-and-forth and will become law in 2017, something that disappointed Secretary of State Jon Husted. “There are absolutely no good reasons why this should be delayed until 2017 from an administrative point of view,” Husted said.
Also in Ohio, the Senate is fast-tracking legislation that would require petitioners to put up bond money if they seek to keep the polls open later than the designated closing time.
V. Legal Updates
California: Activists supporting Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders filed suit late last week to extend California’s voter registration up until primary day. San Francisco City Attorney Dennis Herrer called the suit a “political stunt” that “cynically aims to undermine the legitimacy of our, and to further a political narrative that has zero basis in reality.” The judge has set an August 18 hearing date—more than two months after the primary election.
Hawaii: The state’s highest court heard arguments last week in a suit filed by the Green Party of Hawaii and stemming from ballot issues in 2012. The plaintiffs argue that the methods and procedures for printing and handling ballot should have been adopted in accordance with the state’s Administrative Procedures Act.
Kansas: U.S. District Judge Julie Robinson denied a request to put on hold a pending appeal of her order requiring the state to begin registering “suspended” voters. Instead, she extended her temporary stay on her ruling for an additional two weeks.
Ohio: Judge Michael H. Watson of the U.S. District Court in Columbus has ruled that the state violated the voting rights of Ohioans by eliminating the “golden week.” In 2014 that Legislature reduced the state’s early voting period from 35 to 28 days and it eliminated the one week when voters to register and vote on the same day. “Based on this evidence, it is reasonable to conclude that the reduction in overall time to vote will burden the right to vote of African Americans, who use (early in-person) voting significantly more than other voters,” Watson said in a 120-page opinion.
U.S. Virgin Islands: The Democratic Party is suing the Joint Board of Elections in an effort to have the Joint Board conduct a primary. The party argues that the Joint Board is violating the law by forcing the Democrats to pay for their own primary.
Texas: The full panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit heard oral arguments on Tuesday about the state’s voter ID law. Several of the 15 judges questioned by Texas did not have more fallback provisions for voters who lack the kinds of ID the state requires. The Appeals Court is under pressure from the Supreme Court to make a decision by July.
Virginia: U.S. District Judge Henry E. Hudson upheld Virginia’s voter ID law, which had been challenged by Democrats who alleged that the Republican-controlled legislature did so to curb the number of young and minority voters. “Mindful that the court’s mission is to judge not the wisdom of the Virginia voter ID law, but rather its constitutionality, this court cannot say that plaintiffs have met their burden of proof in showing by a preponderance of the evidence that the Virginia voter ID law … contravenes the Voting Rights Act, the First Amendment, the Fourteenth Amendment, the Fifteenth Amendment, or the Twenty-Sixth Amendment,” Hudson wrote.
Also this week, the U.S. Supreme Court threw out a challenge to a judge-drawn voting map. According to Bloomberg, the unanimous ruling Monday said the state’s Republican congressional delegation couldn’t press an appeal seeking to reinstate an earlier map drawn by the state legislature. That map helped Republicans capture eight of Virginia’s 11 U.S. congressional districts in the 2012 and 2014 elections.
In other legal news in Virginia, the state’s GOP filed suit in order to stop more than 206,000 ex-felons from having their voting rights restored under an executive order by Gov. Terry McAuliffe (D). The leaders of the House and Senate filed their suit with the state Supreme Court and argued that McAuliffe had exceeded his authority with the executive order.
Wisconsin: The federal trial over Wisconsin’s voter ID law entered its second week on Monday. Testimony was expected to last through Thursday.
VI. Tech Thursday
Alabama: Secretary of State John Merrill has introduced the Vote for Alabama app that enables Alabamians to register to vote and find their registration information on their iPhones or Androids. The app also provides election and polling place information.
New Jersey: Union County has updated its popular mobile app Union County Votes. First created in 2014, the app now includes a button specifically for the the 2016 presidential contest. There is also an “Are you 17?” button on the app that provides information for 17-year-olds.
New Mexico: Bernalillo County is hoping to avoid some election day problems seen by other counties this primary season. The county sent every registered Democrat and Republican and a letter with a unique bar code. The county is hoping voters will bring those letters to the polling place with them for faster check-in on June 7.
Texas: Fort Bend County has debuted an enhanced search tool designed to make it easier for voters to find a vote center with short wait times. From the county’s website, voters will be able to see a map of vote centers. A color-coded pin will represent each vote center and each color will represent a wait time.
