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Thursday May 17, 2018
National NewsNational News Google rolls out free cyberattack shield for elections and campaigns
ARArkansas Power outage affects early voting in Craighead Co.Arkansas Johnson Co. to buy new voting equipment
CACalifornia Court rules Santa Clara violated CA Voting Rights ActCalifornia Mail ballot voters asked to double-check election packetsCalifornia Nevada Co. elections office mails missing info to Grass Valley votersCalifornia Ranked choice voting will determine San Francisco's next mayorCalifornia Issue reported with San Diego mail ballotsCalifornia Bid to halt election fails
CTConnecticut League considers security of elections
FLFlorida Amid election cyber-threats, counties plead with state: Send moneyFlorida Alachua Co. SOE registers Hawthorne students to voteFlorida Lengthy voting lines not expected in Lee Co. despite long ballot
GAGeorgia Low voter turnout has election official rethinking second early voting location
IDIdaho Bad ballots had 2C counting votes past 3amIdaho Brown wins GOP primary despite confusion on ballot
IAIowa Attn. voters: New rules you need to know before primary dayIowa Clinton Co. offers "WhereUVote'
KYKentucky Beshear joins fight against voter suppression lawsKentucky Kentucky sees statewide shortage of election officers
LALouisiana Paroles felons may get their voting rights restoredLouisiana Lawmaker enters race to become La. secretary of state
MEMaine Judge rules ranked choice voting group can't intervene in suit to block itMaine Lewiston spreading the word on ranked choice voting
MDMaryland Five Towson-area polling places get additional ballot scannersMaryland College Park residents no longer need an excuse to vote absentee
MAMassachusetts How secure are Massachusetts voting systems?Massachusetts Somerville proposal would make voter registration more accessible
MIMichigan Haslett students host voter registration driveMichigan Clerk calls for an end to May elections
MNMinnesota Secretary of state calls for access to elections security fundsMinnesota Simon to lawmakers: We need help stopping Russian hackers--now
NENebraska More ballots cast early than on election day in Gage Co.Nebraska Election day workers keep busyNebraska Secretary of state disappointed by low voter turnoutNebraska No easy way to quickly count late-arriving early ballots left in drop boxesNebraska Gage Co. turnout exceeds one third of registered votersNebraska Voter turnout low, but Hall Co. sees more young voters
NVNevada New voting equipment for Mineral Co. introduced
NHNew Hampshire Preliminary results are in after Southampton voting machine went downNew Hampshire Woodburn asks GOP officials to look into voter database amendmentNew Hampshire Voting systems in fluxNew Hampshire Council votes to send questions on voting rights bill to Supreme CourtNew Hampshire Sununu says he'll likely sign voter residency bill if NH Supreme Court finds no issues
NYNew York Eldred election to be rescheduled because of stormNew York Group rallies for voting rights reform
OHOhio Miller retiring from BOE
OROregon Secretary of state reacts to low primary turnout
PAPennsylvania Flashlights, generators, paper ballots deployed for primariesPennsylvania Another primary election down fro Mercer Co.
RIRhode Island Council supports early voting bill
TXTexas Mayor wants to move city elections to NovemberTexas Altercation breaks out at Edinburg polling location
USVIUS Virgin Islands Elections board members appeal single-board decisionUS Virgin Islands BOE members appeal court ruling
WVWest Virginia Cabell canvass ready to begin; new voting machines eyed
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