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Wednesday March 7, 2018
National NewsNational News Wyden questions top voting machine manufacturer over reported security gapsNational News President suggests paper voting system to combat meddlingNational News Election agency carries on despite GOP resistanceNational News Democracy's Gatekeepers: 2018's secretary of state elections
ALAlabama Lester polling place to remain open
AZArizona Republicans, Democrats looking to unseat Reagan
ARArkansas Election commission to meet
CACalifornia California voters with sloppy signatures must have a chance to correct them, court rules
DEDelaware Election commissioner: Delaware's voting machines are safe. New ones will be even better
FLFlorida Florida puts voting rights requests on hold due to lawsuit
ILIllinois Kane Co. clerk encourages early voting
INIndiana Voter registration comes to high schools
KSKansas Kobach, ACLU spar as trial over proof-of-citizenship law kicks offKansas Kobach defends Kansas voter registration law
MAMassachusetts Merits of voter registration limit argued before high courtMassachusetts SJC hears arguments on voter registrationMassachusetts Slow day at the polls for override vote
MIMichigan Ann Arbor voting locations temporarily moved due to construction
MNMinnesota Anoka Co. will buy electronic voting rostersMinnesota St. Paul councilmember pleads not guilty in voting case
NVNevada As the election approaches, Nevada officials say your vote is secure
NMNew Mexico Results delayed hours in city's first ranked-choice electionNew Mexico Santa Fe turns out in city's first ranked-choice electionNew Mexico Webber elected Santa Fe mayor in first ranked-choice electionNew Mexico Toulouse Oliver releases draft absentee voting rule
NYNew York Suffolk police may beef up patrols at polling places in April
NCNorth Carolina Cooper: Judges got it wrong on elections board ruling
PAPennsylvania Residents call on county to return to paper ballotsPennsylvania Centre to lobby for new county voting systems
RIRhode Island Former secretary of state files to run for governor
SDSouth Dakota Senate passes new rules for initiative petition circulators
TXTexas Texas election security scrutinized: Parker Co. elections administrator unworriedTexas Voting official: Few problems in first hours in Harris Co.Texas Harris Co. clerk says ballots safe from tamperingTexas Problems reported at several Houston-area polling locationsTexas Despite 'tired' computers, Gregg voting turnout solidTexas Confusion on East End about voting sitesTexas New hi-tech approach causing some problems at polling locationsTexas Smith Co. slow to post election returnsTexas County clerk workers begin counting ballotsTexas Several Travis Co. polling places have wait times of at least 20 minutesTexas UT Tyler students serving as poll workers during primaryTexas You vote. You get the sticker. You take the picture
VTVermont Chittenden Co. voters take to the polls on Town Meeting Day
WIWisconsin Elmbrook considering risks of polling places to students' safety
WYWyoming Buchanan sworn in as secretary of state
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