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February 24 - 26, 2018
National NewsNational News Russian fears have election vendors feeling the heatNational News Homeland Security's tall order: A hacker-free electionNational News States rethink prisoner voting rights as incarceration rates riseNational News At least 18 states are looking into changes in the way they draw legislative districtsNational News Governors fear for election security amid Russian cyberattacksNational News What's the best way to verify votes?
AKAlaska Due to deadlines, PFD applications won't register voters in time for Muni elections
ARArkansas Hearing set on voter ID law challenge; Martin defends lawArkansas Changes to county's voting sites approved
CACalifornia MALDEF wins voting rights suit against Kern Co.California SF elections department seeks neighborhood polling places for June 5 election
CTConnecticut Voting registrars face growing responsibilities, strained resources
FLFlorida Election workers recognized
GUGuam Election Commission: Elections must go on, despite allegations in lawsuit
ILIllinois County clerk's office getting ready for election runIllinois Kane Co. clerk will open Aurora satellite office if election commission voted downIllinois Marion Co. upgrades polling places
INIndiana Time cards for Porter election officials show long hours leading up to Election DayIndiana State election commission will try again to consolidate Lake Co. precincts
IAIowa Pate: Voters will vote, hackers will not
KSKansas Commission chairman proposes mail ballot elections
MEMaine Maine court urged to institute ranked choice votingMaine US too passive on cyberthreat to elections, remains vulnerable, Sen. King saysMaine Secretary of state to discuss role in defunct election commission
MDMaryland After Russian tampering, Maryland looks to improve election defenses
MNMinnesota Argument Preview: Justices to hear challenge to Minnesota voting dress codeMinnesota County will buy electronic voting rosters
NENebraska Voting rights dispute prompts extraordinary scene in LegislatureNebraska Federal form gives incorrect info on felon voting rights in Nebraska
NJNew Jersey Bergen Co. clerk sets 2018 goals with municipal clerks
NMNew Mexico Perseverance pays off for ranked-choice proponents
NYNew York Tina Ramos leaves post at Suffolk elections board
NCNorth Carolina Elections board approves precinct relocation, early voting hoursNorth Carolina Judges weigh NC Supreme Court elections board ruling
OHOhio To make a $30M decision, Ohio county turns to mock elections
PAPennsylvania Montgomery Co. offers previews of new voting machines
SCSouth Carolina Dorchester Co. is working to ensure secure elections
TNTennessee Proposed state law would outdate county voting machines
TXTexas Democrats accuse Texas of voter suppression in schoolsTexas County had eluded voter fraudTexas Mail-in ballots through the roof in Hidalgo Co.
WVWest Virginia Kingwood seeks election feedbackWest Virginia New voter ID law on the books in WVWest Virginia Morgantown city council explores merging city and county elections
WIWisconsin Janesville Police Department still recommended as temporary polling place
WYWyoming GOP selects 3 finalists for secretary of state
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