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Friday February 9, 2018
National NewsNational News Judiciary Dems demand immediate hearings on election hacking
ALAlabama Vote in Houston Co.? Your polling place could change soon
CACalifornia Sacramento Bee leaks 19.5M California voter records
FLFlorida Gilchrist to purchase voting equipmentFlorida Hackers did not gain access to Florida registration rolls, state election officials sayFlorida Voter information legislation stalls in state sessionFlorida Lee and Collier Co. officials look to prevent Russian hackers
GAGeorgia Kemp: Russia didn't hack Ga. voter rollsGeorgia Georgia voters could have paper ballots, voting receipts for elections
ILIllinois County clerk prepares for upcoming primaryIllinois Old voting machines could pose new election problemsIllinois Early voting won't start Thursday as plannedIllinois Early voting complicated by ballot concernsIllinois Early voting off to a strong start in Decatur, but not for all in Illinois
INIndiana Vigo voting plan coming togetherIndiana Officials aim to secure a vote centerIndiana 28K voter registrations 'cancelled' in St. Joseph Co.Indiana New website to help Hoosiers vote
KSKansas House panel votes for remedy to election budget squabbles in four counties
KYKentucky E-pollbooks may not fly for primary
MEMaine Campaigns unsure how ranked-choice will affect Maine elections
MDMaryland Rockville mulls vote-by-mail for 2019
MAMassachusetts Panel to tackle voter suppression issuesMassachusetts Local clerks fret over early voting costs
MIMichigan Seminar to detail proposed voting law changes
MNMinnesota Secretary of state taps attorney as chief of staff
MSMississippi Bills introduced to examine voting rightsMississippi 'Promote the Vote' recognizes 105 students at State Capitol
MOMissouri Republican and willing to go to North County? The election board has a job for you
MTMontana Montana's elections chief talks with Billings high school students
NENebraska Senator Chambers threatens filibuster over voter ID billNebraska At Legislature hearing on voter ID bills, both sides say Nebraskans agree with themNebraska Democrat Spencer Danner running for secretary of stateNebraska Voter ID opponents say measure would do more harm than good
NJNew Jersey Runoffs may return to Hoboken
NMNew Mexico House committee OKs bill to consolidate nonpartisan local elections
NYNew York High hopes for governor's voting reforms
PAPennsylvania MoCo holding voting machine 'open house'Pennsylvania County election office mailing causes confusion
RIRhode Island Gorbea proposes moving date of September primary
UTUtah Two bills to significantly affect voting in Utah
VAVirginia Fredericksburg voters quietly drop lawsuit requesting new election
WAWashington 650 county residents just now getting election ballots
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