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Friday March 2, 2018
National NewsNational News President's NSA pick says response to Russian election interference has fallen shortNational News US doing too little to respond to Russian interference, top Dem warns
ALAlabama Local election officials push for new e-ballot devices
AZArizona Ducey creates security team to combat cyberattacks against Arizona
CACalifornia After NBC news report, Padilla says again, 'no evidence'California Voter-registration claim debunked by DMVCalifornia Gregory J. Diaz announces run for Nevada Co. registrar of voters
FLFlorida Supervisor of elections offers voter registration online
GAGeorgia Should Ga. switch to paper ballots?
ILIllinois Norovirus outbreak puts early voting on hold at McHenry Co. assisted living facilityIllinois Chicago BOE spokesman responds to claims of non-citizen voting
MDMaryland Frederick suffrage march re-enactment to honor historyMaryland County seeks dozens of election judges
MOMissouri Local high school students get firsthand experience in the democratic process
NENebraska Secretary of state 'very positive' election will be secure
NVNevada Washoe Co. is getting new voting machines
NMNew Mexico Free bus rides for Roswell residents to polling places
NYNew York Supervisors defend stance on early voting
OHOhio $114.5M proposed for new Ohio voting machinesOhio Local lawmakers encourage more spending to safeguard Ohio electionsOhio Republicans push plan to help counties pay for new voting machines
PAPennsylvania County pushes for funding for new voting machines
TXTexas Federal judge temporarily blocks Starr Co. electioneering banTexas Early voting sets record in non-presidential year
WAWashington County Auditor: Spokane election system 'as good as we can get it'Washington Chelan Co. auditor says last minute voter registration may 'bog down' system on election day
WIWisconsin Walker: Hacking on state network was attempted but not successfulWisconsin Democrats demand investigation into possible Russian hack in Wisconsin
WYWyoming Mead picks Buchanan for Wyoming secretary of state
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