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Wednesday May 9, 2018
National NewsNational News All the voter ID laws in May primary states, explainedNational News Why it takes so long to get election night resultsNational News Russia tried to undermine confidence in voting system, senators say
AKAlaska No damage reported from partial breach of Alaska's election systemAlaska State in the market for new election system
AZArizona DOJ calls out Coconino Co. for polling place issues
ARArkansas Requirement encounters no defiance in Pulaski Co.
CACalifornia County elections process enters a new ageCalifornia All Sacramento Co. voters will get mail-in ballots under new systemCalifornia Easy access vote centers planned for 2020 in LA County
CTConnecticut House debates then tables voting rights bill
DEDelaware Officials lockdown Gallaher Elem. after threat, polling place closed
FLFlorida Felons' rights legal showdown set for July in Atlanta courtroomFlorida Amendment aims to restore rights to 1.5M ex-felons
GAGeorgia New Ga. voting system divides candidates for secretary of stateGeorgia Voter registration mistake goes unnoticed for 46 yearsGeorgia State probing voting problems in Atlanta mayor's race
ILIllinois Panel recommends lease for county clerk's office in downtown Aurora
INIndiana LCSC admin building newest county voting centerIndiana Harrison Presidential site offers free admission for primary votersIndiana Poll workers report higher turnout than expectedIndiana Voters in Clark Co. say iPad usage polls is working wellIndiana South Bend-area polling sites 'ready for voters'Indiana Southern Indiana poll workers ensure Democratic process worksIndiana No problems or glitches reported so far on primary dayIndiana A few problems reported Tuesday morning at Lake Co. pollsIndiana Ballot scanner mishap looms over Dearborn Co. electionsIndiana Early morning voting issues resolved for smooth election dayIndiana A few problems reported Tuesday morning at Lake Co. pollsIndiana Other than kerfuffle in CP, election day quiet and turnout a little 'disappointing'Indiana Clark Co. clerk 'surprised' by light turnoutIndiana New voting system a hit with voters and candidates alikeIndiana Clerk happy with vote center electionIndiana Shoving match among poll workers breaks out at Lake Co. Government Center
IAIowa Cybersecurity major topic for this year's election
KSKansas Mock election to showcase new voting equipmentKansas McClendon files to put name on ballot in secretary of state raceKansas County clerk seeks commission's OK for $677K in new election equipment
LALouisiana Tuesday marks last day in office for secretary of state
MEMaine Date set for GOP's ranked choice voting arguments
MIMichigan Changes to Michigan voting lawsMichigan No Jackson Public Schools apparel allowed at polling place, officials ay
MNMinnesota Little Canada makes 'changes' to pre-election day voting
MSMississippi Lauderdale Co. to use new voting machines in primary
MOMissouri Clark Co. BOE without phone service
NHNew Hampshire Judge suggests conflict of interest in hearing election law case, moves to recuse himself
NCNorth Carolina Minor voting problems reported in HalifaxNorth Carolina New voting machines could make elections more secureNorth Carolina New tools help Buncombe voters avoid long lines at the pollsNorth Carolina Voters urged to return after early-morning issuesNorth Carolina Shootout, school lockdown could mean extended voting hours in Franklin Co.North Carolina New voting machines could make elections more secureNorth Carolina Precinct extends voting hoursNorth Carolina Primary election draws typical turnout; no problems reportedNorth Carolina Polls close but 2 precincts stay openNorth Carolina Polling site hours extendedNorth Carolina Accident injures 4 at polling siteNorth Carolina Voting time not extended after shootout, lockdown in Franklin Co.
NDNorth Dakota Settlement talks scheduled in ND voter ID case
OHOhio Glitch fixed at west Toledo voting locationOhio Ohio elections chief: No major voting problems so farOhio Electronic poll books reduce time spent at the pollsOhio The little voters that couldOhio Early morning problems on election day in Highland Co.Ohio Ballots roll into Erie Co. BOEOhio Number of poll workers on the declineOhio Only minor glitches mar primary in Tuscarawas Co.Ohio Electronic poll books reduce time spent at the pollsOhio Oldest poll volunteer in Franklin Co. still working elections at 99
OKOklahoma State's High Court upholds voter ID law
PAPennsylvania Bradford Twp. residents remain disgruntled at poll site changes
SCSouth Carolina Anderson Co. in dire need of election day workers
TNTennessee Williamson commission delays certification of primary resultsTennessee Save IRV campaign aims to allow for instant runoff votingTennessee Washington Co. election commission 'unintentionally' violates election laws in county primary
VTVermont Condos files petition for re-election
WVWest Virginia Some WV independent voters get resistance at pollsWest Virginia Secretary of state's office: 'Isolated incidents' cause confusion at the polls for someWest Virginia Cabell struggles to find poll workers for primaryWest Virginia Fayette Co. upgrades voting systemWest Virginia Harrison Co. precincts see quick results from all electronic ballots
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