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Friday February 23, 2018
National NewsNational News Exclusive: US official focused on election security being shoved asideNational News States rush to defend 2018 election from Russian after late startNational News Tom Steyer, gun safety groups plan voter registration drive for high school studentsNational News Ryan move to replace election agency leader stirs outcry
ALAlabama Civil rights groups appeal Alabama voter ID ruling
ARArkansas Mall listed as polling location
CACalifornia Nevada Co. clerk-recorder says elections are safe
ILIllinois Some Chicago aldermen say city ID program could lead to voter fraudIllinois Early voting gets late start in some IL districtsIllinois William Toerpe, former chairman of DuPage election commission board, dies at 86
INIndiana Voting booths become available on campus the Election Day
KSKansas McClendon brings secretary of state campaign to PittsburgKansas Senate votes to fix elections law after Sedgwick Co. throws out votesKansas House passes elections budget transfer over objections of Rep. Keith Esau
KYKentucky Trigg latest to increase pay for poll workers
LALouisiana Schedler claims consensual relationship with employee suing him for sexual harassment
MAMassachusetts Ranked-choice under debate in Hadley, AmherstMassachusetts Public hearing continued on non-binding question about 16-year-olds voting in Holyoke city elections
MIMichigan County clerk's office getting ready for election run
MNMinnesota County upgrading to electronic voting systemMinnesota Commission: Wait for hearing on ranked-choice voting
MSMississippi New voting machines to be used in future elections
NVNevada New voting machines for Carson City residentsNevada Carson City's new voting machines get favorable reviews
NMNew Mexico Here's how consolidating most local elections would impact votersNew Mexico State monitors voting process amid coercion allegations
NYNew York Democratic election commissioners endorse early voting
NCNorth Carolina BOE approves early primary votingNorth Carolina Watauga BOE fails to agree to early voting plan
OHOhio Two 'elections' will help Franklin Co. pick new voting machines
PAPennsylvania Local officials: No concern over voting machine hackingPennsylvania Luzerne Co. promotes voter registration in high schools
SCSouth Carolina Local election official receives state association award
TNTennessee Secretary of state responds to 'F' election security grade
TXTexas Texas election officials confident in voting security ahead of primaryTexas After lawsuit threat, Texas agency changes voter registration policyTexas HISD kicks off district-wide voter registration drive for studentsTexas Weaknesses in Texas' voting systems put under microscopeTexas Dozens of mail-in ballots returned as Starr Co. investigates election fraud
VTVermont Condos on securing Vermont's elections
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