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Wednesday June 11, 2014
National NewsNational News Voter fraud is rare, but myth is widespread
ALAlabama Election probe continues
ARArkansas Pulaski Co. takes steps to prevent voter ID concerns
CACalifornia Ballot count continues
DEDelaware Bill would expand voting rights for the homeless
GAGeorgia State dusts off Dodge Co. election investigation
INIndiana Human error caused Warrick Co. ballot count failure
KSKansas Kansas to limit voting to federal races for some
KYKentucky Court date set for rejected absentee ballots
MEMaine Hollis voters find long lines at pollsMaine Rumford voting results delayed by high turnoutMaine Cutler calls for voting reform on Maine primary day
MDMaryland Printing snafu leads to polling place confusionMaryland Polling place error on sample ballots
MNMinnesota Entenza files complaint against Otto over voter ID claims
NVNevada Washoe Co. reports about 17.5% of total voters cast ballotsNevada Low turnout may set record, final tally delayed
NYNew York Cabrera to introduce Internet voting bill
NDNorth Dakota Voter ID law causes some to be turned away at pollsNorth Dakota Computers, ballots & IDs cause minor issues in primary votingNorth Dakota ND voters back earlier ballot deadlineNorth Dakota Voters OK changing ballot deadlinesNorth Dakota No issues, short lines at polling places
OHOhio Critics argue new election law makes it harder for minorities, low income residents to voteOhio Clark Co. poll workers could get pay raise
OROregon Recount scheduled for commissioners race
SCSouth Carolina Upstate sees average turnout, no major voting problemsSouth Carolina Minor hiccups hinder voting processSouth Carolina Interim elections director: 'There's no such thing as a perfect election'South Carolina Light turnout and minor confusion in Anderson Co.South Carolina Reports of voting machines not working in Richland Co.South Carolina "Hiccups' but no major problems in Richland Co.South Carolina Richland election better but more improvements needed, director saysSouth Carolina Election confusion in Horry Co.South Carolina Richland Co. primary elections avoid major problemsSouth Carolina Election Commission: Primaries 'relatively calm'South Carolina Officials: York Co. primary turnout 'dismal'South Carolina Voters get wrong ballots, outcome unaffectedSouth Carolina Candidates challenge ballots cast in Pee DeeSouth Carolina Women work the polls together for over 30 years
SDSouth Dakota County commissioner: 'Minnehaha balloting process out of control'
TXTexas Capital Tonight: Debating online voter registrationTexas County may close voting location, cite lack of election judgesTexas Rusk Co. commissioners approve 17 voting centersTexas Elections commission a no-show
VAVirginia On-campus voting location approved by board of supervisors
WVWest Virginia :
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