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Friday June 13, 2014
National NewsNational News Latino groups aim to restore voter protections
AKAlaska Juneau Votes: New community group to encourage democracy
CACalifornia Stanislaus turnout was 26 percentCalifornia Inyo selected for pilot project and new election website
COColorado Primary election ballots trickling back
CTConnecticut New London panel OKs plan to add 3 voting districts
DEDelaware House passes bill to consolidate election boards
FLFlorida Collier supervisor of elections receives 36 voter registration applications at naturalization ceremonyFlorida Voting rights group makes final pitch in redistricting case
GAGeorgia Pitts sues county election board over wording of ballots
IAIowa Waterloo man pleads guilty to vote fraud
KSKansas Hundreds of Douglas Co. voters still in limbo as primary election nearsKansas Ballots in voters' hands--along with instructions
KYKentucky Judge rules disputed absentee ballots won't count
MDMaryland MoCo voters have option to vote-by-mailMaryland Rainy weather puts damper on first day of early votingMaryland Hundreds of county residents opt out of party affiliationMaryland Judge rules in ballots-for-the-blind lawsuitMaryland Calvert Co. election board alerts voters to ballot mistakes
MSMississippi Forrest Co. has seamless process with voter ID in primaryMississippi Hosemann: State no longer needs federal oversight of elections
MTMontana State to open voting offices on reservationsMontana Montana Indian voting lawsuit settledMontana Missoula Co. appoints interim clerk, changes elections position
NENebraska Secretary of state's office clarifies voter issues
NMNew Mexico Canvassing, election hits snag
NDNorth Dakota Voter ID law causes few troubles at pollsNorth Dakota WWII vet among those who didn't get to vote
OHOhio Voter bill of rights might miss November ballotOhio Nina Turner lands endorsement from Howard Dean
RIRhode Island Senate committee votes to abolish master lever by next year
SCSouth Carolina Election certification means new results, runoffs, recountsSouth Carolina Twice in a row county hit with election difficultiesSouth Carolina Election commission finalizes primary ballots
TXTexas Judge orders new election
UTUtah Vote by mail going well, officials say
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