VII. Opinions This Week
National Opinions: Voting system | Ballot selfies; Voter ID, II | Automatic voter registration
Arizona: Secretary of state
Arkansas: Voting machines
California: Automatic voter registration
Connecticut: Automatic voter registration | Student voters
Florida: Ex-felon voting rights
Illinois: DeKalb County
Indiana: Voting centers, II
Kansas Voting rights, II | Proof-of-citizenship
Maryland: Wicomico County, II | Baltimore primary
Montana: Fair elections
New Jersey: Voter registration
New Mexico: Election funding
New York: Dutchess County | Cost of elections
Ohio: Election legislation | Early voting | Voting rights
Oregon: Automatic voter registration
Texas: Voter ID
Virginia: Ex-felon voting rights
Washington: Primary | Vote-by-mail
Wisconsin: Voter ID, II, III, IV
VIII. Upcoming Events
Summit on Language Access in Elections —The U.S. Election Assistance Commission and Democracy Fund Action are hosting a convening on the important of language access in the 2016 elections and beyond. The day-long event will feature panelists from across government, advocacy and academia discussing the language needs and solutions for a growing number of voters. When: June 2 8am-5pm. Where: University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland. For more information and to register, click here.
Election Law Continuing Legal Education — The International Association of Clerks, Recorders, Election Officials and Treasurers (IACREOT), the National Association of County Recorders, Election Officials and Clerks (NACRC), and the Bipartisan Policy Center will host subject matter experts from federal, state and local government, elections activists, and private practice attorneys. Tentative session topics include: Hot Topics in Access and Integrity; UOCAVA Voters: Legal Trends; Preparing for Voting Equipment Issues and General Election; PCEA, Election Day and the Law; Legal Issues in Considering Automated Voter Registration; and Recounts and Contests: How to Prepare/What to Expect. When: June 25. Where: Memphis, Tennessee. For more information and to register, click here.
NACRC/IACREOT Annual Conference — the 2016 annual conference—the last to be held under the NACRC/IACREOT banner will feature plenary sessions, a trade show, committee and board meeting, awards breakfast, annual banquet and a ballgame. When: June 25-30. Where: Memphis, Tennessee. For more information and to register, click here.
National Association of Secretaries of State Summer Conference — NASS will hold its annual summer meeting in Nashville this year. Agenda programming will include: policy discussions on important issues facing secretaries of state, idea-sharing panels highlighting best practices in state programming, sessions designed for professional development and networking, induction of national officers for the 2016-2017 cycle and excursions to explore Tennessee and learn more about the culture and state government. When: July 14-17. Where: Nashville, Tennessee. For more information and to register, click here.
National Association of State Election Directors Summer Conference — the 2016 NASED summer conference will be held in Nashville, Tennessee. Details about the event are still being hammered out, so be sure to check the website often. When: July 14-17. Where: Nashville, Tennessee. For more information, click here.
National Association of Counties Annual Conference — NACo’s Annual Conference and Exposition provides an opportunity for all county leaders and staff to learn, network and guide the direction of the association. The 2016 Annual Conference is hosted by Los Angeles County. The conference will be held at the Long Beach Convention Center. Attending the Annual Conference provides member county officials with the opportunity to vote on NACo’s policies related to federal legislation and regulation; elect officers; network with colleagues; learn about innovative county programs; learn more about issues impacting counties across the country; and view products and services from participating companies and exhibitors. When: July 22-25. Where: Long Beach, California. For more information and to register, click here.
National Conference of State Legislators Summer Meeting — the 2016 Legislative Summit will be held in Chicago. The elections portion will include: Politics 2016: State Election Preview, Evaluating Elections, What to Do If You’ve Got a Disputed Election, Technology: Improving Elections One Bit or Byte at a Time? And Helping our Military Vote. When: Aug. 8-11. Where: Chicago. For more information and to register, click here.
IX. Job Postings This Week
electionlineWeekly publishes election administration job postings each week as a free service to our readers. To have your job listed in the newsletter, please send a copy of the job description, including a web link Job postings must be received by 5pm on Wednesday in order to appear in the Thursday newsletter. Listings will run for three weeks or till the deadline listed in the posting.
