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Thursday November 15, 2018
National NewsNational News 'Donde votar' or 'where to vote' in Spanish was the top Google search term during US midterm electionsNational News President claims people vote illegally by changing their clothes
ALAlabama Voter registration through the DMV can be an imperfect process
AZArizona Hobbs maintains lead as vote count drags onArizona Hobbs slowly grows lead in secretary of state raceArizona Ex-election official speaks about counting mail-in ballotsArizona GOP lawmakers eyeing election law changes
CACalifornia Missing absentee ballots cause confusionCalifornia San Diego Co. is still counting ballots one week after electionCalifornia Community meetings will be held across the region to get feed back fro 2020 vote centers
COColorado Newcomer Jena Griswold plans a fast start as next secretary of state
CTConnecticut Voting precincts to be randomly selected for auditsConnecticut Somers Clerk: Clerical error led to ballot question miscountConnecticut Another post-election recount added to Connecticut's list
FLFlorida Collier recount nears end; manual recount expected for county judge raceFlorida New lawsuits may extend recount deadline as Broward finally begins processFlorida Florida Election: A guide to who is suing whoFlorida Judge to spend evening in court deciding election lawsuitsFlorida Voters received altered mail-in ballot forms in at least four countiesFlorida Judge Mark Walker is at the center of Florida recount legal fightFlorida Judge rules in Scott's favor in Hillsborough Co.Florida Florida officials flag a possible violation of election laws by state DemsFlorida PBC Supervisor of elections says they're in 'prayer mode' to get recount done in timeFlorida Nelson sues over hurricane victims fax, email votingFlorida Canvassing board asked to make sure military provisionals ballots weren't left uncountedFlorida Discrediting the recount process takes advantage of voters' lack of understandingFlorida End to Lee Co. recount in sightFlorida PBC recount further behind after machine malfunctionFlorida Lawsuit seeks to ensure ballot images are savedFlorida Election supervisor target of online harassmentFlorida Manual recount a possibility in Indian River Co.Florida Lake Park mayor wants voter lists checkedFlorida Broward Co. elections supervisor says invalid ballots 'were never counted'Florida After intercepting 'spooky ballot', Leon Co. gets through recount
GAGeorgia Muscogee Co. board rejects majority of provisional ballotsGeorgia Augusta area election officials confident in vote talliesGeorgia Elections board hires chief clerkGeorgia Athens elections board missed submission deadlineGeorgia Absentee ballots missing birthdates must be counted, judge ordersGeorgia In unsettled Ga. race, judge mandates more ballots be counted
ILIllinois Voters throughout Winnebago Co. want one election authority...now what?
INIndiana Count election officials to determine fate of eight provisional ballots on FridayIndiana City officials are working on issues post election
IAIowa Should Iowa restore voting rights to 52K felons? Advisory board says yesIowa Votes audited and canvassed in Mahaska Co.Iowa Parrott reflects on Election Day work at supervisors meeting
KYKentucky 6-vote margin leads to recanvass in race for Ky. HouseKentucky Two county races to be recanvassed
LALouisiana Webster clerk of court says voting 'not halted' on Election DayLouisiana Republicans back Ardoin who says 'radicals' threaten elections
MEMaine Judge hears arguments in ranked balloting lawsuitMaine Judge aims to announce fate of ranked-choice on ThursdayMaine Secretary of state answers your questions about ranked choice voting
MAMassachusetts Somerville considers expansion of voting rights to teenagers, non-citizens
MIMichigan MSP saves little girl choking at polling site on Election DayMichigan Deadlocked Niles City Council election determined by draw out of hat
MNMinnesota A Maplewood City Council election was determined by coin toss. But wait...it's not over yetMinnesota Campus early voting center contributes to student turnout in midterms
MTMontana Nearly all of Missoula's provisional ballots were counted in final results
NVNevada Secretary of state says no credible reports of voter fraud in NevadaNevada Washoe Co. reports largest midterm turnout ever
NHNew Hampshire Three candidates vying in New Hampshire's unique secretary of state raceNew Hampshire Ready for recounts: Two local House district races to be tallied againNew Hampshire NH House Dems expected to take non-binding vote for secretary of state
NJNew Jersey Ocean Co. board of elections meets on Kim-MacArthur race
NMNew Mexico Court urged to halt closed primariesNew Mexico Herrell asks court to impound absentee ballots in Dona Ana
NYNew York Broome Co. BOE begins counting absentee ballotsNew York Over 1K ballot scanners went unused on Election Day in NYC
NCNorth Carolina 35,550 voters used provisional ballots, but many of their votes won't count
NDNorth Dakota Recount set in county race
OHOhio Incoming secretary of state defends controversial choice for transition teamOhio Poll sign issue has board of elections mulling changes
PAPennsylvania York Co. woman joins ACLU lawsuit over Pa. absentee ballot deadlinePennsylvania County vendor probing problems with some e-poll booksPennsylvania Ingham police report says election judge had 'odor of alcohol'
RIRhode Island Gorbea delays release of voter database infoRhode Island A week after election, state finds that one person did vote in tiny precinct
SCSouth Carolina Pickens school board member calling for new election citing problems with voting machinesSouth Carolina Should South Carolina ditch outdated voting machines
TNTennessee Election commission wraps up election season
TXTexas Ballots finally recovered from Williamson Co. voting machineTexas Cameron co. to recount 20 uncounted ballots
USVIUS Virgin Islands Walker seeks order to stop registrationUS Virgin Islands Court stops voter registration ahead of runoffUS Virgin Islands Court blocks new voter registrations before Nov. 20 runoff electionUS Virgin Islands Shakima Jones leads write-in race for Elections Board
UTUtah Love's campaign files suit to halt ballot counting in Salt Lake Co.
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