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Thursday March 15, 2018
AKAlaska 198K ballots go out to Anchorage voters
ARArkansas Marion Co. switches to voting centers
CACalifornia State using social media site to boost voting
FLFlorida School's out for Election Day 2018 in PBC public schools
GAGeorgia Bill to replace electronic voting machines passes committeeGeorgia Groups threaten to stall Gwinnett's elections over voting rights suit
ILIllinois Hopefuls for Kane Co. clerk talk issues at League forumIllinois Voters to decide fate of Aurora election commissionIllinois DuPage to debut new election results systemIllinois Champaign Co. announces expansion for early voting locationsIllinois Election security: Illinois making sure primary votes aren't tampered with
KSKansas Federal trial continues on Kansas restrictions on voter registration
LALouisiana Schedler says he won't resign
MIMichigan Branch Co. updating election software
MNMinnesota Secretary of state stops in DLMinnesota What is ranked choice votingMinnesota Commission mum on ranked choice voting
NVNevada Las Vegas man indicted in 2016 voter fraud petition scheme
NHNew Hampshire Voter turnout affected by weather at some polling locationsNew Hampshire Nation's longest-serving secretary of state faces challengeNew Hampshire Salem ballot issue could lead to new election
NJNew Jersey Steve Chong becomes first Korean deputy clerk in Bergen Co.
NMNew Mexico Secretary of state wants straight-ticket voting
NCNorth Carolina Cooper agrees to appoint board of electionsNorth Carolina State, local boards of elections still in limbo
PAPennsylvania Allegheny Co. rejects claims of voting machine glitchesPennsylvania Pa. race shows need for US voting machine upgradesPennsylvania Pennsylvania's recount rulesPennsylvania Board: Elections judges have final say at polls
RIRhode Island In Smithfield, voter registration drive follows high-school walkoutRhode Island Advocates of early voting renew push for legislation
TNTennessee Election commission talks about possible delay in some votingTennessee Judge rules to keep Nashville election in August
TXTexas Senate election security committee chair: 'Everyone is looking at Gregg Co. Pct. 4'Texas Dallas Co. DA candidate considers asking for another recountTexas Provisional ballots released by county
VAVirginia Virginia to adopt new ballot guidelines after confusing 2017 electionsVirginia Albemarle supervisors OK changes to some voting precincts
WIWisconsin Watchdog: Haas ouster diminishes confidence in election resultsWisconsin Kaukauna audits Feb. 20 election after resident questions city clerk's involvement
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