Civic Research Fellow, Center for Technology and Civic Life, Chicago — “What’s on my ballot?” is the number one question that voters look for online – but the answer to that question is harder to find than you might think. With nearly 8,000 offices responsible for running elections in America, the basic information that voters need to participate in elections is often poorly formatted and hard to find — if it’s online at all. At the Center for Technology and Civic Life, we think all voters should be able to find this information online, and we need your help! We’re looking for a set of 2016 Civic Data Fellows to help us standardize the nation’s ballot information, so that all Americans can find information about what will be on their ballot in November. The fellowship runs from June 1 through the 2016 General Election. Civic Data Fellows will work closely with the Research Manager and Director of Civic Data to collect and standardize information about candidates and referenda from across the country. If you love democracy, researching obscure facts, and turning chaos into order, this is the job for you! Salary: $48,000 per year (pro-rated). Deadline: Open until filled, but job begins June 1. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Customer Relations Manager, Dominion Voting Systems, San Leandro, California — Dominion Voting Systems is seeking a highly motivated and enthusiastic, Customer Relations Manager, to be based in our San Leandro, California office! This position will be responsible for supporting customers by partnering with the sales and operations teams to exceed customer needs and requirements; addressing and resolving customer concerns; and, identifying ways to implement preventive measures for continuous process improvement. Salary: Negotiable base + bonus target & benefits. Deadline: Open until filled. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Customer Relations Manager, New Jersey (Remote) — Dominion Voting Systems is seeking a highly motivated and enthusiastic Customer Relations Manager to work remotely and be based in New Jersey! This position will be responsible for supporting customers by partnering with the sales and operations teams to exceed customer needs and requirements; address and resolve customer concerns; and, identify ways to implement preventive measures for continuous process improvement. Salary: Negotiable base + bonus target & benefits. Deadline: Open until filled. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Data Lead, Voting Information Project — the Data Lead is the VIP team’s stalwart front line as we acquire, parse, and assess a nation’s worth of election data. In this role, you’ll: Manage a dataset that has served millions (and tens of millions) of voters since 2008; train state election offices in data standards and exports; build and maintain parsers, quality assurance checks, and data management scripts; and collaborate with the Democracy Works developer team and Google engineers. Salary: Salary is competitive and commensurate with education and experience. Democracy Works also offers a benefits package including health insurance, vacation, and a 403(b) retirement plan. Deadline: Open until filled. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Deputy Registrar, Manassas, Virginia — conducts local, state and federal elections and performs the duties of the General Registrar in his or her absence. Executes and supervises the recruitment, appointment, oaths, official policies, training and payroll of election officials who work the polls. Processes voter registration applications and administers absentee voting both in person and by mail, email, and fax. Creates Voter Photo IDs; programs electronic poll books for precinct use and trains election officials on their operation. Produces reports and statistics as assigned; creates official advertisements for upcoming elections and registration deadlines; prepares City election results for news media and the public. Assists the General Registrar and Electoral Board in ascertaining election results. Salary: $55,574. Deadline: Open until filled. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Elections Administrative Assistant, McLennan County, Texas —McLennan County, Texas is looking for an elections administrative assistant. Responsibilities include, but are not limited to: Maintain polling location information, standard list of voters and petition verification in VEMACS; operates BOSS (ballot software), which includes precinct definitions, district definitions, contest and translation, and MBB (mobile ballot box) production; prepares and records election telephone message in English. Coordinate Spanish translations; records audio in English for ballot preparation; Coordinates Spanish translation and audio recording for ballot preparation; assists with ballot proofing, including contest/candidate spellings, district/precinct associations, ballot styles and election code requirements; oversees voting equipment inventory; prepares voting equipment for early voting and Election Day, which includes polling location assignment, diagnostic evaluation, and zero reports; organizes, supervises, and participates in voting equipment distribution for Election Day. Conducts back up and reset of electronic voting equipment; prepares and prints poll books and standard/customized list of voters in Crystal Reports; coordinates public tests for each election; coordinates daily closeout procedures for early voting, including distribution of information to media, candidates and public; operates TALLY (tabulation software), which includes election reporting, supervision of provisional ballots, and write-in candidate tabulation; collects, stores, and submits SOS required reports, back ups, and audit logs for each election; assigns, trains and coordinates troubleshooters for voting equipment; diagnose and performs minor repairs on voting equipment ; and attends vendor training to improve knowledge of election equipment. Salary: $1,452.10-$1,886.41 biweekly. Deadline: Open until filled. