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Thursday February 8, 2018
National NewsNational News Russians penetrated US voter systems, top US official saysNational News Poll: Most Americans think Russia will interfere again in 2018 elections
AKAlaska Mail dominance
AZArizona How a Glendale woman got 2 ballots for special electionArizona Advocacy group says Arizona misleads ex-felons on voting rights
ARArkansas Lawsuit filed over Arkansas' revamped voter ID lawArkansas State's '17 voter ID law fatally flawed, suit saysArkansas Sebastian Co. election panel approves vote centersArkansas Meeting set for Marion Co. vote centers
CACalifornia Oxnard special election could cost county close to $500K
CTConnecticut Malloy signs executive order to study vote-by-mail
FLFlorida Irma flooding caused $174K in damage to St. Lucie elections office
GAGeorgia Forsyth elections office has new home
ILIllinois Early voting delay not expected to affect turnoutIllinois Legal action delays start of early votingIllinois Early voting delayed, could start Feb. 20Illinois Early and mail voting in Peoria Co. will be delayed
INIndiana County's election machines to get upgrade
KSKansas Talk ramping up about replacing Lyon Co. voting machinesKansas County officials at odds over election office budget
MOMissouri As petitions to change Missouri laws soar, some want to charge fees to get on ballot
NDNorth Dakota Jaeger visits Fargo to talk 2018 campaign
OHOhio Belmont, Harrison counties prepare for election
PAPennsylvania Luzerne Co. election director monitoring redistricting impact on May primary
SDSouth Dakota House passes election reform bill opponents call 'onslaught' against initiative process
TXTexas Another arrest made in Starr Co. voter fraud caseTexas Nueces Co. commissioners extend early voting polling hours
VAVirginia Albemarle Co. supervisors accept voting precinct changes
WAWashington 192 Benton Co. voters affected by state voter registration errorWashington Software error fails to send nearly 600 voter registrations to Spokane Co.Washington State motor voter glitch has limited impact on Kittitas Co.Washington House committee considers same-day voter registrationWashington Software glitch affects nearly 200 Cowlitz voters
WVWest Virginia Voter ID law now in effect for West Virginia
WIWisconsin UW voting drive part of Big Ten Voting Challenge
WYWyoming Clerks launch voting surveyWyoming State Rep. James Byrd running for secretary of state
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