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Wednesday March 14, 2018
ALAlabama Technology to expedite Morgan voter check-in
AKAlaska Q&A: A reminder of how to vote-by-mail in AnchorageAlaska Vote-by-mail election begins
GAGeorgia Republican secretary of state candidates assert importance of race during forumGeorgia Bibb commissioners oppose spending money for special election
ILIllinois Coles Co. has new voting equipmentIllinois Early voters close to breaking record in Rock Island Co.Illinois Library to organize voting for kidsIllinois Chicago students march against gun violence-and to the pollsIllinois 3 candidates want to be next Tazewell Co. clerk
INIndiana Porter Co. elections are in new handsIndiana Lawson recommends technology, staffing upgrades to improve election security
KSKansas Researcher takes heat for study at heart of trialKansas Kobach witness can't support claim that illegal votes helped ClintonKansas Former deputy secretary of state running for top job
KYKentucky County clerk's office looking at new equipment
MNMinnesota Secretary of state talks importance of voting
MOMissouri Could voter interference happen in the Heartland?
NHNew Hampshire Nor'easter III wallops SeacoastNew Hampshire Van Ostern will challenge Gardner for secretary of stateNew Hampshire Incorrect ballots cause confusion in SalemNew Hampshire Snow excusesNew Hampshire Nor'easter leads to low voter turnout in SeabrookNew Hampshire Southern NH voters go to polls despite nor'easter
NMNew Mexico Two indicted in Espanola voter fraud case plead not guilty
NCNorth Carolina Battle over state elections board rages on
OHOhio Cincinnati teen not permitted to help students register to vote during walkout
OROregon Multnomah Co. accepts 1st non-binary candidate application
PAPennsylvania After power-switch problem, all machines at N. Strabane voting site running againPennsylvania Confused voters turned away from polling places during special electionPennsylvania Luzerne Co. council settles Piazza suit for $56KPennsylvania Voters confused about Congressional districts in special electionPennsylvania 3900 absentee ballots yet to be counted in special election
SDSouth Dakota SD secretary of state blocked from House race info
TXTexas Election fraud investigation expands with ballot requests from dead votersTexas Inconsistent results put mailed votes under Gregg official's eyeTexas 'I feel cheated': Lead vote-getter in Tarrant Co. race contemplates recountTexas Judge orders provisional ballot to be verified in Jones-Gray primary election
WIWisconsin Cyber test aims to protect Wisconsin election systems from hacking attemptsWisconsin Wisconsin to test voter system vulnerabilityWisconsin Elections commission to use electronic polling devices
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