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Elections Specialist, McLennan County, Texas — McLennan County, Texas is looking for an elections specialist. Job responsibilities include, but are not limited to: review voter registration applications; process – Data Input – permanent records for all New Applications, Changes, Cancellations, Purges from the State, County, Cities; image all documents; send Correspondence, Recruit Workers and Maintain Lists of Election Workers, Polling Places; send Confirmation Cards on Suspended VR; review special request applications or problem apps and reply; create Voter Registration Reports from VEMACS; help incoming customers with applications, corrections and printing of new VR cards; and answer phones, handle questions and answers. Salary: $937.51-$1,306.26 biweekly. Deadline: Open until filled. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Interns, Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation and Institute, Washington, D.C. — do you want to change the world? Are you committed to serving your community and your country? Do you want to develop yourself as civic-minded leader? Spend 8 weeks in the nation’s capital with students from around the country and the world who are just as passionate about making a difference through strong leadership. The intensive and immersive schedule is designed to maximize your time in Washington by combining learning in the classroom with practical internship experience and special events with prominent public leaders. The institute on Leadership and the American Presidency (LTAP) is a new program offered by the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation and Institute in conjunction with The Fund for American Studies. It will help you define and strengthen your leadership skills and learn lessons from the American Presidency, all while giving you an insider’s view of Washington. By the end of the summer you may be ready to call DC home! Application: For the complete listing and to apply, click here.
Junior Product Support Specialist, Toronto, Ontario — Dominion Voting Systems is seeking an out-going, technology savvy, Junior Product Support Specialist, to be based in our downtown Toronto office. This position is responsible for supporting installation, operation, repair, and maintenance of all Dominion Voting Systems products; as well as developing and executing training sessions; and assisting with warehousing and logistics. Salary: Negotiable base + bonus target & benefits. Deadline: Open until filled. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Product Specialist, Denver, Colorado — Dominion Voting Systems is seeking a tech-savvy and passionate, Product Specialist, to be based in our downtown Denver, Colorado office. This role is responsible for responsible for the installation, operation, repair, and maintenance of all Dominion Voting Systems elections products; providing elections support services and customer training; and interfacing directly with customers, co-workers and election officials.. Salary: Negotiable base + bonus target & benefits. Deadline: Open until filled. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Project Manager, Hart InterCivic — project manager plans, directs, and coordinates project activities to ensure that project goals are completed efficiently and on schedule. As a member of the Professional Services Team, the Project Manager works with other team members to manage delivery of the full scope of Hart Voting System implementation and support services. The Project Manager is responsible for ensuring that project goals and deliverables are met, and is directly accountable for the success or failure of projects he or she manages. Deadline: Open until filled. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Proposal Writer, Clear Ballot, Boston— newly created proposal writer position will be part of a dedicated team producing competitive responses to State and County government RFPs.Responsibilities and Tasks: Write engaging content about technical subjects; format final documents using the company style sheet; collaborate with a team of subject matter experts; edit proposal drafts; respond to deadlines and move quickly; contribute to a database of response text, figures and technical descriptions and benefit from professional growth opportunities. Deadline: Open until filled. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
RMA Support Consultant, Hart InterCivic — an RMA Support Consultant responds to all return material authorization requests from Hart InterCivic internal and external customers for all Hart Voting System products. The person in this position must possess the ability to communicate effectively with customers, suppliers, or employees. Essential responsibilities include: Acquires a functional level of knowledge for all Hart InterCivic products and their modules; manages and organizes information and documentation for customer issues; applies advanced knowledge of computer software tools to problem-solving situations; knowledge of standard ticket tracking software is a must; in-depth knowledge of standard inventory warehouse processes and procedures; stays informed on support methodologies; keeps up with revisions to any relevant materials (Agile ECOs and effectivity); works cooperatively with Hart InterCivic field personnel to insure customer satisfaction; complies with, and keeps up with changes in, Hart InterCivic policies, procedures and regulations; other duties as assigned. Deadline: Opening until filled. