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Wednesday February 21, 2018
National NewsNational News State officials get classified briefings on election securityNational News Top state election official questions why president is downplaying threat of election interferenceNational News Homeland security chief touts effort on election cybersecurity
AZArizona Chochise Co. to provide improved access for votersArizona Feds, Arizona settle spat over rushed absentee votingArizona All-mail elections boost voter turnout in Douglas, city says
CACalifornia Supes unanimously approve purchase of new voting systemCalifornia Nevada Co. voting safe from Russian hacks says clerk-recorder
COColorado Voter participation center to mail voter registration information
CTConnecticut Does your vote count?
GAGeorgia Gwinnett Co. needs bilingual poll workersGeorgia Gwinnett elections division holding poll official hiring events
INIndiana Election board sets voting sites, ISU included
KYKentucky Losing candidate claims voter fraudKentucky Mt. Washington residents mistakenly told they were ineligible to vote
LALouisiana St. Mary registrar of voters moves into temporary office
MEMaine Dunlap gets classified briefing on election vulnerabilities
MAMassachusetts Conscious of cyber threats, Galvin's office focuses on election integrity
MNMinnesota Will the Charter Commission seek ranked-choice voting?Minnesota Voting equipment grant OK'd
MSMississippi Supervisors approve handful of voting precinct moves
MOMissouri New voter IDs issued for Cole Co. residentsMissouri Marion Co. buys new signature pads for voter check-inMissouri Harper stepping down from county clerk position
NHNew Hampshire Judge considering request to dismiss NH voting rights lawsuitNew Hampshire Possible 2020 contender says NH a 'poster child' in battle over voting rightsNew Hampshire State of NH: No one suffers injuries from voter fraud law
PAPennsylvania Montgomery Co. commissioners to host voting machine open housePennsylvania Election officials prepare for new districtsPennsylvania No changes in voting places in Pa.Pennsylvania Redistricting causes delays as primary day looms
SCSouth Carolina Beaufort Co. elections office recognized for voter outreach
TNTennessee Lawmakers reject plan to require paper trail for votingTennessee Election coordinator: Tennessee election system safe despite calls for paper ballots
TXTexas Early voting is underway in TexasTexas Wichita Co. leaders respond to voting security concernsTexas Starr Co. 'no electioneering' mandate conflicts with state election lawTexas Flags triggered by high number of Gregg Pct. 4 mail ballot requestsTexas Four are arrested in Starr Co. voting caseTexas Harris Co. Dems blame GOP clerk for shortage of election judges
UTUtah Election security a priority as Southern Utah considers voting changesUtah House committee advances bill requiring more polling places, other changes for voters
WVWest Virginia Doddridge Co. commission approves contract to purchase new voter technology
WIWisconsin Assembly OKs electronic absentee votingWisconsin Voters upset after discovering they were removed from voter rollsWisconsin Winter storm not keeping polls from openingWisconsin Wisconsin sees bump in spring primary turnout despite weatherWisconsin Wausau man has dedicated years to working electionsWisconsin Icy weather creates slow start to election day in Northeast Wisconsin
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