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Tuesday March 27, 2018
National NewsNational News Despite cash from Congress, key election security issue may not get fixedNational News DHS hires former EAC chairman to tackle election securityNational News Thousands of new voters signed up during March for Our LivesNational News After GOP is criticized over election security, key official goes to DHS
AKAlaska New, accessible vote centers open in Anchorage
CACalifornia Solano supervisors set for review of election changes
COColorado Fremont Co. clerk and recorder back in court Wednesday
CTConnecticut Connecticut bolstering electoral cybersecurity infrastructureConnecticut Court: New city election needed due to ballot meddlingConnecticut Supreme Court defends 3rd Bridgeport primary
FLFlorida Supervisor of elections supports election bills signed by governor
GAGeorgia With paper ballot bill in doubt, Ga. lawmaker proposes voting tech studyGeorgia Opponents of Ga. voting bill say it aims to crush 'souls to the polls'
ILIllinois Security experts suggest blockchain technology to protect elections, dataIllinois Clerk gets court order to open ballot box in search of missing papers
KYKentucky Polling locations change in Daviess Co.
MDMaryland Election day voter registration to be on Maryland ballot
MAMassachusetts Automatic voter registration bill gets a boost
MIMichigan Macomb Co. clerk involved in 'incidents' Monday
MOMissouri Lawmaker pushing to end electronic voting
NENebraska Nebraska gets $2.3M in new federal aid for election security
NHNew Hampshire AG's office critical of Washington moderator's postponing voting day
NCNorth Carolina Pressure mounts to fortify election security
PAPennsylvania Wolf proposes voter registration, absentee ballot changesPennsylvania Governor introduces '21st Century Voting Reform Plan'Pennsylvania Butz Elementary parents to have vote in polling place debate
RIRhode Island Rhode Island officials, professors speak about election security
SDSouth Dakota Yankton restaurant doubles as polling place
TNTennessee 2 races omitted from ballots in 9 Knox Co. precincts
TXTexas Dallas Co. DA candidate says voter fraud cost her electionTexas UT Tyler students head into the community to improve Latino voter participation
UTUtah 'There's a sense of urgency': Utah's Rep. Stewart offers solutions to stop meddling in upcoming midtermsUtah Utah Co. moves away from vote-by-mail, contrary to some city officials' wishes
VAVirginia County to relocate several Leesburg voting precincts
WIWisconsin Elections commission approves supplemental poll books for spring electionWisconsin Senate to take up bill curtailing special electionsWisconsin Wisconsin to use supplemental poll books in April election
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