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Wednesday August 22, 2018
National NewsNational News Senators duel over audit requirements in election security billNational News States detail election-security plansNational News New bill would require paper ballots to secure election resultsNational News Democrats gear up for legal fights over voter suppression
Tech NewsTech News States ramp up election protection of midtermsTech News Majority of election security grants going toward cybersecurity, equipment upgradesTech News Fund meant to protect elections may be too little too late
AKAlaska Anchorage Hillside power outage leaves some residents voting in the darkAlaska Questioned ballots to be counted after in-person votes
AZArizona 70 years of working elections
CACalifornia Local election watchdog group catches Carlotta ballot counting glitchCalifornia State certifies LA County's new open-sources vote tally system
FLFlorida FBI, DHS chiefs unaware of 'new or ongoing' election hacks in Fla.Florida Election official: Bilingual ballots in 32 counties is 'recipe for disaster'Florida 1.5M Floridians can't voteFlorida Indian River Co. changes three polling sites
GAGeorgia Voters tell judge that switching Ga. to paper ballots is necessaryGeorgia Backlash erupts over poll-closing planGeorgia County is looking for new elections supervisor
IDIdaho Idaho gets $3.2M in grant money for election security
ILIllinois Rauner vetoes plan to inform incarcerated voters of their rights
INIndiana Secretary of state takes election security seriouslyIndiana Indiana uses federal grant to upgrade election security, but is it enough?Indiana Clerk's office: We do keep paper ballotsIndiana Hill enduring backlash in voting lawsuits
IAIowa Iowa adds tribal IDs as approved voter IDIowa Iowa lands $4.6M for improvements to voting, election securityIowa Pottawattamie Co. auditor's office elections division back in courthouse
KYKentucky KY to get millions of dollars for improved election securityKentucky Elections board affirms policy against posting write-in list
LALouisiana La. confronts sticker shock for new voting machines
MDMaryland Federal team in Md. evaluating election system
MAMassachusetts Galvin vs. Zakim is a feisty campaign for secretary of state
MIMichigan Democratic nominee Benson outlines election security planMichigan Students at MI colleges encouraged to register to vote at SOS mobile officeMichigan Oakland Co. committee investigating ballot shortage
MTMontana Montana gets $3M from feds to strengthen election security
NENebraska State will get $3.5M to improve election systems
NVNevada Nevada targets $4.3M in US grants to safeguard voter rolls
NMNew Mexico NM gets $3.7M to tighten election security
NYNew York Election protection in New YorkNew York State will provide cybersecurity resources to counties
NCNorth Carolina Three-judge panel pulls two amendments from NC ballots
RIRhode Island RI uses $3M in federal funds for election security
TNTennessee If you liked waiting in August, you're going to love NovemberTennessee Mold concerns could end voting at Frayser community center
TXTexas Victoria Co. elections administrator to receive recognitionTexas Early voting location divides council
UTUtah Utah gets $1.4M in grant money to fortify election systems
VTVermont Secretary of state helps detail HAVA funding distributed to states
WVWest Virginia Doddridge Co. clerk's office trains to use new voting machinesWest Virginia Secretary of state's office hits 100K removals in voter registration clean-up
WIWisconsin County's new election machines far from perfect
WYWyoming Voting reported running well despite glitchWyoming No problems reported with Wyoming primary votingWyoming Poll workers describe Natrona Co. primary voting as 'steady'
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