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Friday March 23, 2018
National NewsNational News Congress puts $380M toward election securityNational News States will get at least $3M each to improve security under spending dealNational News Stalled election bill is reborn with support from SenateNational News HeadCount plans to register thousands of new voters during March for Our LivesNational News Senators introduced revised version of election cyber billNational News Territorial leaders argue denial of voting rights violates international law
AKAlaska State election officials seek help registering, informing voters in their Native languageAlaska Getting Alaska's smallest communities on the phone to vote
ARArkansas Election changes
COColorado Secretary of state pushes to educate voters ahead of new primary processColorado Grand jury investigating secretary of state Wayne Williams
CTConnecticut Connecticut beefs up election system security
DEDelaware Coons leads effort to include election security grants
FLFlorida Lee Co. using heightened cybersecurity to avoid foreign hacking during electionFlorida Lee elections office honors students for voting promotion artworkFlorida Broward students register to voteFlorida Alachua Co. supervisor of elections warns residents about letter
GAGeorgia New plan to replace voting machines moves forwardGeorgia Georgia Dems outraged over push to limit weekend voting
ILIllinois Finding enough election judgesIllinois Cook Co. assessor candidate cries foul over election
INIndiana Voting Center on campus open to publicIndiana Fountain Co. to implement vote centers
KSKansas Is Kansas making sure this year's elections are secure from meddling?
MEMaine Scarborough superintendent tries to halt high school students' voter registration drive
MAMassachusetts Galvin backs automatic voter registration
MIMichigan LWV preparing to 'promote the vote'
MNMinnesota House bill restoring Minnesota felons' voting rights faltersMinnesota Wait will go on for felons seeking return of voting rights
MOMissouri Is Missouri making sure this year's elections are secure from meddling?Missouri Election officials work to make Buchanan Co. 'hacker proof'
MTMontana Green Party primary ballot means big printing cost of counties
NHNew Hampshire AG to investigate how Effingham ballots disappeared
NJNew Jersey Millburn teen fighting to get 17-year-olds voting rights
NYNew York County executive puts pressure on lawmakers to fund voting reform
OHOhio McDonald appointed new Lake Co. elections board directorOhio Hancock Co. short on poll workers
PAPennsylvania Board won't pull voting from Butz ElementaryPennsylvania Parents and community petition to move polling place out of school
TNTennessee Some notices about registration did not come from Shelby Co. election commissionTennessee TN Supreme Court to decide Nashville special election date
VAVirginia Arlington Electoral Board sticks with same leadership team for 2018Virginia Two new polling places being added in Virginia BeachVirginia Virginia's BOE will explore ways to prevent last fall's problems
WAWashington State election officials address low voter turnout
WIWisconsin Advocates call for Green Bay to expand early votingWisconsin Judge orders Walker to hold special elections
WYWyoming Secretary of state's office celebrates women's suffrageWyoming Clerk's office considers new methods for elections
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