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March 10 - 12, 2018
National NewsNational News States aren't shifting voting tech, despite ballot security concernsNational News President wants new authority over polling places. Top election officials say no
AZArizona Bill would mandate local election schedule for larger cities
ARArkansas Vote center proposal on Quorum Court's agendaArkansas Pulaski Co. gets new machines for upcoming electionArkansas Voter ID law faces first legal challenge
FLFlorida CRC weighs felon voting rights proposalFlorida Sarasota City commission seeks more information about ranked choice votingFlorida Lake's election office to honor veterans with special voter sticker
GAGeorgia Concern expressed over Georgia's move to new voting machines
IDIdaho Canyon Co. polling location changed
ILIllinois First jail-wide, in-person voting held at Cook Co. jailIllinois Early voting site closed by water main break
INIndiana Lawsuit urges federal judge to add more early voting sites in Marion Co.Indiana Indiana Election Commission takes first step toward consolidating Lake Co.'s 'small' election precinctsIndiana Five accused of voter fraud in Lake Co.
IAIowa Polk Co. voters report issues with voter ID lawIowa Did voter ID law confusion sway election outcome?Iowa Secretary of state announces campaign for third termIowa DeJear hopes to increase voting as secretary of state
KSKansas Kobach prepared for 'eventuality' of losing voter registration caseKansas Kobach turns to controversial scholar as witness in voting rights trialKansas Kansas elections director unsure if Kobach followed court orderKansas 'Incredible and offensive': Retired attorney feels sorry for Kobach team in voter fraud trial
MEMaine Dunlap calls Lewiston mayor's letter to new voters 'a disservice to public discourse'
MDMaryland MD counties score well in vote machine analysis
MIMichigan Ballot initiative would make registering to vote easier
MNMinnesota Auditor's office gears up for election seasonMinnesota Secretary of state to examine election integrity at PR eventMinnesota Charter commission continues ranked choice voting discussionMinnesota County purchases e-poll books
MSMississippi Election board gets 'long overdue' raise
MOMissouri Longtime Boone Co. clerk Wendy Noren diesMissouri Wendy Noren, long time Boone Co. clerk, dies after lengthy battle with cancerMissouri St. Louis Co. election officials headed to Russia to observe election
NVNevada New tech increases ballot access at polls
NHNew Hampshire Election day, snowstorm on collision course--again
NDNorth Dakota Election training includes cyber-security
OHOhio Husted, other elections leaders slam idea of Secret Service in polling places
OKOklahoma Lawmakers consider amending election laws
PAPennsylvania Voter registration lawsuit filedPennsylvania Settlement with former Luzerne Co. election director proposed
TNTennessee Nashville mayoral election set by commission but legal challenge looms
TXTexas Candidate files complaint against Starr Co. electionsTexas Wichita Falls voting locations to change soon amid security concerns
VAVirginia Virginia cities, counties with ancient voting machines
WVWest Virginia Man accused of lying on voter registration form in Berkeley Co.
WIWisconsin Democrats demand special elections
WYWyoming Public input wanted on election equipmentWyoming Sheridan Co. considers election equipment replacements
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