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Friday August 3, 2018
National NewsNational News Russian threat 'is real,' Administration officials say, vowing to protect US electionsNational News Administration stresses its focus on election security amid criticismNational News How is the US fighting Russian election interference
AZArizona What you need to know about the Republican race for secretary of state
CACalifornia Prepare to vote on Android tabletsCalifornia Undocumented immigrants hesitant to exercise voting rights in SF
COColorado Agreement reached over botched barcoding
FLFlorida Activists push to restore Voting Rights Act provision that could curb voter suppression
GAGeorgia Polling place accessibility in August topic of upcoming round-tableGeorgia Ethical concerns over Ga. secretary of state app redirecting to Kemp campaign issue
ILIllinois Elections officials hear cybersecurity plan that doesn't address aging election machinesIllinois More than 20K have used Illinois' AVRIllinois Champaign Co. looks to invest in election securityIllinois Ogle Co. clerk attends election cybersecurity conference
INIndiana Republicans like the precincts changes Lawson proposesIndiana Secretary of state candidate blasts Lake Co. precinct plan
IAIowa Iowa Supreme Court will weigh in on early voting restrictionsIowa Democratic Secretary of State Nominee: Make voting accessible
KSKansas Software glitch is confusing voters in election for governorKansas Governor says Kobach should personally pay legal fees after trial over Kansas voter lawKansas Pence said Kansas county shut down its elections system after malware attack. But it didn't
KYKentucky Only one Pulaski precinct will get e-poll bookKentucky Daviess clerk's office will test e-poll books in fall election
MIMichigan New voting machine model makes debut in Tuesday's electionMichigan Detroit city clerk shows off new voting machinesMichigan Absentee voting surgesMichigan Lost in transportation: Voters not receiving absentee ballotsMichigan Clerk's office hopes to gather election results quicker
MNMinnesota Secretary of state candidate visits Duluth
MOMissouri Make every vote count
NJNew Jersey Cape May Co. BOE receives 2018 leadership award from Advisory Council of Rutgers Cooperative ExtensionNew Jersey Atlantic Co. election official accused of overtime scam
NCNorth Carolina Worried about the security of your vote? New technology may help ease your mindNorth Carolina State board sets meeting to decide early voting plan for Orange Co.
OHOhio BOE front door redesign setOhio Eight precincts consolidatedOhio Purged voters may vote in US House special election
OKOklahoma Bartlesville man accused of voter fraud
PAPennsylvania Voting machine with paper ballots tested by Luzerne Co.Pennsylvania Northampton Co. explores new voting machinesPennsylvania Polling place changed in East Brunswick Twp.
TNTennessee Voting runs smoothly in Shelby Co.Tennessee Rutherford Co.'s convenient voting centers paying off, poll workers sayTennessee Power outage doesn't stop votingTennessee Get an election text? How are they getting your number?Tennessee Rain doesn't stop Knox Co. votersTennessee Trousdale election office partners for better ballot securityTennessee Rutherford Co. sets early voting recordTennessee Sullivan Co. sees record turnout for August electionTennessee Hamilton Co. election day voter turnout steady despite rain, trafficTennessee Pair of county commission races end in tieTennessee Cheatham Co. election computers go down countywideTennessee 2018 primary election turnout higher than 2010, 14Tennessee Voting delays bring renewed call to replace antiquated equipment
TXTexas Wichita Co. nears securing new polling sitesTexas Local schools work to get eligible students registered to vote
VTVermont Vermont tweet goes viral
WIWisconsin Local polling stations to feature new systems
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