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March 03 - 5, 2018
National NewsNational News Kansas voting rights trial has national implicationsNational News How college campuses are trying to tap students' voting power
ALAlabama More civil rights groups support appeal in voter ID lawsuitAlabama 'Touched by the spirit of history': Marking a milestone for voting rightsAlabama 'No logic' to Alabama's special elections, which may be outlawed anyway
AKAlaska Alaska reconfirms that election was unsuccessfully targeted in 2016
AZArizona Arizona, lawmakers again seek right to oversee local election scheduling
CACalifornia New California law won't allow non-citizens to voteCalifornia New law will automatically pre-register Pasadena 16- and 17-year-olds to vote
COColorado Colorado's vote audit process a model for US election security
FLFlorida Voters invited to watch test of election equipmentFlorida Inspired to influence gun control, Broward teens get out the voteFlorida Judge tosses half of Gardens ballot questions, but election will go on
GAGeorgia 'Misleading' Ga. voter registration forms will be changed
IDIdaho Ada Co. expands Saturday early voting
ILIllinois Proposition to dissolve DuPage election commission on March ballotIllinois Election judges always in demand as primary election nears
INIndiana Gun violence discussed at first election board meetingIndiana League pushing for voting by mail
IAIowa Iowa works to shore up election security, public's confidenceIowa Linn Co. moves forward with voter ID upgrades
KSKansas Kobach, counties fight over election fundingKansas Voting rights trial has national implications
MEMaine Matt Dunlap: 'Don't call it fraud because you disagree with it'
MAMassachusetts Early notice given on early votingMassachusetts State's highest court to consider voter registration cutoffMassachusetts State to reimburse Weymouth for voting costs
MNMinnesota Secretary of state visits Litchfield
MOMissouri Candidates agree on closed polling stations
MTMontana Proposed ballot measure seeks to bar non-citizens from voting
NENebraska Nebraska works to shore up election security, public's confidence
OHOhio County officials hope bill will fund voting gear
PAPennsylvania Montco read to replace voting machines
RIRhode Island Secretary of State Gorbea to run for a second term
SDSouth Dakota Top two primary backers fail to gather enough support
TNTennessee Entire courthouse annex basement may house election offices
TXTexas Voter fraud investigation looms over primary electionsTexas Public Payroll Profile: Toni Shanks, Randall Co. elections deputyTexas Early voting closes strongTexas George HW Bush pushes early voting with tweetTexas Justice Dept. withdraws review of ADA access at Harris Co. polling sitesTexas Voter files complaint with Port Neches police claiming unlawful influence at the pollsTexas Busted sidewalks and other ADA obstacles from Harris Co. voting sitesTexas Preparations for primary election well underway in Harris Co.
VAVirginia Lynchburg registrar leaving position
WAWashington Future Voter bill could improve young voter turnout across Washington
WVWest Virginia Harrison Co. Clerk Susan Thomas: An integral part of county government
WIWisconsin State finds few 'concrete examples' of voters wrongfully deactivatedWisconsin Officials looking to lower number of voters left off voting listsWisconsin Commission picks Wolfe as interim elections chiefWisconsin Elections commission may have accidentally purged some votersWisconsin Green Bay wont' expand early voting this yearWisconsin Just Ask Us: Who buys the 'I Voted' stickers for elections?
WYWyoming County plans pair of town hall meeting on voting, elections
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