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Wednesday April 25, 2018
National NewsNational News Open letter urges states to spend election security funds wiselyNational News Experts: Switch off WiFi and ditch paperless voting machinesNational News DHS: No evidence of Russia targeting 2018 elections yet http://thehill.com/policy/cybersecurity/384585-homeland-security-official-says-likely-russia-targeted-more-than-21National News Senate panel to examine officials' election security efforts
AZArizona Delayed voter IDs won't impact special election, officials sayArizona Voting delayed at four polling sites in special election
ARArkansas Commissioners Court approves new voter records software for Angelina Co.Arkansas Polling places could be closed
CACalifornia Three vie for Sonoma Co. clerk-recorder-assessor and elections chiefCalifornia OC releases 2018 election security playbookCalifornia County prepares for June 5 election and so should you
COColorado Elections official hopes sign will leave 'U' wondering
FLFlorida Fearing court action, Scott calls emergency meeting of clemency boardFlorida Ex-Flagler elections chief left legacy of turmoil
HIHawaii State may experiment with all-mail voting on Kauai
ILIllinois Vendor to compensate DuPage for election night fiascoIllinois Local reaction to Illinois voter database legislationIllinois Proposal to get pre-trial detainees a chance to vote from jail passes House
INIndiana City to offer free bus service on election day
KSKansas 'Probably not worth arguing': Kobach legal team mistakenly files draft with note
MEMaine Secretary of state's office publishes ranked choice ballots
MDMaryland New BOE director prepares for primary
MIMichigan Candidates from both parties line up to replace Spranger
MNMinnesota St. Louis Park city council votes unanimously for ranked choice voting
MTMontana Election judges sought in Butte
NHNew Hampshire Senate committee recommends passage of voter residency requirement bill
NJNew Jersey Paterson mayoral candidates are concerned about potential voter fraud
NYNew York Former charter review chair resubmits FOIL request for vote recordsNew York Few problems cited during NY's special elections
PAPennsylvania Clearfield Commissioners: DOS' voting machine directive poses financial challenge
SCSouth Carolina Race, shouting and a sheriff's deputy: How this Richland Co. meeting lost control
TXTexas Supreme Court appears closely divided over Texas district mapsTexas To selfie, or not to selfie?
USVIUS Virgin Islands Judge hears challenge to elections board reform
VAVirginia Registrar assures votes are secure with new equipment
WAWashington Clatsop Co. voters' pamphlet map contains errors
WVWest Virginia New early voting sites in KanawhaWest Virginia Some new rules, and new locations for voters this election seasonWest Virginia Starting Wednesday, WV voters will need IDWest Virginia Early voting debuts Wednesday in five Kanawha communities
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