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Thursday February 15, 2018
National NewsNational News Democrats will push Hail Mary plan to secure the midterm electionsNational News Ill-prepared and underfunded, election officials brace for more cyberattacksNational News Democrats intensify push to protect voting machines from hackersNational News Can the US combat election interference if some don't believe it's happening?
AKAlaska Eagle River council briefed on mail-in election procedure
ARArkansas Election commission discusses equipment, polling sites
CACalifornia Supes call for expanding voting rights for eligible ex-felonsCalifornia Newport Beach launches its own look into potential voter fraudCalifornia Oxnard council approves $467K in election services contracts
COColorado Colorado elections director is confident the state's systems are well defendedColorado Colorado election system safe from interference, secretary of state says
CTConnecticut Move to shield voter identity information
DEDelaware Delaware vulnerable to election hacking, group says
GAGeorgia Georgia says no thanks to in-depth election security help from fedsGeorgia Gwinnett elections office sends new precinct notices
IDIdaho Idaho receives 'C' grade for election securityIdaho Lawmakers will discuss if Idaho should keep using criticized elections tool
INIndiana For voting center plan, it's back to the drawing boardIndiana Lawmaker blocking bill to count dead people's votes
KSKansas House panel prepares for votes on precinct results
MDMaryland Local officials respond to threats of Russian election meddlingMaryland Mysersville council green-lights election code updates
MOMissouri Election officials give reasons why local systems are protected from hacking
NHNew Hampshire Bill would grant town meeting postponement power to secretary of state
NMNew Mexico Ranked-choice system gets mixed reception among early voters
NYNew York Early voting proposal finds funding as locals ask implementation questions
NCNorth Carolina Elections board rewrite heads to governorNorth Carolina Temporary parking planned for Iredell early voting
OKOklahoma Major headaches in Muskogee electionsOklahoma Voters turned away at Jenks polling place
TXTexas Rockwall Co. elections administrator addresses questions about new digital voting systemTexas Travis Co. voter registration youth PSA contest winners are inTexas Judge allows Dallas Co. election officials to examine suspicious mail-in ballotsTexas Commissioners raise wages for election workers
VAVirginia Local officials respond to threats of Russian election meddlingVirginia Exclusive: Confusion reigned ahead of Va.'s 2017 election
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