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March 24 - 26, 2018
National NewsNational News March For Our lives pushes to expand voter rolls across the country
AKAlaska Ballot Box Bash teaches Fairview about vote-by-mailAlaska Anchorage now votes by mail: Here's why
ARArkansas Judge orders Stu Soffer off state election commissionArkansas Election commission changes polling places in Jonesboro
CACalifornia Registrar of voters office plans manual tally for special election
COColorado Denver dog that's been dead 18 years receives voter registration formColorado During Katie Barr's tenure, Fremont Co. clerk's office implemented several changesColorado Secretary of state pushes to educate voters ahead of new primary process
CTConnecticut Omnibus has millions to strengthen CT voting system
GAGeorgia State investigating allegations of voter fraud in Blythe electionGeorgia Paulding election office mailing notices on new voting locations
ILIllinois DuPage County's voting snafuIllinois Judge seeks smooth transition following vote to eliminate Aurora Election CommissionIllinois Poll watchers caused concern on election dayIllinois County clerk on board with voting-center billIllinois Reflections with longtime Du Quoin election judges
INIndiana Elkhart Co. accepts applications for absentee voting by mailIndiana NAACP, voters ask federal judge to put hold on legislation that could hamper voters' rightsIndiana If you're a Purdue student, you can decide which county you want to vote in
IAIowa Secretary of state talks about 'voter ready' initiative
KSKansas Vote fraud crusader Kris Kobach takes his case to court
KYKentucky County clerk sets location for three polling places
MEMaine Superintendent says she didn't intend to infringe on students' rightsMaine Maine races to implement election overhaul before June vote
MDMaryland State bill allowing no-excuse absentee voting in municipal elections could soon pass
MAMassachusetts Hundreds register to vote at Boston's March for Our Lives
MIMichigan State's new election measures surprise officialsMichigan Polling locations change for precincts in SaginawMichigan Finalist pool for Grand Rapids city clerk shrinks ahead of public event
MNMinnesota Minnesota's elections chief gets 'secret' security clearance
MSMississippi Secretary of state reminds soldiers they can vote while deployed
MOMissouri County Clerk: State's new photo ID law shouldn't be problemMissouri Senate bill would phase out most electronic voting machines
NENebraska Polling locations on Lincoln Co. commissioner's agenda
NHNew Hampshire Second Dem plans to challenge secretary of state
NJNew Jersey NJ could make it easier to register to voteNew Jersey New Jersey mulling online voter registration
NMNew Mexico Straight party voting may return to New Mexico
NCNorth Carolina OC elections director says county voting machines are secureNorth Carolina Officials: City without early voting siteNorth Carolina Hookerton considers participating in election project
PAPennsylvania National GOP group drops lawsuit threat over Pa.'s special electionPennsylvania Why shouting broke out at Thursday's Northampton Co. election board meeting
TXTexas Official raises questions about Pct. 4 balloting
UTUtah Hackers penetrate voting machines used in 2016 election at SLC cybersecurity conference
VAVirginia After irregular ballot helped decide a House election, state aims to make ballot more clearVirginia How Va. college students can make sure their vote countsVirginia Fix promised for Va. DMV voter registration issuesVirginia Arlington satellite voting locations still dependent on funding, staffingVirginia New state elections commissioner wins applause in Arlington
WVWest Virginia Raleigh Co. schools honored for voter registration
WIWisconsin Chippewa Co. gears up for April electionWisconsin County Clerk: State's new photo ID law shouldn't be problemWisconsin City of Madison works to ensure your vote is counted
WYWyoming Ed Buchanan settling into secretary of state's office and planning re-election bid
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