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Senior Assistant Registrar, Albemarle County, Virginia — the Senior Assistant Registrar performs complex technical and clerical work in the Department of Voter Registration and Elections. Work is performed under general supervision with latitude for independent judgment. Supervision is exercised over subordinate clerical personnel or Assistant Registrars. Essential functions include, but are not limited to: manages complex and extensive physical and computerized voter registration and election records; supervises Assistant Registrars; processes information on computerized registration system and physical files; interacts regularly with staff from other Virginia localities regarding voter issues; designs and develops materials designed to increase efficient election day operations; provides project development support to Electoral Board, as needed; coordinates and executes special projects for department, as assigned; determines eligibility of voter registration applicants, in accordance with law; prepares official letters of Denial of Voter registration, as necessary; assists with maintenance of departmental website; verifies eligibility and assists voters in casting absentee ballots; provides materials and support to area agencies regarding absentee voting; provides information to the general public concerning voter registration and election related issues; actively participates in professional organization; acts for the Deputy and General Registrar in their absence; and performs other duties, as assigned. Salary: $33,641-$40,360. Deadline: Open until filled. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Senior Assistant Registrar, James City County, Virginia — Voter Registration Office is seeking an experience professional to be a part of a dynamic team to assist with daily operations of the General Registrar’s Office. Responsibilities include: assist the General Registrar in implementing and maintaining compliance with local, state, and federal election and voter registration guidelines and requirements; update and maintain accurate records of voter information including, but not limited to, eligibility, changes with redistricting/recprecinciting, voting credits, and any applicable forms. assist with coordinating, maintaining, and supervising of all parts of the election and voting process including, but not limited to, satellite registration sites, absentee ballots, training programs for Officers of Election, posting of results on designated sites, and programing of electronic poll books; assist with preparation of budget including preparation of required reports; create and maintain candidate files; accepts, verifies and certifies candidate forms; receive, audit, and acknowledge Candidate Campaign Contribution and Expenditure Reports; and prepare, provide information, and generate support for voter education projects. Salary: $30,685. Deadline: Open until filled. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Senior Assistant Registrar II, James City County, Virginia — performs responsible work assisting the General Registrar/Director of Elections (GR) in conducting elections, registering voters, and maintaining files. Implements National Voter Registration Act in accordance with Federal and State laws. This position shall be appointed by the GR for a term set by the Electoral Board that coincides with, or is shorter than, the term of the GR, subject to reappointment. Deadline: Open until filled. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Software Developer II, Denver, Colorado & Toronto, Ontario — Dominion Voting Systems is seeking a highly technical and passionate Software Developer II to be based in either our downtown Denver office or our downtown Toronto office! This position will be responsible for providing high-level technical expertise to design development, coding, testing and debugging of new voting system software and/or significant enhancements to existing software for our customers. This position will work on a team utilizing an Agile development environment. Salary: Negotiable base + bonus target & benefits. Deadline: Open until filled. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
System Support Specialist, Denver, Colorado — Dominion Voting Systems is seeking a tech-savvy and detail oriented, Network & Systems Specialist, to be based in our downtown Denver, Colorado office. This role is responsible for assisting with the deployment and troubleshooting of advanced elections hardware and software system configurations; providing support to the logistics associated with procuring elections systems and equipment; performing tests and evaluations of various voting solutions; and providing election support to customers both remotely and/or on-site. Salary: Negotiable base + bonus target & benefits. Deadline: Open until filled. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Technical Writer, ClearBallot, Boston — our small and growing team of technical communicators has an immediate need for a new member with intermediate-to-senior experience. Documentation is key to success in the election systems domain. Deliverables include tasks and supporting information, and, highly scrutinized specifications and plans. All products and their documentation are certified by federal or state agencies; evaluation is performed by demanding government laboratories. Once products are certified, documentation supports the work of users under pressure whose skills range the technical spectrum. Key Responsibilities: Work collaboratively with fellow communicators and the Engineering, Quality Assurance, Technical Support, Compliance/Certification, Business Development, and Executive Management functions; develop deep understanding of the federal regulations governing voting systems, and, the ability to interpret issues raised by delegated federal and state reviewers in partnership with Compliance/Certification; meet governmental standards and write appropriately for target audiences: voters, poll workers, election officials and their technical staff, and voting system test laboratories; quickly grasp complex technical concepts and make them easily understandable through prose and graphics; deal gracefully with multitasking and constant change; create and modify single-sourced, conditionalized, reusable content in MadCap Flare; adhere and contribute to working styles and standards, information architecture, and documentation production process; and respond to documentation tickets. Deadline: Open until filled. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
X. Marketplace
electionline provides no guarantees as to the quality of the items being sold and the accuracy of the information provided about the sale items in the Marketplace. Ads are provided directly by sellers and are not verified by electionline. If you have an ad for Marketplace, please email it to: