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February 10 - 12, 2018
National NewsNational News Restrictive voter ID laws are no match for this groupNational News Time's just about up to secure the 2018 midterm elections
ALAlabama Transgender plaintiffs sue Alabama over state ID lawsAlabama Voting rights museum a dream that became realityAlabama Legislature pitches election reform measures following Senate election
AKAlaska Anchorage mayor assesses vote-by-mail method
AZArizona Groups seek clarity on felons' voting rights in Arizona
CTConnecticut Secretary of state announces voter registration drive for Puerto Rican families
FLFlorida New smart tablets help Lee Co. avoid voter fraudFlorida Lawmakers consider severely restricting access to voter information
GAGeorgia Gwinnett mails bilingual voter cards; 1600 have new polling placeGeorgia Gwinnett unveils new voter information materialsGeorgia Hall now planning to hire elections superintendent
ILIllinois Pending candidate challenge delays early voting in some Southern Illinois countiesIllinois Local elections director: Expect cyber incidents in the midtermsIllinois Election equipment up to the task?Illinois Thirteen polling places might have to shut down
INIndiana McKinney professor testifies on voting case's lasting effectsIndiana AG opinions sidelines bill to allow dead people's votes to countIndiana IMU polling stations to be introduced in fall 2018
KSKansas Vopat discusses election equipmentKansas Kansas voting rights challenge headed to trial
MAMassachusetts Galvin, voter groups press for same day registrationMassachusetts Cost of same day registration concerns local clerks
MNMinnesota Morrison Co. receives $89K grant for new election equipmentMinnesota Hibbing gets grant for voting machinesMinnesota New election equipment coming to Central Minnesota
MSMississippi Felony voting proposal still alive in Legislature
NENebraska Gretna senator renews push for voter ID laws
NJNew Jersey NJ wants to expand voting access and give new voice to marginalized populationsNew Jersey Hoboken council members respond to voter fraud
NMNew Mexico House bill to secure local elections
NYNew York NY targets Blockchain for voter security
NCNorth Carolina Voting machine mandate irks county
OHOhio Cheney tapped to fill unexpired term on Allen Co. BOE
PAPennsylvania Pennsylvania to require voting machines with paper backupPennsylvania State issues voting directive for county election officialsPennsylvania County election readiness hinges on new map
SCSouth Carolina Repeat election in West Columbia raises questions
TNTennessee Election fraud case dismissed
VAVirginia Bill on instant runoff voting for Arlington Co. board races clears committeeVirginia College Republicans, University Democrats endorse bill for ranked choice voting
WAWashington Mid-Columbia voters affected by registration mix-up
WVWest Virginia County votes to consolidate voting precincts
WYWyoming Secretary of state resignsWyoming Wyoming Secretary of State Ed Murray resignsWyoming Republican Leland Christensen second to enter secretary of state raceWyoming Laramie Co. Clerk Debra Lee reflects on global experiences
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