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Tuesday September 18, 2018
National NewsNational News 5 states will vote without paper ballotsNational News Yarah Shaidi and Jimmy Fallon encourage voting with Schoolhouse Rock-inspired videoNational News The over looked link in election securityNational News Media-backed organization behind the 'I Am A Voter' campaign reveals upcoming initiatives
ALAlabama Voter information available on secretary of state website
CACalifornia Placer Co. gears up for Nov. 6 electionCalifornia Lawsuit claims potential voters stuck in naturalization limboCalifornia Brown signs Every Vote Counts Act into law
DEDelaware Delaware's first new voting machines in decades are on their way
FLFlorida Duval SOE to city council: There will be early voting at UNF, EWCFlorida Forgotten rule bars LWV from registering students in Brevard schoolsFlorida UCF identifies early voting site for NovemberFlorida Clerk announces his retirementFlorida Lakeland Commission declines to support voting rights restoration amendmentFlorida Mailers shaming voters make the rounds in Seminole Co.Florida Lake City election in question after candidate files complaint
GAGeorgia Federal judge denies motion to force Ga. to adopt paper ballots for midtermsGeorgia Fayette County maintains election securityGeorgia Federal Judge rejects paper ballots for 2018 electionGeorgia Greeting Voters: WASCO clients trained as Election Day volunteers
ILIllinois Local officials emphasize training for cyberattacksIllinois What Illinois has learned about election security since 2016
INIndiana Call for poll workers as vote center decision looms
KSKansas Kansas spends millions on election security
KYKentucky Kentucky AG investigating Boyd Co. election complaintKentucky Murray High, Poplar Springs precincts to get e-poll books
MEMaine Dunlap: Election preparations continue
MAMassachusetts Primary turnout exceeded 1MMassachusetts Fans of ranked-choice voting see an opportunity in Mass.
MIMichigan Oronoko Twp. clerk challenges voter registration processMichigan Secretary of state candidate speaks out agains same day registrationMichigan Lack of straight-party voting option predicted to confuse absentee ballot voters
NVNevada Voter registration drives in Nevada may become a thing of the past
NYNew York North Park Annex designated as a polling place
NCNorth Carolina Subpoena of election records challengedNorth Carolina Hurricane Florence could have impact on November election
OHOhio Ohio to pay for new Washington Co. voting machinesOhio Zip code error returns elections mail to sender
TNTennessee Group focused on improving black turnout statewide
TXTexas Electronic voting machines may favor candidates on the ballot over write-insTexas Final Step: Judge dismisses voter ID suitTexas Starr Co. agrees to $55K settlement
VAVirginia Loudoun Co. plans improved tracking of absentee ballotsVirginia Fairfax Co. ballot escape Florence flooding
WVWest Virginia Ex-secretary of state employees settle wrongful termination suitWest Virginia Morgan Co. man arrested for illegally voting in two statesWest Virginia 'Redshoes' name causes WV Supreme Court ballot issue
WIWisconsin Elections commission hires election security staff
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