Want to find a time to connect with peers in your jurisdiction, your state, or across the country? Check out these events to find one right for you. Not all events listed are open to the public, some events are included to provide notice to potential speakers or those who want to connect with organizers.
Election Center Annual ConferenceDate: August 20, 2025
to August 24, 2025Location: Salt Lake City, UTCategory: ConferenceThe Election Center Annual Conference will be held in Salt Lake City. The conference will run August 20-22 and CERA courses will be offered August 23 and 24. The CERA courses offered will be:
Course 5 (Ethics);
Course 6 (Communications & Public Relations); and
Two renewal courses to be announced.More information available as soon as the new Election Center website goes live.
Election Center February Special WorkshopDate: February 26, 2025
to March 2, 2025Location: Little Rock, ARCategory: WorkshopThe Election Center Special Workshop will be held in Little Rock, Arkansas. The workshop will run from February 26-28 and will be followed by CERA classes on March 1 & 2.
Registration will open the moment the new Election Center website goes live. In the mean time, the hotel room block is open and accepting reservations at a nightly room rate of $139.00 excluding taxes. The workshop will take place at the DoubleTree Downtown Little Rock. If you would like to secure your room, please use this link.
The CERA courses offered are:
Course 6 (Communications & Public Relations);
Course 7 (Enhancing Voter Participation);
Course 8 (Implementing New Programs); and
Renewal Course 39 (Bipartisanship & Election Administration) -
Finding Common Ground on Modernizing Voter RegistrationDate: February 13, 2025Location: OnlineCategory: WebinarThe Safeguarding Democracy Project at UCLA promotes research, collaboration, and advocacy under the leadership of UCLA Law Professor Richard L. Hasen; one of the nation’s leading election scholars. The Safeguarding Democracy Project is built upon the premise that tackling issues of the U.S. election integrity must be collaborative: across ideologies, across scholarly disciplines, and as a bridge between theory and practice. Join us for a series of events as we address these hard hitting issues. This discussion will feature: Christina Adkins, Director of Elections, Texas Secretary of State’s Office, Judd Choate, Director of Elections in Colorado, and Charles H. Stewart III, MIT and be moderated by Richard L. Hasen, (Director, Safeguarding Democracy Project, UCLA)When: 3:15pm EasternClick here to learn more
Looking Back & Looking Ahead at Election ResiliencyDate: January 30, 2025Location: Washington , DCCategory: Panel Discussion
In the face of unprecedented challenges, counties and local election offices across the nation have taken measures to safeguard our election systems and ran an excellent 2024 general election – in many cases, without the resources required to do so. From foreign interference and cybersecurity attacks, to natural disasters, to staffing and equipment shortages, election offices worked hard to provide secure, trustworthy and accessible voting experiences despite growing challenges that far exceed what any single locality or state can manage alone.
Critical gaps were filled this election cycle. County governments leveraged their own emergency funding to get to the finish line, veterans extended their public service by stepping up as poll workers, and election administrators worked around the clock to ensure timely and accurate certification. But their offices will need more support moving forward to innoculate against future vulnerabilities.
With this election now behind us, this panel discussion brings together national security experts, election administration specialists, veteran leaders, and civic officials from across the country to examine the financial and operational needs of our election infrastructure as we look to the future.
Attendees will gain insights into the ongoing efforts to fortify our election systems, and the immediate needs that local election officials already face as they prepare for the next election.
Speakers Include:
EAC Commissioner Don Palmer
Ohio Association of Election Officials Director Aaron Ockerman
We the Veterans Executive Director Ellen Gustafson
Partnership for Large Elections Jurisdictions Director Carolina Lopez
Authors of “A Republic if You Can Afford It”, Mary Jo McGowan and Martha Kropf
Moderated by CQ Roll Call White House Correspondent & Editor-at-Large John BennettTime: 7-9pm
Click here to learn more -
May CERA Courses in AburnDate: May 12, 2025
to May 17, 2025Location: Auburn, ALCategory: CERA CoursesThe Election Center and Auburn University will be offering four in-person CERA courses at Auburn in May. The courses offered are:
Course 1 (Election Administration as a System);
Course 5 (Ethics);
Course 11 (History I-Ancients to 1781); and
Course 12 (History II-1781 to Modern Era)More information and registration will be available once the new Election Center website is up and running.
NASS Winter ConferenceDate: January 29, 2025
to February 1, 2025Location: Washington, DCCategory: ConferenceJoin the National Association of Secretaries of State at its Winter Conference in Washington, DC. The event will include workshops, committee meetings and awards luncheon.
Click here to learn more -
Summer CERA Courses in BoiseDate: July 12, 2025
to July 19, 2025Location: Boise, IDCategory: CERA CoursesThe Election Center and Auburn University will be offering six in-person CERA courses in Boise, Idaho this summer. The courses offered are:
Course 1 (Election Administration as a System);
Course 2 (Management and Leadership);
Course 3 (Strategic Planning & Budgeting);
Course 4 (Election Information Access & Security);
Course 10 (Constitutional Law of Elections); and
Renewal Course 41 (Organizational Capacity & Professionalization)More information and registration will be available once the new Election Center website is up and running.
What Do Documentary Proof of Citizenship Requirements for Voter Registration Accomplish?Date: March 4, 2025Location: Online and Los AngelesCategory: Panel Discussion
The Safeguarding Democracy Project at UCLA promotes research, collaboration, and advocacy under the leadership of UCLA Law Professor Richard L. Hasen; one of the nation’s leading election scholars. The Safeguarding Democracy Project is built upon the premise that tackling issues of the U.S. election integrity must be collaborative: across ideologies, across scholarly disciplines, and as a bridge between theory and practice. This session will feature: Adrian Fontes, Arizona Secretary of State, Walter Olson, Senior Fellow at the Cato Institute, and Nina Perales, Vice President of Litigation, MALDEF (Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund) and be moderated by Richard L. Hasen, (Director, Safeguarding Democracy Project, UCLA).
When: 3:15pm Eastern
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