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Thursday March 1, 2018
National NewsNational News Russia's sights are set on US elections. Can states secure their voting systems in time?National News 1 State? 7 States? Uncertainty persists about Russian cyberattacks on US electionNational News Argument analysis: Justices debate decorum, line-drawing at 'political' apparel at the pollsNational News Justices disturbed with law limiting apparel at voting booths, struggle with solutionNational News Senate DHS reauthorization bill likely to streamline oversight, include election security
ALAlabama Merrill: 'The threat is real'
AKAlaska Alaskan election officials question reports of breach
CACalifornia New California law to expand youth voter participationCalifornia NorCal county registrars say hacking won't happen here
COColorado Secretary of state explains primary elections to CCRW
FLFlorida Poll: Floridians strongly support voting rights for felons
GAGeorgia Lawmakers pass bill on paper ballots
GUGuam US Homeland Security assisting Guam election commission
HIHawaii Lawmakers consider conducting Hawaii's election entirely by mail
ILIllinois Illinois protecting against Russian election tampering
INIndiana May primary oversight debated in Porter Co.
IAIowa Sec. of state urges voter readiness
LALouisiana Governor joins lawmakers calling for secretary of state to resign
MEMaine Secretary of state talks of 'strange journey' on president's voter fraud panelMaine Dunlap scoffs at voter fraud, vows to make ranked choice voting work if needed
MNMinnesota Supreme Court debates voter apparel lawMinnesota US Supreme Court takes up Minnesota voter apparel caseMinnesota Justices disturbed with law limiting apparel at voting booths, struggle with solution
MSMississippi Voting bill dies
NYNew York Attorney speaks about voter suppression issues in the US
NCNorth Carolina Swain Co. responds to election director lawsuit
OHOhio Cuyahoga Co. BOE announces new Parma Heights polling location
PAPennsylvania State disputed claim 100K noncitizens registered to vote
SDSouth Dakota Legislative panel works through 12 election bills
TXTexas State, federal officials deny Russians compromised Texas voting systemTexas County sees uptick in voting numbersTexas Record turnout in Hays Co. for early voting
UTUtah San Juan Co. asks court to pause redistricting that would give more political power to Navajo votersUtah Signature gatherers being charged with forging signatures on statewide ballot initiatives
WAWashington Spokane Co. struggles to comply with new ballot box law
WVWest Virginia Putnam voters will be able to try new voting machines at libraries
WIWisconsin State election officials respond to report alleging voting systems compromised by RussiaWisconsin Elections commission, state leaders react to alleged hacking
WYWyoming Solution needed for aging voting machinesWyoming North Casper will get its polling place back
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