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February 17 - 19, 2018
National NewsNational News Russia looms large as US election officials prep for 2018National News Russians indicted in 2016 US election meddling investigationNational News State elections officials fret over cybersecurity threatsNational News Activists launch voter registration drive at 'Black Panther' screeningsNational News States move to protect voting systems with little help from CongressNational News Election chiefs 'straddle the line between sounding the alarm and being alarmist'National News Election security a high priority--until it comes to paying for new voting machinesNational News State officials say they are told too little about election threatsNational News Republican gains in secretary of state posts jolt DemsNational News States seek to prevent election hacking
AZArizona Voter registration mix-up lists wrong party for Scottsdale woman
ARArkansas Vote center ordinance gets second readingArkansas Election security scorecard: Arkansas grades between D and FArkansas Lawrence Co. prepares for upcoming election seasonArkansas Report questions early voting procedure in Searcy Co.
CACalifornia Elections dept. seeking vote center workers
COColorado Longmont Voter Service Center opens Monday
CTConnecticut Voting booth to the mailbox: Malloy pushes for electoral reformConnecticut Candidates call for stricter absentee ballot oversight
FLFlorida Lake supervisor of elections to relocateFlorida A new path to restoring Florida felon's voting rights
GAGeorgia Barrow back campaigning, this time for secretary of stateGeorgia Gwinnett Co. elections officials seeking poll workers, especially Spanish speakersGeorgia Secretary of state's office looking into alleged vote-buying in MiltonGeorgia Kemp faces new voter security questions amid Russia probe
ILIllinois County officials say local election system secureIllinois Aging equipment could threaten future Illinois electionsIllinois Chicago ID card would be valid voter identificationIllinois Early voting in Lake Co. gets greenlight after postponementIllinois Effingham Co. considers fewer election judges
INIndiana All Greater Lafayette public high schools will be vote centers for a day
KYKentucky Secretary of state responds to poor election security grade
MEMaine Maine ranked-choice voting backers file suit to ensure system is used in JuneMaine Maine Dems split on value of ranked-choice voting lawsuitMaine Bill would make it harder to get citizen questions on Maine ballot
MAMassachusetts Amherst, Hadley considering change in the way residents vote
MIMichigan Proposed constitutional amendment would streamline voter registration
MNMinnesota Supreme Court will consider case involving polling place attireMinnesota Poll equipment grant helps to upgrade devicesMinnesota Minn. election chief among those straddling line between sounding alarm and being alarmistMinnesota Commissioners consider voting equipment grant
MTMontana Stapleton updates review process for problematic mail ballots
NVNevada Carson City's new voting machines simple to use
NMNew Mexico Wife of Espanola candidate disputes voter fraud charges
NYNew York Kennedy delays plans to withhold Suffolk election workers' pay
NCNorth Carolina AP Explains: Why is NC election board fight still unsettled?North Carolina Confusion over election districts could have consequences
NDNorth Dakota Al Jaeger defends ND's protective measures for election results
OHOhio Debate over voting machine replacement continues in OhioOhio Officials say Ohio's voting systems are secure from breach
OROregon Richardson gets classified briefing on Russian election meddling
PAPennsylvania Pennsylvania moves back towards paper ballotsPennsylvania Second polling location to be opened in area
SCSouth Carolina Orangeburg Co. special election revealed voting problemsSouth Carolina Local election officials taking meddling threat 'seriously'
TNTennessee US Rep. Jim Cooper calls for $28M to address hacking threat for TN voting systemTennessee Fearing more meddling, Dems go back to paper ballot pushTennessee New actions against ranked choice votingTennessee Memphis City council quietly works on anti-instant runoffs bill
TXTexas Lubbock Co. elections offices provides pro-tips ahead of early votingTexas Texans aren't great voters, but they are good neighbors, study findsTexas Mail-in ballot confusion frustrates local Democratic retireesTexas Report: Texas gets a 'D' grade for election securityTexas Harvey looms over Texas primary, but effect may be minimalTexas Voter fraud gaining more attention in Valley
WAWashington Senate plan would block the public from some voter dataWashington Democrats seek automatic and day-of voter registration
WVWest Virginia Senate passes election vacancy bill that Justice vetoed last year
WIWisconsin Clerks test new voting machines in preparation for Tuesday's primaryWisconsin Dodge Co. to use new voting machines TuesdayWisconsin Voter IDs for students available at two sites on campusWisconsin Security of Wisconsin's election systemWisconsin Elections commission warns clerks of primary election weather problemsWisconsin Town of Madison offers first bilingual ballots in Dane Co.Wisconsin Wisconsin elections officials prepare for bad weatherWisconsin State officials promise election is secure on two-year anniversary of voter IDWisconsin Fox Crossing moves polling placeWisconsin Winter weather won't deter Tuesday's election in Eau Claire
WYWyoming GOP considers Murray replacement with election looming
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